Thursday, October 15, 2015

"Calling All Prayer Warriors To The Front Line."

                             Mid-fall afternoon in my backyard. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Still enjoying some flowers. Its mid-fall. but several flowers continue to bloom. 10-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I don’t know of any other place I would rather be, like today, just sitting out in my backyard enjoying the beautiful day. The sky were totally blue with just a few white clouds. Several long trails of white smoke, supposedly from jets, could be seen all around the sky. Nothing but beautiful, and mysterious. We all know there is fighting going on all over the world now, and guided missiles are striking where people are living, with many causalities occurring every day. Advanced scientific technology has made it possible for the world to be destroyed with just one push of a button. No one knows for sure what countries have this capability. We here in America are no longer assured of being the King of all nations. Of course we in America have that dreadful button that we can use, but what if another country decides to use it first. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the last war on earth will soon begin. God has changed His mind before according to the bible, and I strongly believe He would do it again if people would turn from their wicked ways, repent, and seek His face. But make no mistake about it, A mighty fight has to be fought at this time before victory can be claimed. No “good-ole-personality,” type in the White House will ever be able to conquer this evil, world-wide war. It is going to take some one who is not afraid to stand up and declare that we will not bend or bow to any countries evil aggressiveness.  There is only one in the whole group of Democrat, and GOP, candidates who can fit this description. Donald Trump means business. He will not play games, and he knows how to take our country back. I am positively sure he could be our next president if only God will intervene and destroy all of those evil forces that already exist in America who think they can now destroy Donald Trump. Yes, I believe a Civil war is oblivious, and is already underway. I have always been one to move over if someone wants to bully me, but a great change has come over me. I now say, like Aaron and Hur, when they supported Moses hands when he no longer could hold them up toward heaven, let us all hold up Donald Trump’s hands because he also is getting tired of fighting such ungodly force every day. I believe he has the determination, and will not give up, but he needs all of our support. “God bless America, and God destroy our enemies,” I pray. They no longer deserve mercy after what they have done to God’s children who loved and served Him daily. Surely everyone remembers the story of how Sampson killed one thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. Judges 15:16. God gave him strength, and God will give Donald Trump strength.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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