Monday, October 12, 2015

"Share Your Sunshine With Others"

Today the sun broke through my neighbor's tree, causing a reflection that looked like two suns. 10-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Leave it to me to always find something unusual to take a picture of. I took this picture from my yard of my neighbors tree that was framing the bright sun. It was a beautiful sight with the large green tree having enough space between two limbs to let the sun shine through. As you can tell I love the sun and never am ready for it to do down. It lights up my life every day that it shines, but when it is not there I get pretty down. Kind of like a child missing its mother. Thank God for mothers, and thank God for sunshine. Never does a day pass that I don’t wonder what this great big world is all about. A thousand questions run through my mind daily, but never do get  answer. My biggest question is why is so much pain present in this Great Creation that God made out of love? Why is a hundred years a long time for a human to live? Why is there never an end to eternity? The wonder goes on and on. Unless one leaves these unanswered question in God’s hand, there can never be peace even with the sun shinning bright. If our own flesh is not hurting our heart is hurting for someone else’s pain. I cannot get relief for very long for remembering the awful pain I have head others go through. Sometimes I have to plead the blood of Jesus to help me forget some of the awful things that has happened to innocent little children. Their little pleading cries just keep ringing in my ears. No one but God can help me in times like that. I believe we’re not suppose to forget, for that is what life is all about. Those who forget will probably be forgotten in the end. I cannot even forget the anger I feel toward those who inflicted the terrible pain on others, but even that has to leave our minds. The pain just continues on.

At the end of every day, when the sun goes down, I lay all my sorrow on the alter of prayer. After a nights sleep, and rest I am ready to face another day. The question still remains why Lord, why? I learned at a very young age to trust God for all things, but I have to be sorry for those who was not taught  that. Is it fair, we sometimes ask ourselves. Again, God is a just God, and he would not do anyone wrong. The question is still going unanswered. Trust, trust, someday we will understand it all. Till then let us all do everything in our power to help someone who is living in constant pain, whether it be physical pain, or mental. If you can’t feel it, then I suggest you pinch yourself to see if you feel that. If you never have to pray for God to help you forget someone else’s pain, then you must already be dead. I would be afraid of having lost the love of God myself.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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