Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"It Is Very Dark Outside Today"

Rain clouds look great. We have already had over an inch. Now 30 minutes after this picture was taken its completely dark. 10-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Perryton, Texas is getting rain today. We have received an inch last night and already today. It is suppose to rain through tomorrow. So thankful for every drop we get. The dead grass is already looking better.

I enjoyed a nice time at The Center today. I got to sit with two friends who don’t come very often. I also met the new hospital administrator. He sat beside me which was the only vacant chair at our table. He seems to be a very nice person, and I hope Perryton treats he and his family well. Today was our annual membership meeting. Five new members were elected to the board. We have a total of twelve members. The annual report sounded good, and we look forward to even a better year this next term. The Center has 174 paying members. There are lots of people who come to eat with us who are not members. That’s because the food and fellowship is so nice. The building was built in 1982, and has grown in membership every year since. For a small town, that is an outstanding record for Senior Citizens.

I must say something about the condition our world is in at this time. I believe everyone would agree that evil is at the highest level, world-wide, than it has ever been since America was discovered. I pray that everyone will accept that fact, and turn their live over to God for whatever He chooses to do with it. I would rather do that than fight with flesh and blood. I do believe God does have a leader who can put the evil on the run, but our job is to respectfully put that leader in place. It can be done, because God has told us in His word that He would never leave nor forsake us. The Spirit of God is all powerful, and will fight the battle for us. Many innocent human beings have suffered an horrible death, both young and old. It makes us want to ask God why, but we know we cannot do that. We can join forces with our prayers, and wait upon the Lord to direct our path. My life is in God’s hands, and I have to trust Him with it. Prayer is the greatest weapon we could possible have. Let us all use it to the fullest. If we fail to recognize God’s voice when He speaks to us about the path He wants us to follow, then we will suffer along with the multitude of others who waited too late to call upon his name. They can be identified as too unconcerned for too long. God’s mercy will not be with them. If I sound troubled, I am. Far too many people are out of touch with God, and will not make the right choices when fighting for the right leader with their prayers. They only can say, “Thou will be done.” It is going to take a direct request for God to answer their prayer. No guessing about it. Now is the time to take a stand.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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