Sunday, July 19, 2020

"Look For A Sign Of Hope"

   It's real, not a fake. It made it through the barren soil by it's self. 7-19-2020 Perryton, TX

This little sweetie would not have been noticed had any other flower been in the flower bed. It just unexpectedly showed up this morning. It did get a lot of attention, and respect. The lawn man did my yard this morning, and since there were no flowers in the little flower garden he cut down all the grass that had come up there, But he was very careful to not touch this one little special visitor. Except for the sun flowers in the back yard, and two sick roses this little pale baby is the only thing I can call encouraging. It added to the little bit of encouragement I got at church this morning.

For the first time since I've been going back to my home church the minister called everyone to the alters after the message to pray for a miracle. As far as I am concerned this was finally the beginning of an old belief that the alters should never have been abandoned. Some churches have taken their alters out many years ago. Most churches that still have them in place never use them. I'm sorry to say I could not hear one sound coming from those who were kneeling at the alter, but at least they were at the front of the church. The back pews are always the first to be taken. I have a hearing problem so I sit near the front, and I feel so obnoxious. Truly the churches have mostly all become silent, except for the minister. I firmly believe that every member of the church make up the body, and it takes every member moving properly to be a healthy church body. The bones, the flesh, the limbs, the eyes, the mouth, the brains, and all other body characters is the church.

I also believe unless people will fully, boldly, and without delay, come back to the Word of God, and seek His mercy, there will not be a peaceful nation for His people any longer. I'm sure everyone has heard this scripture many times, but will not obey it's command. 11 Chronicles chapter 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. KJV.

Our land is in trouble no doubt. Who of us are wicked, and sinful? The verse says, “My people.” Are we not all God's people? Do we not all feel sinful, and even if we don't want to admit it have we not all been wicked? I believe we all must take this passage of scripture seriously, and head to the alters. Maybe not everyone's land will be healed because some will never do as God has asked, but we with our own personal land can be healed. Which I believe no evil can come near us. Let us do it now. We need peace in our own personal land.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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