Thursday, October 29, 2015

"Straight Ahead Don't Turn Back"

The little deer in my flower bed looks lonesome since the flowers all left it. Hurry up spring and come back. 10-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Enjoying a nice sunshine day, but just a little cool. Lots of white clouds overhead beneath a clear blue sky. There are too many clouds to see the jets today as they pass over. We haven’t had a frost yet, but the leaves are turning different colors daily. I have to say they are beautiful just like the flowers were. Peace and tranquility always awaits me to come outside and join them. I pray it never ends. I need this short time of relaxation every day. I can say a quite prayer of thankfulness, and be ready to deal with the rest of the day. Several dear friends are either in hospice or hospital recovery at this time. My heart just keeps on grieving for my losses. I guess I am selfish, because I never want to give up my loved ones. I know they are entering that place of perfect peace and rest, but I have to stay and miss them a lot.

I will be posting the portrait of Melania Trump tomorrow. She is a beautiful lady, and I hope she will be our First Lady before long. The portrait I have chosen to paint of her is sexy, but she is a model and that goes with her profession. She no longer models, but the talent is still in her. I plan to do another portrait of her soon that will be a later pose of her. She is still beautiful, but slightly less sexy. The picture is a perfect exposure of, “classic style.” How I admire the grace and humbleness she offers in her personality. Again I am thankful for the appreciation I have been afforded for human male and female masculinity and beauty. I count it as a God given gift. I am now working on a gorgeous sunrise that I took a picture of myself. It almost takes my breath when I look at it, but I am not sure what it will look like after I transpose it to canvas. It seems like I will be painting my way through the rest of my life. I enjoy it so much, and I am amazed at what my work turns into.

I must pass on a thought to all who read this blog. Sometimes I think no one gets anything out of what I write, but I keep being reminded by the holy spirit that God’s word does not return to Him void. So as long as I am speaking of God and His goodness, I have to believe someone is being blessed. Its all by faith, but no not really. I do often get comments of how my work has helped someone so I can’t say Its all by faith. I don’t have an email address on my blog nor do I have it sit up for comments on line, but I do get encouragement by person. I am not computer wise enough to accept all invitations as there are so many evil people out there. But I wish it were not that way. Be assured that I pray for all my viewers every night, and I know my prayers are not falling on deaf ears. I love you all and wish the best for everyone.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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