Wednesday, July 8, 2020

"Making A Positive Claim"

                   Quack, quack, a duck is visible in the top of this tree. 7-8-2020 Perryton, TX

I'm posting this picture again because I need to win an argument with my son, Kent. I posted this picture yesterday, and Kent said I needed to clean my glasses because I said I could see a duck in the top of this tree. Here it is again. At the very top of the tree to the left is a perfect picture of a duck with a frog hanging from it's beak. I know this is unusual, but coming from an unusual human creature such as me, I think it's pretty cool. Ducks do fly, so what's so unskillful about one landing in a tree to eat their dinner? I don't have to tell you my IQ. Kent and I do a lot of arguing since he is my baby boy. Somehow his dad and I spoiled him, and we are proud we did. He is a great guy, but the best arguer in the world. He wins a lot of debates. Mostly from his mother.

I posted yesterday that I would be transplanting okra early this morning. I kept my word, and by 9:30 I had two rows of about 15 feet perfectly pressed okra plants sitting in the ground. It was suppose to get to 102 degree today, so I had to install a tent over the plants. I will leave it for about two days before removing it. Of course this was at my son, Chuck's house. He was not able to do any gardening this year so I helped him out. Gardening is his passion, but he had to give it up. I find it interesting to plant his seed, and set out plants. I do not do gardening myself anymore, I just raise flowers. If this okra produces like Chuck's okra always does, I will make lots of pickled okra. The recipe I use is loved by everyone who eats it.

I have almost overcome the depression that flooded my soul over the shut-down of our government. I was so sure that God had decided to keep His Word, and punish His own people for being so wicked. He did punish His chosen people, the Israelites, in a mighty way by killing everyone of them He rescued from Egyptian slavery except 1, I believe. Even the great leader, Moses, was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. His nerves finally played out over the stubborn Israelites who were always complaining, and making idols to worship. He threw the two stone tablets that God had written the commandments on, and broke them to pieces. Only the descendant's of the group that left Egypt were allowed to enter the Promised Land. Contrary to what some believe the Old Testament was not abolished when Jesus came and died for our sins. We do have a New Covenant, and animal blood is no longer needed for forgiveness of sin, but God still demands our respect, and we must live by the ten commandants which God gave Moses. I am feeling victorious now, and do nor worry about tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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