Monday, October 26, 2015

"Love That Never Quits Loving"

This picture shows a perfect plane in front of the smoke. Double click to see the wings and nose. 10-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This picture is after the jet passed over my head and was going away from me. The first on was while it was coming toward me. Both pics are clearly showing the entire plane. 10-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Some more interesting sky-watching took place this afternoon. I can’t believe so many jets are flying over my head every day. It must be a busy world all around the globe. I am so thankful to have a speck to call home where I can feel safe and secure. Busy can stay away from me. I am enjoying my turtle-crawl with just sticking my head out once in awhile. My crawling space covers a small town area with population about 8,000. Busy has made this city a very nice place to live. But busy is also crawling slowly now. Enough is enough for some common, every-day, folks.

Today has been a day where I barely stuck my head out. I have been so lonely after having such a busy week-end with my son from Abilene. I wished him Godspeed when he left yesterday afternoon, but I did hate to see him leave. However, I would not have wanted him to stay away from the sweet wife, two children, lovely home, and management of the economic development department of a large city which he fills. With all of these responsibilities he still has time to care for me. Why was God so good to me? Tomorrow I will be crawling out to take over my own duties as an artist and writer. These closed-up days don’t come often. I usually am trying to think of some way to slow down when it starts to get bed time. I did have to go and pay a bill today then  get a tag for my car, only because it was a must.

The sun is starting to sink now. A long night awaits me and I feel like tomorrow should start now. I guess that’s normal when one has goofed off most of the day. I will make up for it tomorrow. In the mean time I know I need bed rest and sound sleeping. “Spank me Lord, and put me to bed.” I have discovered on the days when one is feeling low, is the time when Satan really tries to attack you. He tells lies as long as you will listen to them. After the first few words I don’t listen anymore, but those few words found an lasting place in my memory cells. Tomorrow they will automatically be deleted. That’s why I am anxious for tomorrow. Another day, another jet, will carry my blues away. My memories will all be of good things, and the bad will have to wait for another time. I am almost already feeling the ‘tomorrow morning’ when I love to drink my three cups of coffee, and watch the early morning news. I am at the best of my attention span as God directs me as to what to expect in the future. I know without a doubt He is directing my path. I no longer feel lost as the day goes by. He starts to fill my empty coffee cup with joy and happiness. After three cups of that I am on my way to a great, and satisfying day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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