Sunday, October 25, 2015

"What Is A Fool"

The jet can be seen at the bottom of the smoke trail. So interesting to me. 10-25-2015 Perryton, Texas
Two jets can be seen here flying close together. No smoke, but flying lower than the other one. 10-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

While enjoying a beautiful sunny day in my backyard this afternoon, I was lucky enough to see within minutes three jets flying over. The first jet was plainly visible just a short distance from the trail of smoke coming from it. The second two jets were flying very close together with no visible smoke at all. The speed had to be great, because I was moving my camera fast trying to get them focused in. Boom! Within seconds they were gone. I enjoy watching these super transportation air planes move gracefully across the sky. Some may have as many as two to three hundred passengers on them. Others may have tons of freight. I often wonder what will be the next major invention to rapture people to the moon, or if the moon will ever be human livable. I believe the realm that I’m living in will be a joke to my great-great-great grandchildren. I thank God that He mostly has let people live a hundred years or less, in this time and age. It will always be a big question what eternity will be like. I have settled to the notion of living life one day at a time, and loving every minute of it. Today is mine, but tomorrow may not be mine. Like a young child looking for a playmate, I am looking for a Christian get-together where everyone is happy and free. If anyone knows of such a place please let me know. Its been too long since I belonged to such a fellowship. I have been living for a long time on precious memories. Once again I would like some reality. A false, spiritual movement has dominated our pews for too long. As you might say, the pulpit has been the beginning of this non-sense religion. How sad to see those persons whom think they are the true Christian when others see them as religious fanatics who are totally out of touch with God. Even the punishment God places on them don’t change their twisted beliefs. My description of such, Christian covetous, (what a shame to write those words,) is jealousy, boastfulness, pride, deceivers, self-righteousness, and highly egotistic. So much so that they never slow down long enough to ask God if there could be in wrong doing in their life. God has to tell them in ways they didn’t ask for. Some people just don’t want to give up their egotistic pleasures, no matter how bad they must treat others to keep it. There could be no greater fools than this. If only they would pull off their old rotten garments, and put on some new, they could be healed and be able to do great things for God. But if the fool wants to continue to live in their folly, they will forever be looked upon as fools who are unforgiving for their mistakes. They definitely need to correct them before its too late. Some mistakes can only be corrected by admitting you have made them, and apologizing to any who may still be waiting to hear it. Sometimes showing it can be better than speaking it.

God Bless
Jean Sharp

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