Saturday, October 17, 2015

"From Rest To Breast"

The morning glories have opened up for the evening. Its close to sundown so they will close up soon. 10-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.
        A rose bush is still looking pretty these days way into fall. 10-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

The sun is lowering in the west, but I still have blooming flowers that make me happy. This is the seventh of October, but it is still nice and warm in Perryton, Texas. I am blessed to have a lovely selection of flowers still blooming.  How nice it was to sit out in my backyard for awhile this late afternoon while I investigated the sky, the flower garden, and the butterflies. I only saw two or three birds the whole hour I was out there. The large congregation of birds that I enjoyed all summer have found a better place to call home it seems. I did see a plane so high in the clear sky till it looked like a fly speck, but it was so far away, and moving so fast I couldn’t get it focused in my camera. It was not a jet because there was no smoke trailing it. And there was no sound. I just noticed this tiny speck moving across the sky very fast. I watched it till it completely disappeared, which must have been several miles.

I have finished my schedule for today except for eating a light supper and watching the latest news. I spent a good while painting on the portrait of Melania Trump. She is such a gorgeous lady, and I hope I can convey it on canvas. Her husband, Donald Trump is now hanging at the Senior Citizens Center, but I will not be able to hang Melania’s portrait beside him because some of the members of the Center think too mush of her breast are exposed. I used to be that modest, but somehow I see things differently now. If a mother can breast feed her baby in public places what is the difference in not nursing one, The model Melania is, does not show all of her breast. I will not judge a person for being their self as long as it is not provoking. It’s strange how I can apply this to certain people. Not every woman would I condone partial breast exposure. I believe it has something to do with the personality. I have found myself in hot water before when trying to explain a complex situation. I just don’t believe that black is always black, nor white always white. I feel like gray can be created by using both colors. It took me a lot of years in life to decide that some things are just not 100 percent wrong. I have been made to believe that God does not deal with everyone the same way. The person who believes in God has the right to speak to Him personally. We the non-perfect one, should stay out of that  person’s business. Of course there are many ways of looking at lust, but the bottom line is everyone is responsible for their own sin. Hats off to those who are given the responsibility of maintaining respect in the community. it’s a tough job, and covers a lot of territory. May the Lord be with us all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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