Saturday, October 31, 2015

"Put Your Name In The Drawing"

        Sometimes the sun can be beautiful shinning between tree limbs. 10-31-2015 Perryton, Texas
Dead limbs caught the sun this time. I will trim the tree next spring. 10-31-2014 Perryton, Texas.

Here in Perryton, Texas it rained almost all day yesterday, but today the sun couldn’t be any brighter. It’s just a lovely day to think positive. That’s what sunshine does for me. Its like looking through a telescope. Everything looks closer, brighter, and more beautiful. My attitude changes completely when the sun is shinning so bright that I can’t even see it without putting on dark shades. Everything that looked ugly yesterday looks so much prettier today. I am thankful for the rain we got, but it kept me inside all day. Now I can see the results of all that wonderful rain. The ground is wet, and the weeds have started growing again, but that’s alright. The moisture is in the ground.

The sun doesn’t stop bad things from happening. I heard on the news this morning where  a Russian plane had crashed killing all 248 people on board. I started to crawl back in my shell, but then I knew I must learn to defend myself when Satan puts these terrible things in my sight. I have to accept them as being part of God’s plan even though I don’t understand. I will have to battle with this terrible thought off and on all day, or until another just as bad, or worse, happens. If sometimes people think we are not caring enough when these bad things happen, like maybe going to a happy place of entertainment, or declaring victory on our blog, Its just that we are fighting off depression. And fight we must if we stay well and strong. The bible tells us there is a time and season for all things. Ecclesiastes 3:1. We must weep before we laugh. Oh! for the joy of knowing we can laugh again after we have cried for so long. The pain never completely vanishes, but the laughter will come in spite of it, if we claim God’s promises.

I am sitting here this Saturday afternoon in my little unimportant home to anyone but me. You may be sitting in your little place of abode also, but because we are such small specks of dust doesn’t mean we cannot move mountains with our prayers. Let us all agree that our national leaders need prayer now more than ever before. Therefore we need to pray in a very sincere way for God to bless the right ones who can save us from total destruction. Without God’s will be done, there is no hope for America.  My prayer may not be the one to touch God, but I am going to pray like it might be. It only takes one prayer out of millions to be the one that counts. If I can explain even better, we may never know if our prayer made a difference, but by faith I believe it does. We all should have that kind of faith, and give God our best attention.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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