Saturday, October 10, 2015

"I See A Mighty Sign Of Disaster"

A long streak of light or smoke from a jet above the sun, made for an interesting sight this afternoon. It kinda looks like a large plane with wings showing. 10-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This is the streak without the sun. Some people call these streaks chemicals that environmentalist  are letting go from planes, and other such aircraft, in an attempt  to cool global warming. I say its all a political trick to confuse people. 10-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This day has been very pleasant to deal with. The weather is ideal for sitting out and enjoying the bright sun with all the other exposures the sky sometimes produces. Today, as well as many other days, I watched a movie running in the sky. Streaks of white slowly moved across the sky while the width varied from narrow to broad, then to catch up with the sun. I made this picture just as a streak was passing over the sun. It looked so exciting as the sun appeared to have long wings on either side. So extremely bright was that sun I had to guess at the focus window of the camera while I snapped the picture. I managed to get a good shot after several attempts. Then I watched the smoke of a jet till it finally disappeared. We are hearing that global warming experts are letting go of all sorts of chemicals in the air in order to keep the planet from over-heating. Some have told me the long trails of white smoke I see so often is nothing less than the chemicals that are being used to keep us safe, but instead I hear also, that it is causing a lot of sickness among the people here on earth. Whatever it really is I am sure it will always be there as long as there is an earth. I am thankful that I have not yet seen a missile or a bomb coming at me. Millions of God’s people cannot say that. We in America may not be able to declare that much longer. All I want to say about that is we should be in an attitude of prayer twenty-four hours of every day. We can laugh and enjoy ourselves, and still be in an attitude of prayer. Fear does nothing but rob us of our victory that God has promised us. I do want very much to share my blessings with others. I am proud to say that I have been given the ability to defend myself when I am assaulted; however, I do not use it often because God has told us if we seek revenge from others, we already have our reward. Only when I feel like I am being useful in some important way do I hit back. I believe God expects that from us. I do have spiritual strength, and I will always use it when I feel it necessary. I love the scripture, James 1:5. If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God. We do not have to be in doubt about what we do. God’s wisdom will always kick in for us. Sometimes I think I have waiting a long time to  get the desire of my heart fulfilled, but I have to trust God that everything I want is not what I really need. I can do without some of my own desires even though I am human, and am tempted to go after them anyway. If its not best for me, then by God’s grace I will leave it alone. God help me not to complain.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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