Saturday, October 3, 2015

"This Dog's Crumbs Would Be Good To Eat"

I was sitting on my porch this morning when next-door neighbor, Molly, came over to say hello. I asked her to let me take a picture. She spread out on the ground while I took it. 10-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Molly will not leave until I rub her back. I took another picture with her waiting on the steps for me to rub her. 10-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.

If ever I need someone to talk to all I have to do is walk outside and wait for Molly, my next-door neighbor dog,  to come over. She is there instantly. She insists that I rub her back, then she is ready to listen to me. You would not believe how much this dog understands what people are saying. She answers by sign language, Her master has done a great job in teaching her the English language. She always responds in a way that one cannot doubt her intelligence. I pray she will stay safe and live a long time.

Today we are getting a good taste of what winter is going to be like. The temperature in my house was 60% when I got up this morning. For an October 3rd  day, it is unusually cold outside. Its very dark, and hard to keep your spirits up. I could talk about all the bad things that we all are seeing and hearing about in our country today, but I must think only positive. My advise from my Lord many years ago just won’t leave me. He spoke to me saying, “Trust Me.” No matter how worried or how fearful I may be, when I pray about the matter He just says again, “Trust Me.” My job was to tell other people what God told me, in case they had not heard Him say those words to them. Each day brings us more and more fear, but in spite of it all, I will trust God. My anger has to be erased by God’s love. My memory of the Satanic acts I see every day has to be blanked-out by my Lord. I am so thankful for all the pleasures, and hobbies, He has supplied me with to help counter-act those horrific thoughts. I am living above all the fear and discouragement only because I “Trust Him.” If I die today, I will be Trusting Him.”  That’s why I enjoy painting and writing, eating out with friends, and sharing precious memories with many.

Yes, I do partly believe we are living in hell on earth today. Of course there is another place called hell that our bodies don’t enter, but the spirit will forever be traumatized if we are sent there. Depending upon our actions, and our faith in Jesus, while living in the earthly hell, determines our destiny for eternity. I count it but nothing to be criticized, and mocked while doing the thing that I believe pleases God. We, as Christians have the power of the Holy Spirit to denounce them as unbelievers, and unfit to claim sanctity. Although we must first turn them over to God asking Him to forgive them. I so often quote this verse in the bible spoken by Stephen when he was being stoned to death for defending Christ. “Father forgive them for they knoweth not what they do.” Luke 23:46. Can we be that kind and loving? I doubt that most of us can say yes. We need to pray more and complain less.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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