Sunday, October 4, 2015

"A Shocking Discovery"

             This is the pile of old asparagus I cut down 3 weeks ago. 10-4-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Today, 3 weeks later this is the new growth. 3 and 4 feet tell. wasn't suppose to come back up till next spring. 10-4-2015 Perryton, Texas

As I have said before three weeks ago I decided it was time to cut the asparagus plants even with the ground and get them ready for winter. I wanted to wait until it frosted before I covered the bed with mulch, but while I was waiting a big surprise knocked me for a loop. I looked out my kitchen window while washing dishes one week after I had leveled the plants to the ground. I thought I saw asparagus plants 3 feet tall. I quickly went out to investigate, and sure enough the plants had sprung up 3 and 4 feet tall. There was a thick patch of them. Chuck, Rick, and myself were stunned at the growth. We just couldn’t believe our eyes. Today has been 3 weeks since I cut the plants back, and you can see for yourself that they have grown to 7 feet tall, and very thick. I’m sure it was new plants that came up, but where did they come from? These plants grew an average of 6 inches a day. Unbelievable! This is the fifth year since I planted them. I had read that it took nine years for asparagus to be of any shape to eat, but mine didn’t take half that long. I am well pleased with the product from these plants, but more anxious to see what they will do next spring.

I enjoyed church services today. A sermon that you never hear preached on anymore was tackled by our minister. The scripture text was Mark 10:2-16. The subject was divorce. I guess it was just a coincidence, but that was the same chapter I read last night before I went to bed. I am just reading the book of Mark. Divorce is almost a forgotten word anymore since so many people no longer get married. Time has changed everything about marriage, and even our freedom of religion. If we ever have to live under the laws that Moses wrote, I think many will be praying that hasn’t ever prayed before. Without mentioning any religion, I think most people will recognize my concern. There is a fast moving religion that does not believe in Jesus Christ, and tries to force the old testament laws on people. It was just demonstrated this past week at the Oregon  College shooting. The shooter asked every one of the victims if they were a Christian before he shot them. If they said yes he shot them in the head. If they said no, or nothing, he shot them in the leg. I do believe that most people fail to realize just how bad our county is fastly getting. My dad used to tell me that ignorance was no excuse in God’s plan when people made terrible mistakes. Now that I am older I have to agree with that. Those who turn a deaf ear to the truth concerning the right thing to do, cannot be excused when they are proven wrong. It’s all in the book, and if they choose not to read or not to listen to respected ministers, then they cannot be called ignorant, but rather children of disobedience. They must bear their punishment. Are you listening yet?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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