Friday, July 31, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Never Sleeps Amen"

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Never Sleeps Amen": What you are looking at is the sun leaving us for the day. Welcome back tomorrow. 7-31-2020 Perryton, TX    The sun is turning out th...

"The Sun Never Sleeps Amen"

What you are looking at is the sun leaving us for the day. Welcome back tomorrow. 7-31-2020 Perryton, TX 

The sun is turning out the lights. I'm never ready to go to bed, but my body won't let me stay up 24 hours a day. No matter how early I go to bed I never go to sleep till after 1 a.m. My built-in alarm goes off a little after 6 a.m. My average sleep time is 4 to 5 hours. I fall to sleep wishing it would hurry up and be time to get up. I will not take any kind of drugs except my blood pressure, and cholesterol. I do take one aspirin a day, and a B-50. As the doctor ordered. I would rather stay awake than go to sleep from a drug. I have energy plus, but mostly like to recline, and watch Fox News. I can't believe I'm saying all of this on my blog, but probable because I have been busy today, and didn't have anything else to write. When I glanced outside and saw this bright sun about to leave for the day, I just had to take a picture, and write something. I have been crocheting on a rag rug almost all day, and I am very tired, but not ready for bed. If it were possible I would crochet all night. I am anxious to finish it.

While I work on the rug I can watch Fox News, and crochet at the same time. I was extremely interested in several heated Congressional Hearings today, or at least one, and all the comments that followed. My mind works 19 hours a day (given I sleep 5 hours,) just trying to figure out if all this mess we are in as a country, is going to continue to get worse. My faith says victory is ahead, but I believer it is quite away out yet. The worse is yet to come. What we are facing will have a domino effect. I do believe God wants the Christians to prove their trust in him. The only way that can happen for us is to spend a lot of time on our knees every day, not just some days. We must leave no space for Satan to move in our minds, and srart telling us lies. He won't bother us if we keep our minds locked against him. Prayer is the key that locks our minds against evil thoughts. It's not evil to listen to what is happening to God's people. It is evil when we join that wicked group, and try to do our own thing. I listen to a lot of voices, and can name a lot of them by memory. I feel so sure that I can name most of the evil ones who are powerful in our government. I'm thankful that God promised to give us a spirit of decernment if we dedicate our lives to Him. We need to know these evil politician's so we will never vote for them, even though some of them may be of our own political choice. Beware.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Not A Rasists"

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Not A Rasists":          Representative John Robert Lewis, funeral service today. 7-30-2020 Perryton, TX   I watched most of the funeral service for...

"I Am Not A Rasists"

         Representative John Robert Lewis, funeral service today. 7-30-2020 Perryton, TX

I watched most of the funeral service for U.S. State Representative, John Lewis, today. I was pleased with everything that was spoken about him, and the singing was beautiful. I have to say the music notes had been changed from what I had known the songs by for many years, but I could make out the words enough to recognize the song. It took me a few moments to decide for sure that the song I dearly love was really what I thought. “If I Can But Help Someone Then My Living Would Not Have Been In Vain.” The singer put so much emotion into it till it was hard to catch all the words. Then another beautiful singer did about the same thing. The song, Take My Hand Precious Lord Lead Me On, again the song was sung with so much emotion I barley could follow her.

The camera gave us several pictures of the funeral attenders, and I was so surprised to see the seemingly small church, had so many empty pews. However, it was a long service, and I was impressed until time for the Eulogy. Ex- President Obama gave what was suppose to be the Eulogy, but turned out to be one of the most disgusting campaign speeches I had ever heard. I believe he spoke longer than the minister.

I had made my dislike for Representative Lewis when he voted to impeach President Trump. Among other things I could not say I had high respect for him. I know he was a Civil Rights Icon, and came into power the hard way, but many, many others have done the same thing, and I believe God is a just God, and everyone has a chance to make their lives what they want. Representative John Lewis will have to answer to God just like everyone else. I do not honor him as a hero, although I do appreciate his work in Congress. I'm sure he made many good choices, and I honor him for those things. He will be rewarded for his good deeds only by his creator, and not by man. As far as I am concerned, the ex-president, Obama, soured the entire funeral. I have been reading on face book where several others feel exactly like I do. We can not let funerals take our minds off the crisis that some of the liberal left have done to us. Sorry to say, but I believe Representative Lewis was a part of that group. No one has to tell me I already know my opinion is just that, but I do believe it's important that we all use our voices to fight for our God given country, and bring Jesus Christ back to our land. Fear will not save us, for God has told us in His Word we have a covenant with Him, and He expect us to keep it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing Sharper Than A Bird's Eye"

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing Sharper Than A Bird's Eye":     A friendly visitor is all I needed. A little bird goes a long ways. 7-29-2020 Perryton, TX   This is the first bird that landed...

"Nothing Sharper Than A Bird's Eye"

    A friendly visitor is all I needed. A little bird goes a long ways. 7-29-2020 Perryton, TX

  This is the first bird that landed right above my lawn chair when I went out for a breath of fresh air this afternoon. There is no doubt that this bird came to welcome me. It always makes me feel good if even a little bird shows me friendliness. I do not want dogs, nor cats, so the birds are company to me. Sometimes I see some very beautiful, colorful birds, but they usually don't stay put long enough for me to take their picture. They probably don't feel comfortable in the company of the more common, and more numerous birds. At least that is the way I judge them. Just comparing them to myself.

No matter how welcome, or how nice people with more to boast about than I, I still prefer to be with my own tribe. That is not to say I do not appreciate well educated, and people with high positions. I can feel right in their circle for awhile, then I want to go home to my own circle to rest. I can make all the mistakes I want, and not be embarrassed. It's because we all are equally created, and we choose to be the laid-back type. The one thing I have always loved about myself is my gifted desire to be original with my dress. Although I have made many of my dress outfits by a pattern, I most likely have changed something about it. Sometimes I take two or three patterns to create my own outfit. But the finished dress style is not complete until I have found the right pair of shoes, and purse. I used to always ware a hat to church back in earlier days, and I still like to ware a hat from time to time. When I was in school as a young girl I made some of my clothes by my own pattern, on my mothers treadle sewing machine. In high school I took home make and learned to cut out material with a pattern. I have always been a thrifty shopper. That is my second favorite thing to do. I like to brag about my bargain, shopping finds. If it cost a lot of money I wouldn't have it, even if someone gave it to me. I do have to make one exception. I was with a friend one day doing some shopping. She never bought anything cheap, so I was just following her in the dress shop. I could not pass up this purse without pricing it. I fell in love with it, but when I looked at the tag it read $340.00. I didn't notice that my friend was watching me. We went all through the store. She picked up a few things and started back to the cashier in the front of the store. The purse was at the very front, so she walked over and picked it up. I thought she likes it too. When she paid the bill she handed me the purse and said, Happy Birthday. I almost lost it. That purse was a real python skin, and a large bag type. I still love that purse, but I don't like snakes. That happened about five years ago, and I only carry that bag when I really have some place special to go. It sits on the top shelf of my closet, and it still looks new. I left the price tag in it so I could prove it's worth. I have several other purses that I like almost as well that I paid less than twenty dollars for. I need lots of purses, and shoes to match my dress attire, but I never have much money tied up in clothing. It's just my natural gift from God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Damage Is Real In All Creation"

Jean's Comment's: "Damage Is Real In All Creation": I helped this sunflower to stand back up a little while I took it's picture. 7-28-2020 Perryton, TX The high wind, and lots of rai...

"Damage Is Real In All Creation"

I helped this sunflower to stand back up a little while I took it's picture. 7-28-2020 Perryton, TX

The high wind, and lots of rain made havoc out of my sunflowers last night. We had almost 4 inches of rain, and a terrible high wind. This sunflower I'm posting stood over six feet tall, and now the flowers are not far from touching the ground. The picture doesn't show the deep leaning of the stalk very well. It all happened quickly. I could hardly see across the street while it was raining. It didn't last long, but the television dish reception was off for about an hour. We now have had a total of 6 ½ inches in the past two days. I'm truly thankful for every drop.

I spent most of the day watching the democrats make fools out of themselves while disgracefully mocking our United States Attorney General, Bill Barr. I never thought I would ever see such trashy performance come out of the American Senate. Surly God will not let this kind of stuff go on much longer. I call this kind of a Senate Hearing a bunch of bullies. I can't understand how they get away with it. They would not let the witness talk at all. It was definitely a bully show from the first word the democrats spoke. They aren't smart enough to even know what fools they made of themselves. They were trying with everything they had to stay seated. As far as I'm concerned the democrats have committed suicide. They need to be buried. They are gone, and no more hope for them.

I cannot say what the future holds, but I can say I am doubtful America will ever be the same again. I fear it will be a struggle for most of us to even keep breathing. Our Christian values have made us turn the other cheek far too long. We have been buried by evil, and wicked Satanic demons. We have become almost like Ezekiel's boneyard. Do we have the faith to believe God can make these old bones come back to life? Even some of the most Godly people are so gripped with fear at this time till they might as well be dead. They have been overwhelmed by the many dirty tricks the democrats have come up with. They believed in God, but they didn't believe He could save them when the enemy got desperate. I still have victory because I have not yet been put to the worst kind of trial, but I cannot say that will never happen. I do not believe anyone no matter how much money, or how much time they are praying to God, it will not save them when they are put to the test. Everyone must declare that the Almighty God is the only God, because God Himself told us that in His Word. He is a God of love, but He is also a God of authority. In other words He is as strict as a Father could ever be. May we never feel too good to be punished, and may we always accept our punishment without whimper.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Ninety Three Year Old Poem Resurrected"

Jean's Comment's: "A Ninety Three Year Old Poem Resurrected": "Desiderata" The famous prose poem written by Max Ehrmann in 1927. A pop=up for todays troubled world. 7-27-2020 Perryton, TX ...

"A Ninety Three Year Old Poem Resurrected"

"Desiderata" The famous prose poem written by Max Ehrmann in 1927. A pop=up for todays troubled world. 7-27-2020 Perryton, TX

Just when I was about to begin working on a project this morning something clicked in my mind and said “no.” You need to write your blog first. “But,” I said. I don't have anything to write about. After a few minutes I remembered I had been planning to search for some paintings that I needed to hang in Chuck's refurbished bedroom. I kept forgetting it. The first framed hanging I pulled out from behind a chest-of-drawers immediately caught my eye. I had bought this fixture only for the frame that I wanted to use for one of my own paintings. I had not even read the prose poem that was securely placed behind a glass pane, and wedged to the frame. The poem was lengthy, and I don't usually like wall hangings with only verse meaning, but I began to read this one. It was titled “Desiderata,” and I didn't even know what that meant. I glanced at the author's signature at the bottom, and seemingly I remembered him a little. The more I read this poem the more I became inspired to share it with others. Before I even looked up the author of this poem, or cared to know who he was, I knew this was the message God was directing me to today. It seemed to fit right into the situation that we all are facing at this time. I must take a picture, I thought, and put it on my blog. Since the glass pane caused a white spot on the picture I almost didn't follow through. But, except for looks the spot didn't hinder the words.

This poem was written in 1927, by the famous German writer, poet, lawyer named Max Ehrmann from Terra Haute, Indiana. He was born on September 26, 1872. and died on September 9, 1945. Both his parents emigrated from Bavaria in the 1849s. His line of education is extensive. In my opinion his poem, “Desiderata” has meaning that few people might understand. I felt the inspired charge this person must have had the moment I started reading it. Some years ago I probably would not have even read it, as I have already said; but for the time we are now living in I found every reason to read it.

The definition of desiderata is “things wanted or needed.” “Happy-ever-after” and “eternal love.” appear to be the desiderata of the current generation; to whom ”fat chance” say those of us who are older, wiser, and more curmudgeon. (The definition of curmudgeon is a bad tempered, difficult, cantankerous person.) As stated by an interpreter. The  Latin for desiderata is “things desired.”

This photo I am posting may not be legible until you enlarge it then scroll up as you read, but it is a very good dose of up-lifer if you will take the time to read, and digest it all. I feel so positive that this poem was given to me today for some reason. It really helped me to become stronger, and I hope it helps someone else also.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Impossible But True"

Jean's Comment's: "Impossible But True": A wonderful bit of information in the church bulletin this morning. Thank You God. 7-26-2020 Perryton, TX   It's time for me to cat...

"Impossible But True"

A wonderful bit of information in the church bulletin this morning. Thank You God. 7-26-2020 Perryton, TX
It's time for me to catch up a bit. I have been busy on a project the past few days, and have missed writing my blog. I simply had to write this one today. One of the biggest miracles that I've ever seen was just presented to our church this past week. I am so amazed till I had to share it with everyone. I want people to know that God is still very much alive, and He still answers prayer.

The picture I'm posting is a notice from the church bulletin. It may not be clear enough to be read, but I will translate it to you. It says Mortgage Payment – so close. The church had a mortgage debt of several thousand dollars. To me it was big. In fact to be truthful I had a doubt that the final payment could possible be paid by the time it was due, in less than two months. The notice in the bulletin says there is a very good chance we can pay off the church mortgage next month, and have a note burning. Evidently after the bulletin was printed a donor, or donners, settled the hope. It was announced today that the full mortgage payment had been sent in. I was so stunned till I almost didn't want to leave church and go home. This had to be a miracle because the church had suffered a great loss of membership, and only a few was left to handle the huge monthly budget. I am so ashamed that I doubted those dear people's faith.

Like everyone else lately, my faith had almost crumbled, and I was preparing for the saints of God to be driven out of their churches, and soon to be giving up their bibles. I do believe that bible prophesy teaches that, and it still looks possible to me. I know for sure that I am going to stay firmly in the church faith I was raised in, and the church that I have attended off, and on, for 64 years. It has been a great struggle over the years, but I cannot forget my first love. I have had miracles happen in my life, and have been blessed beyond anything I was worthy of. Many of which happened in another church, but when the Lord says “I am calling you again to your first love,” it's time to obey. I now am living in excitement that I haven't had for several years. I won't say I have no

fear, because that would make me abnormal, but I can say it doesn't keep me from trusting God for all things. I am at peace, and I enjoy my life more now since I was left a widow. I still shed lots of tears, but mostly tears of joy. I am one thankful person, and I tell God that many times a day. Yes, life is still a wonder to me, but I can leave it in the hands of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Look For A Sign Of Hope"

Jean's Comment's: "Look For A Sign Of Hope":    It's real, not a fake. It made it through the barren soil by it's self. 7-19-2020 Perryton, TX   This little sweetie woul...

"Look For A Sign Of Hope"

   It's real, not a fake. It made it through the barren soil by it's self. 7-19-2020 Perryton, TX

This little sweetie would not have been noticed had any other flower been in the flower bed. It just unexpectedly showed up this morning. It did get a lot of attention, and respect. The lawn man did my yard this morning, and since there were no flowers in the little flower garden he cut down all the grass that had come up there, But he was very careful to not touch this one little special visitor. Except for the sun flowers in the back yard, and two sick roses this little pale baby is the only thing I can call encouraging. It added to the little bit of encouragement I got at church this morning.

For the first time since I've been going back to my home church the minister called everyone to the alters after the message to pray for a miracle. As far as I am concerned this was finally the beginning of an old belief that the alters should never have been abandoned. Some churches have taken their alters out many years ago. Most churches that still have them in place never use them. I'm sorry to say I could not hear one sound coming from those who were kneeling at the alter, but at least they were at the front of the church. The back pews are always the first to be taken. I have a hearing problem so I sit near the front, and I feel so obnoxious. Truly the churches have mostly all become silent, except for the minister. I firmly believe that every member of the church make up the body, and it takes every member moving properly to be a healthy church body. The bones, the flesh, the limbs, the eyes, the mouth, the brains, and all other body characters is the church.

I also believe unless people will fully, boldly, and without delay, come back to the Word of God, and seek His mercy, there will not be a peaceful nation for His people any longer. I'm sure everyone has heard this scripture many times, but will not obey it's command. 11 Chronicles chapter 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. KJV.

Our land is in trouble no doubt. Who of us are wicked, and sinful? The verse says, “My people.” Are we not all God's people? Do we not all feel sinful, and even if we don't want to admit it have we not all been wicked? I believe we all must take this passage of scripture seriously, and head to the alters. Maybe not everyone's land will be healed because some will never do as God has asked, but we with our own personal land can be healed. Which I believe no evil can come near us. Let us do it now. We need peace in our own personal land.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 17, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Never Judge A Rug By It's Start Up"

Jean's Comment's: "Never Judge A Rug By It's Start Up": This rug would have been a 9 by 12 foot. It was almost half finished. I promise it would have looked much better if I could have finished ...

"Never Judge A Rug By It's Start Up"

This rug would have been a 9 by 12 foot. It was almost half finished. I promise it would have looked much better if I could have finished it. 7-17-2020 Perryton, TX

What a disappointing surprise I got this morning. Last night I got my rag rug out of a closet that had been stored in a large plastic bin with a tight lid. I had not finished this rug because I had no use for it at the time, and I had run out of fabric. It had been stored about ten years. I have recently been redecorating two bedrooms for Chuck. Yesterday I remembered about the unfinished rug, and was so excited to get it out and finish it. I laid it down on the floor to study while I prepared a lot of strips of rags to start working with. I worked for two hours last night getting a lot of material ready to start crocheting this morning. I worked another two hours after I had breakfast, and had part of the third point finished when I discovered some lose strings in the circle. Upon further examining It was obvious  that moths had damaged the rug, but they did such a good job you could not tell anything was wrong at all. I had to start picking at the tiny strange little places before I realized the entire rug was shredded. I had handled the rug for four hours while working on it, and had not a clue that it was ruined. I have never had anything like this to happen before. I don't remember ever having anything moth eaten before. And it possible could be that the part that was damaged was material with limits to it's life. But it still caused the entire rug to come apart when handled much. I was making the round part into a square, and couldn't wait to get it finished. It is going to be so hard for me to throw hundreds of hours of back-breaking work into the dumpster, especially since I had made sure every piece of cloth I put in it was clean. I had a vision of how perfect this large rug would look in the bedroom where I planned to put it. I already had some other furnishings with an old-look history to accompany it. My heart is broken, and I have forgotten to watch the terrible news about our moth-eaten country. What will be the next chapter to my life? I wish I knew.

So now I guess I will began to finish some more things I have started, but for some reason had stopped. I just must make myself finish things I start from now on out. I am so very good at quitting before I finish, I think it's kinda like loosing your first love, and having to live with the feeling of failure. If I start a project from now on I will finish it regardless of what I think about it after I'm finished. I must learn to keep my busy mind on delivering the goods, instead of coming up with so many new Ideas. I probably will wait and let my kids take my rug to the landfill after I'm gone. They will have a lot of stuff to haul along with it. I just have always been a lover of things that most people would have disposed of years ago. I have so many cleaning rags you wouldn't believe, but I always have to hunt for one when I need them. That is the me that I don't know.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Sunflower Will Do"

Jean's Comment's: "A Sunflower Will Do": Well look what popped open last night. I'm proud of it, and several more are ready to join it. 7-16-2020 Perryton, TX   The hott...

"A Sunflower Will Do"

Well look what popped open last night. I'm proud of it, and several more are ready to join it. 7-16-2020 Perryton, TX

The hotter the weather the prettier the sunflower. At least I have plenty of them, and if nothing else the sunflowers will do. We have had two nice rains the past couple of days, but I don't think it will help the contrary flowers or roses to change their minds. They are just through for this year. However, the grass is looking much better, and for the first time all summer the yards are looking good. They need to be mowed more often now. I am patiently waiting for cooler weather. The 100 plus degree weather for nearly two weeks has gotten the best of me. It's either no wind, or 120 mile an hour wind. Two bad wind storms have done a lot of damage here where I live. I would rather stay inside than to have such terrible wind storms. Several big fires have also been caused from dry, hot, weather, and wind here in our community. Today's news said 175 junk cars burned up at a wreckage yard here. The fire crossed the road and burned a wheat field that luckily had already been harvested. The stubble burned though. We are hoping since the two rains blessed us that no more grass fires will occure. We have had our share of those the past several years. It seems like there is always something to worry about.

After I finish writing this blog I will be resting the rest of the evening. I am somewhat tired from doing a little garden work at Chuck's house today. Again the hot weather, and high wind has kept me busy trying to keep the tomatoes, and okra alive. I completely removed the tent off the okra today for the first time since we set them out two weeks ago. The heat was too much for them, and the wind kept flopping the tarp around till it was hard to keep it from breaking off the plants. I believe the roots are deep enough now till the sun won't kill them. But the wind if it gets wicked again, can break the plants off to the ground. This little garden started out for fun, but it has ended up being a nightmare. Chuck is determined to beat the destroyer. I suppose you might call it a challenge. I did pick a few strawberries today also. The tomatoes are in full bloom, and we look for little green tomatoes every day. The pepper plants are looking good also. I won't be going back over to Chuck's for five days, so it's all up to him now.

I have a week-end planned, and will be going out a couple of days. I have some other things I plan to do that will require me working on a rag, corcheted rug that I started several years ago. I put it aside because I didn't have any use for it, but now I want it for a spare room at Chucks house. All at once I became exicited about tackling that bedroom that has only been used for storage. The rug I am making will be a 9 by 12 and I don't like too much having it that big. It is square, and has no pattern at all. Whatever I can find to rip up, and with a crochet needle work it into the square, is what I do. The thickness is probably, on an average of I and I/2 inches. I will have to find some way to load it, and take it to Chuck's house because it is very heavy, and bundlesome. It will work perfect on the hardwood floor.
God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Where's My Saw"

Jean's Comment's: "Where's My Saw":    High wind took it down last night. Lots of sawing for me to do. 7-15-2020 Perryton, TX   So this is what I found in my back yard...

"Where's My Saw"

   High wind took it down last night. Lots of sawing for me to do. 7-15-2020 Perryton, TX

  So this is what I found in my back yard this morning. I never knew that the wind storm happened last night until I saw this huge limb from the apple tree lying in the yard. At first I though the limb was probably partly rotten and just broke off. It was while I was having lunch at the Center today that I head about the terrible windstorm. I didn't go to bed till nearly mid-night, but I was on the computer and didn't know anything was happening outside. I wondered why the electricity was off when I woke up this morning. The good thing about it was we got I/2 inches of rain. The temperature is only 84 compared to being over 100 for the past several days. It is certainly a nice day today.

There was a nice crowd at the Center today, but sorry to say only myself and one other friend showed up at our table. At least six had said they would be there, but something caused them to change their plans. This was an unusual happening since our table is usually full compared to most tables. It seats eight people, and most of the time at least six or seven are there. I did enjoy the atmosphere though, and am keeping my fingers crossed that something else don't happen again to make us close the doors. We have not had one member out of nearly two hundred to come down with the covid-19. We all are mostly pretty healthy people. We give credit to our God for that. Another factor is we have very good cooks. The meals are always well balanced, and super good. The friendly smiles are enough to make you forget about our troubled world at least for awhile.

I am so happy today to say my candidate in the primary race for Texas Representative district 13 won yesterday by a good margin. Dr. Ronny Jackson will be running against his democrat opponent come November. Unless the election is highly rigged, Dr. Ronny Jackson will be the winner of that race. Ronny has been working side by side with President Trump for quite some time to help drain the swamp. God is still on the Throne. Texas needs several more just like him. This state is more swampy than most people thought. But we do have some great men, and women represeting us. We need to keep all of them, and vote a few more in to take the place of those who are against America. Our greatest fear is voter fraud. That is nothing new, but we must stop it completely. With God's help we can do it. We definitely can't do it by staying home from the voting polls. Every vote is important so please go and cast yours. It's either win or die at this point of time. Let us live till God is ready for us in His own time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A New Rose Today"

Jean's Comment's: "A New Rose Today":              A new rose today. An only child of this mother bush. 7-14-2020 Perryton, TX   Every once in awhile I find a rose on my ...

"A New Rose Today"

             A new rose today. An only child of this mother bush. 7-14-2020 Perryton, TX

Every once in awhile I find a rose on my bushes, With 104 degree weather the roses cannot bear. I have lots of pretty green bushes, but only one rose at a time is all I ever have. At least I know it's no one's fault but mother nature. However, it's been hard for me to give up my beautiful roses. In fact the only flower I have this year that looks decent is the sunflower. They are not my favorite, and I didn't plant them. They come up every year from last years seed. I am looking forward to fall since I had no roses, or flowers to keep me cheerful.

I walked to the dumpster in the alley at Chuck's house today, and before I got back to the house sweat was rolling off of me. There was not a speck of breeze, and 104 temperature. It's been that way for over a week, and suppose to be the same for several days more. It is nice though just to sit inside with air conditioning units cooling as low as you wish. We will worry about the electric bill later. There is no reason I could not stay busy doing something inside, but because it's hot outside I don't want to do anything inside. Hope I'm not the only person who thinks crazy things. I use my age for an excuse for most of it. I do spend a lot of time waiting for a better day. 

I have plans to have lunch at the Center again tomorrow. That is always a time I can enjoy seeing a lot of friends. It lifts my spirits to see people refusing to let the terrible condition of our country get them down. It's almost like seeing people coming out of an atomic bomb explosion, and starting back over. It tells me just how much the Perryton people depend on God every day for their welfare. What a great group of people to be a part of. This city is no way near being back to normal, but the Seniors are leading the way toward it. I believe every senior in our group voted in early voting. They made sure nothing stopped them from using their vote for a voice. While in the dinning room of the Center the talk is mostly like “what have you been doing?” “Have you heard this joke?” And, “are you coming Wednesday for lunch?” One who may just be a visitor there might not have any idea how serious those dear seniors are about their country, Their wisdom is greater than their fear. I'm rushed to get this posted before 7 o'clock, so see you next time.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 13, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The Perryton Senior Citizen's Center is Unmovable"

Jean's Comment's: "The Perryton Senior Citizen's Center is Unmovable": Good try coronavirus-19, but you wasn't quite that smart. We old tough chicks are here till the last demon is destroyed. 7-13-2020 Per...

"The Perryton Senior Citizen's Center is Unmovable"

Good try coronavirus-19, but you wasn't quite that smart. We old tough chicks are here till the last demon is destroyed. 7-13-2020 Perryton. TX

Hallelujah! I finally made it back to the Center today. It almost seemed normal. Just one or two wore face masks, and the attendance was about normal for a Monday luncheon. My table was just two short of full capacity. It was so nice to be with everyone again, and even nicer to see the same old seating arrangement except for the tables being a little farther apart. I just hope things don't change for the worse. There is no guarantee of that. At least I have had my hopes lifted for now. We were served a Mexican pile on today, which everyone really loves. I was asked by my table friends if I was coming back. I said yes, if you all come back, but I'm not coming if you all don't. Of course I was the only one there who had not been coming since the place opened back up. I am pretty stubborn when something, or someone upsets me. It takes me longer than others to trust again. I guess you might say I would rather be sure than sorry. However, I am ready to fight this stupidity again if it comes back to our city. I still have lots of faith in the Almighty God who is above all other power. We are His children, and He cares for us. I am so thankful for the leaders at our Center who hung in through thick and thin. They deserve a big shout out.

I feel like I have come through the worst of some trying times for me. I will say It was hard, and I almost gave up, but don't know what for. If we give up then it's all over for us. We dare do that after God has said the battle is His, and we would be trying to make it ours if we gave up. I'm sure My Heavenly Father would not let me get by with trying to over rule Him. In some ways I'm sticking my tongue out to agree with our President, but I will not forsake him because I believe I have a duty to help him win this evil battle that God has promised to defeat. I'm good for a lot of tougue lashing as long as I know God is on my side. After all God puts a shield around us, and we cannot be killed for His sake. I've answered His call, and I will stay the course. I understand the more I speak out the more I will be licked, but it is all in the good of our God, and our country. Why keep living if we are no longer of service to our God? In fact I think I would be taken if I became useless for my Lord. The Lord told me years ago that when He was through with me He would take me home. I believed Him then, and I believe Him now. He also assured me that I would have many more battles to fight. He was 100 percent right about that. Oh how I love Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are They Who Trust The Lord"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are They Who Trust The Lord": Returning to my first love of church. It never gave up on me. Assembly of God forever. 7-12-2020 Perryton, TX If pictures are any sign...

"Happy Are They Who Trust The Lord"

Returning to my first love of church. It never gave up on me. Assembly of God forever. 7-12-2020 Perryton, TX

If pictures are any sign of showing one's inner feelings this one of me should say a lot. I sat on the third row pew from the front of the church pulpit listening closely to the speaker. A young wife, mother was filling in for her husband who is recuperating from back surgery. She is very interesting to listen to, and makes a point with every sentence she speaks. I am becoming more impressed with this new minister family every time I hear them speak. Even their three teenage children take an active part in the service. The oldest one can operate the sound system, the next oldest keeps the camera for face book working properly, and the youngest, a sweet little girl keeps her brothers in line if something goes wrong. Their mother never has to worry about them while she is speaking. They are trained to do the job. How pleased I am to have them as our Pastors.

Every Sunday morning I leave this church feeling so lifted up, and I try to lift up others. I know I made the right choice when I made the decision to go back to my home church after being a member of another church for 35 years. I have now been going to my old, new, church for six weeks. I have no idea why it happened that why, but I am positive it was God's plan for my life. I just want to be willing to follow through. I simply love the people who go there, and I feel so safe, and secure in that setting. I didn't feel that secure in the church I attended for 35 years. One thing was lacking, and that was failure to put God first. The members there felt like God gave then the ability to keep the people safe if a tragedy ever happened, which they were possible anticipating. At least they were aware that danger had become more prevalent than ever before. I am one to believe God will take care of me if I trust Him only. I think I am now in a group that feels the same way. I believe that Satan has been given more speed now than in the past. He is destroying more people than since Christ came to earth to save a wicked world. The bible teaches that God's patience does not last forever, and I truly believe that. If I must leave this earth to be saved from the fiery darts of Satan, then I am ready. Why would anyone want to live in a world without the liberty to do the things they have always done. No stay at home for me, no masks for me, no bowing to other Gods, and no willingness to fight with Satan. I will forever be praying for our Christian leaders, and every brave soul who does risk their life to regain our freedom, but only God will determine the victor.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Welcome Sign Makes Me Happy"

Jean's Comment's: "A Welcome Sign Makes Me Happy": This door displays a lovely welcome sign, and the occupants really show it. 7-11-2020 Perryton. TX   I have another friend who has ...

"A Welcome Sign Makes Me Happy"

This door displays a lovely welcome sign, and the occupants really show it. 7-11-2020 Perryton. TX

I have another friend who has a nice welcome sign hanging on her door. This picture I'm posting didn't show it up too well because the door was shaded, but it is so lovely and makes you feel so welcome. I think everyone should start showing more interest in other people by hanging welcoming signs on their door. I for one, am going to make that a priority. We just got to start sticking together more, and lift each other up in prayer. The world is becoming more evil every day. The bible tells us to bear one another's burdens. We should not let our Christian testimony lay dormant, and rust. God gave us that experience for a reason. Let's keep it moving, and if it needs new batteries, they are free for the asking of our Heavenly Father. Soon or later if we don't start using our God-given talent, whatever it may be, and everyone has a talent, it will be cut down like the fig tree that didn't bear fruit. Jesus said, “cut it down.” So many of us put too much emphases on impressing others, rather than blessing others. That is not what Jesus taught us to do. I often wonder how many people I might could have kept from taking their life if I had been more alert. I also believe I am not the only one who should feel that way. I am afraid all of us will find out on that Great Judgement day.

John 14;12.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me the works that I do shall he do also, and greater [works] than these shall he do.

You, and I, are being spoken to by John. Did we hear him? Have we done that? Why do we think God is leaving us here, to please our own desires, or to help Him proclaim His Gospel? I am certain that God spoke to me personally when I first met Him and said, “I am not through with you. I have work for you to do.” This was after I thought He was taking my life, and I was ready to go. I have been trying to be a good servant every since, and although I know I have failed many times, I believe I still have that first love Jesus gave me. I can love my enemies, but at the same time I am not suppose to let them destroy the New Creature God made of me. I am not my own, because I gave my life to God. I belong to Him. If I sound strange sometimes, think nothing of it because God is strange to most all of us. He said, “it is not meant for you to know the mysteries of God. “ Let us not even try lest we become a fool, and not a trusting child.

I have done my normal duty today, and put my natural needs to rest. Yes, I went to Liberal, Kansas to get the things we needed to keep us thriving with happiness. I am ready for church tomorrow, and who knows what to expect there. Hopefully I will receive a blessing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Comfort And Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "Comfort And Beauty": A welcome sign is hidden from this picture, but it stands tall and bold. That's my neighbors. 7-10-2020 Perryton, TX My next door...

"Comfort And Beauty"

A welcome sign is hidden from this picture, but it stands tall and bold. That's my neighbors. 7-10-2020 Perryton, TX

My next door neighbors have such pretty plants, and chairs on their porch till I just had to share a picture. The green thumb person is the man, so he told me this morning. He took me to his back yard to show off the really pretty, and vegetable arrangement that was something like you would expect to see in a magazine. Everything was blooming, and some things were starting to bear. Since this neighbor retired he has to find something to stay busy. He had been a substitute teacher, but since the corona virus closed the schools he had to find another need to be productive. Even their church won't let anyone in except those 70 or older. I am very fortunate to have some very nice neighbors. They seem to not let anything bother them. Just always ready to help someone in some way. I can't count the times they have helped me.

I have stayed busy today. Watering my lawn, and because of the high wind, having to move the sprinkler a lot. Went to Chuck's house to check on the okra plants I just recently set out, and had to reinforce the tent I had spread over them. The wind was making havoc out of it. The plants are looking good, but it is still too hot to let the direct sun bear down on them. I had done some cooking, and had a lot of dishes, pots, and pans to clean up. Tomorrow I will have to make a trip to Liberal, Kansas to pick up some supplies Chuck, and I both need. It's just over a hundred mile round trip, but I always dread going. Since tomorrow is Saturday, and I have several other things to do to get ready for Church Sunday, it looks like I will not be resting much this week-end. I'm just thankful I am able to do as much as I do. One thing for sure I have let up on watching Fox News continuously. I am perfectly content to be my same old self, and not worry about the future. I feel safe no matter what happens, and what more could I ask?

My family will be having their once-a-year reunion next week-end at Lake Murry, but I will not be going. It is too much for me to spend several days on a hot lake even though I used to do it every year. We have a big family, and the reunions are usually well attended. I miss going very much, but age does happen to everyone. Besides it's over 400 miles for me to travel. I am very appreciative of those younger ones who work so hard to keep this family together. My prayers are always with them. I am really thankful for face book because lots of pictures are available for me to see. I am not sure if the corona virus will have any effect on the family gathering, but I haven't heard that anything different is expected. Oklahoma is not as radical about this crisis as some states.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Making A Positive Claim"

Jean's Comment's: "Making A Positive Claim":                    Quack, quack, a duck is visible in the top of this tree. 7-8-2020 Perryton, TX   I'm posting this picture ag...

"Making A Positive Claim"

                   Quack, quack, a duck is visible in the top of this tree. 7-8-2020 Perryton, TX

I'm posting this picture again because I need to win an argument with my son, Kent. I posted this picture yesterday, and Kent said I needed to clean my glasses because I said I could see a duck in the top of this tree. Here it is again. At the very top of the tree to the left is a perfect picture of a duck with a frog hanging from it's beak. I know this is unusual, but coming from an unusual human creature such as me, I think it's pretty cool. Ducks do fly, so what's so unskillful about one landing in a tree to eat their dinner? I don't have to tell you my IQ. Kent and I do a lot of arguing since he is my baby boy. Somehow his dad and I spoiled him, and we are proud we did. He is a great guy, but the best arguer in the world. He wins a lot of debates. Mostly from his mother.

I posted yesterday that I would be transplanting okra early this morning. I kept my word, and by 9:30 I had two rows of about 15 feet perfectly pressed okra plants sitting in the ground. It was suppose to get to 102 degree today, so I had to install a tent over the plants. I will leave it for about two days before removing it. Of course this was at my son, Chuck's house. He was not able to do any gardening this year so I helped him out. Gardening is his passion, but he had to give it up. I find it interesting to plant his seed, and set out plants. I do not do gardening myself anymore, I just raise flowers. If this okra produces like Chuck's okra always does, I will make lots of pickled okra. The recipe I use is loved by everyone who eats it.

I have almost overcome the depression that flooded my soul over the shut-down of our government. I was so sure that God had decided to keep His Word, and punish His own people for being so wicked. He did punish His chosen people, the Israelites, in a mighty way by killing everyone of them He rescued from Egyptian slavery except 1, I believe. Even the great leader, Moses, was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. His nerves finally played out over the stubborn Israelites who were always complaining, and making idols to worship. He threw the two stone tablets that God had written the commandments on, and broke them to pieces. Only the descendant's of the group that left Egypt were allowed to enter the Promised Land. Contrary to what some believe the Old Testament was not abolished when Jesus came and died for our sins. We do have a New Covenant, and animal blood is no longer needed for forgiveness of sin, but God still demands our respect, and we must live by the ten commandants which God gave Moses. I am feeling victorious now, and do nor worry about tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Duck Could Be Stuck"

Jean's Comment's: "A Duck Could Be Stuck":           A duck out of luck. Has become part of the heavenly tree. 7-7-2020 Perryton, TX I was sitting under the apple tree this after...

"A Duck Could Be Stuck"

          A duck out of luck. Has become part of the heavenly tree. 7-7-2020 Perryton, TX
I was sitting under the apple tree this afternoon after I came home from work, just enjoying the cool breeze. I noticed something interesting in the top of the heavenly tree that I could see rising above the house top. It looked like a big duck was sticking it's head out of the tree. I viewed it for awhile then decided to take a picture. People who know me know I am always looking for something different to talk about. I have to wonder why some things by nature sometimes form a perfect image. I suppose my art teacher had something to do with that. He taught his students to always look for images in the clouds, in the trees, in the mountains, and all other things God created to make a beautiful world. It has turned into a hobby for me. I also find it interesting to look for any, and all sorts of objects that may have been lost, or thrown away by someone who no longer wanted them. I recently returned from a trip from Norman, Oklahoma where I had spent three days with two of my sisters. It is a 275 mile trip, and I began to feel sleepy before I reached home. I pulled off the highway at an old abandoned service station in Wheeler, Texas to close my eyes awhile. Just as I opened the door of the car to step out a minute I saw an old tarnished, silver quarter, lying on the ground. My first thought was is it a rare coin as everyone knows some coins are very valuable, and have become collectable. The quarter was so tarnished till I couldn't make out the date, but when I got home I was able to clean it enough to see it was a 1992 coin. I haven't checked my coin book to see if it is worth more than a quarter, but just the same for a short time I felt very lucky to find it. It could have been over a hundred years old. And not all valuable coins have to be old. There are other things that make them collectable. I don't especially look for things that are valuable, I just like to find things that may have a hidden story if only they could speak.

I am experimenting with another type of folly that I will tell about later on. How fun it is to experiment. One never knows what the finished project may turn out to look like. It's just fun to use your imagination to find out. I can't remember a time in my life that I didn't like to be creative. It could be called a talent, but I just call it a fun thing. A lot of my fun things turn into a lot of work, but that too I always enjoy as long as my olden, worn-out body will let me. My worst disappointment was when my mind told me not to climb ladders anymore. I've never fallen off one and hurt myself, but I was told it was time to stop before I did. Tomorrow I will be transplanting okra plants if I can beat the heat and get around early enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 6, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Unbelievable But True"

Jean's Comment's: "Unbelievable But True": Even alone this rose is alive, and spreading hope for more to come. 7-6-2020 Perryton, TX This little yellow rose stands alone with t...

"Unbelievable But True"

Even alone this rose is alive, and spreading hope for more to come. 7-6-2020 Perryton, TX

This little yellow rose stands alone with the help of a Great Big God. I am comparing it to my church of recent return. I am so proud to say that God is definitely embracing this large, beautiful church building, with almost one rose still living, to fight the evil enemy that continues to try and close it down. I was quite surprised to hear yesterday that this First Assembly of God Church had more present than the largest member church in town. One day after the 4th of July this church had more present than since I've been going now for five weeks. A visiting minister gave a message that I thought had been buried with all other Pentecostal messages for years. He was here from Amarillo and was with Teen Challenge of the A/G Affilation. I was so impressed with his message I almost came up from my seat. I had a hard time keeping quite. Once again I almost missed a blessing. I thought since the 4th of July was still being celebrated that no one would be at church. I wasn't sure it would even be open. I saw several of my neighbors cars still home who usually go to other churches. But for some reason I got ready and went to see if it was open. When I arrived only five vehicles were there, and it was almost time for church to start. At the last minute, and even a minute past time people began to enter the sanctuary. How did people know God had a special message waiting for us? Yes, my faith just got greatly increased. God is still alive, and in control. I truly believe that people are still afraid to speak out about their faith in God, because it is certain that the enemy has it's arrows pointed at the Christians, But like the minister said Sunday, “I will not bow to any other God.” We have only one choice, refuse to bow or be killed unless we have a great infilling of the Holy Spirit. I truly believe it is that time of Bible prophesy to be fulfilled. I also believe the churches are near to being closed up because of fear the enemy has put on the people. No congregation, no money to support the church. No congregation, no strength to each other. Bible quote, “where two or three are gathered together there will I be in their midst.” With God in our midst how can we be afraid? Let me be part of that two or three, Dear God.

So as long as there is one rose there is life, and with proper care, and continued faith the one yellow rose will soon be surrounded with others. I believe this with all my heart even though God is still going to punish the ones who have let him down. I also believe repentance is still in order, but for how long we never know. Head back to those forgotten alters, and repent while there is still time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Blow Out Cook Out"

Jean's Comment's: "A Blow Out Cook Out":         Slowly cooked ribs are in the frig just waiting to get started. 7-1-2020 Perryton, TX   The grill is all clean, and ready to...

"A Blow Out Cook Out"

        Slowly cooked ribs are in the frig just waiting to get started. 7-1-2020 Perryton, TX

The grill is all clean, and ready to cook a rack of ribs tomorrow for my children who will be coming from a vacation in Colorado. They have spent a week in the high mountain country, and have a lot of spooky stories to tell. The first night they camped out at Bear Lake a big bear tried to break up their cook out and the kids had to run him off. Later he came back after the kids laid down in their tent, so they had to sleep in the pick-up. They said he tried to get up in the back of the truck. At 2 o'clock in the morning they heard gun shots so someone else was having bear problems also. This vacation was a bit different than last year when they explored Europe, but they have really enjoyed the ruff, and tuff of the mountains. God made this whole wide world for some reason, and I believe He made it for you and I to enjoy. I used to love going to the mountains, but it is quite stressful for older people such as I am now. I did write a book about our experience living in Colorado for months at a time since we built a big cabin there. We finally sold the cabin, and I haven't been back since. I fear my heart could not take the high altitude any more. My children did visit our old cabin, and took pictures of it. Just as the builder who helped us put it up said, this cabin will be here when all others are gone. I believe him. It was built with strong, heavy beams, and very large rafters. I believe the foundation was six feet mostly under ground. It sits about 15 yards from a mighty rushing river. If ever you are in the area stop and see the Sharp cabin as it is known by, at Picker Wire Lodge 26 miles west of Trinidad, Colorado.

Maybe I will post a painting I did of it tomorrow. One of my prized possessions. So many precious memories hang on my wall where I have positioned that panting. That painting, and a lot more is one reason I think I cannot ever leave this home I've lived in for 52 years. As long as God lets me enjoy my life I will forever be grateful. The song says, “ When I trade this old cross for a crown,” yes I do have a cross to bear, but I also have many blessings as I bear it. Maybe life will be greater on the other side, but I cannot complain much about this one. God is so good, and I fully trust Him every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp