Friday, October 16, 2015

"A Thought Inspired By The Moon"

A picture of the half-moon tonight at 9:00 p.m. turned out to look like several half-moons. The eye saw three, but not this many. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This shot almost looks like a man's face with a baseball cap on backwards. So much for half-moons. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Tonight at 9:00 p.m. I noticed a double half-moon in the low western sky. Sometimes I could see three half-moons. I thought it interesting enough to take a picture. In the process of doing that I got all kinds of different shapes of the half-moon. I have posted two. I just have to take notice when I see a bright moon in the sky. I know that actually it is God looking over us. He is the light of the world both day and night. If we will trust Him we will never walk in darkness. We, His children have our times of fear and weakness, but He is always there quickly to encourage us. I remember when I was a young girl living in the country. A few times when I and my brothers got off the school bus mom and dad would not be home. That was fine until it began to get dark, then fear would start to mount up. In those days there was no telephones or no electricity at most farm houses. When we kids would finally see our parents turning in the long driveway we would shout for joy. Then I had to listen to my brothers brag about not being afraid at all. It was never real dark when the parents arrived, but we, being children didn’t know if they would even be home all night, because we knew accidents did happen. I know that my Heavenly Father is even more concerned about me than my earthly parents were, but the child-like fear seems to follow us all our lives. I am glad for that, because I never want to not be afraid of getting too far away from God.

There are times in our lives when we wonder if things will ever get better. I guess I am trying to ask does it ever get to where we won’t have to worry or fear anymore. I am made to believe as long as we have a good mind we will have to worry. Not that God want’s it to be that way, but because we are in the flesh. And with so many people time causes more and more worry. Finally the life has to give into defeat, and lay it down. Like a child who does not want to go to bed, we often fight the thought of giving our life up. To put it mildly, life can be so cruel, and we still want to live on.

I am thankful that I am still able to trust God, and He never fails me, but I, like my Savior Jesus Christ, must bear many crosses before I can enter into eternal rest. How great our God is, and how good it is to be present with fellow Christians who believe like I do. There is where the strength comes in. I don’t want to be a loner. I want to be among the God fearing, believing, and Spirit filled Christians.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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