Sunday, October 18, 2015

"Happy Are Those Who Praise His Name"

This morning at 9:30 a.m. the sun was one big joy to behold. 10-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The master of the earth. The light of the world. The Son, and His sunshine. 10-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. I stepped out in my front yard to see this unbelievable sun. I had to put my sun glasses on to even get the camera close to this bright sky scene. I was shouting the victory, declaring defeat over all evil in the world. Please join me in claiming the promise God gave us in the bible. 2 Chronicles 20:15.  And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be ye not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; FOR THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS, BUT GODS.

I challenge each and every one of you this next week to not be afraid nor dismayed. If your heart is right, God will fight your battles. I had a big battle this past week to deal with, but I look back now and ask myself, why was I feeling defeated? I knew the battle was God’s. But somehow we think, “well I guess its time for me to quit. I didn’t realize I was so weak to believe I was becoming master of everything I had been robbed of.” That thought was directly from Satan. I had begun to feel somewhat victorious by the end of the week, but that same old Satan would still attack me and try to make me doubt again. He would say, “don’t be fooled, the battle is not over.” Then when I saw this enormous sun with all its arms reaching out every direction this morning, I knew I was still going to be a winner. I don’t expect to be a “Little David who slew the giant, but neither do I want to continue to fight giants such as David did all his life. I just want to be a child walking beside it’s father every day knowing that he will protect me from all evil.

No one on earth is exempted from harsh criticism, but a winner will stay in the game as long as they really want to win. The game is not over till it’s over. There’s always another one to play. I have never been knocked out. Wounded, but not disabled. As long as I hold my Father’s hand, I’m not afraid of anyone. His will for my life is my only desire. His mercy and goodness will always be with me. I am not afraid to speak my convictions. I will always challenge you with them. Not that I don’t believe in your convictions, but you must let me believe in mine. Because someone tells me I am not worthy, doesn’t make it so, but they must remember they themselves are not worthy neither. Not that anyone has told me that, but some have tried to make me feel as such I believe.  We all get more than we deserve in life. Satan has always used people to speak for him, and I can usually recognize his face. “Be of good cheer, Dreary is just momentarily.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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