Wednesday, July 29, 2020

"Nothing Sharper Than A Bird's Eye"

    A friendly visitor is all I needed. A little bird goes a long ways. 7-29-2020 Perryton, TX

  This is the first bird that landed right above my lawn chair when I went out for a breath of fresh air this afternoon. There is no doubt that this bird came to welcome me. It always makes me feel good if even a little bird shows me friendliness. I do not want dogs, nor cats, so the birds are company to me. Sometimes I see some very beautiful, colorful birds, but they usually don't stay put long enough for me to take their picture. They probably don't feel comfortable in the company of the more common, and more numerous birds. At least that is the way I judge them. Just comparing them to myself.

No matter how welcome, or how nice people with more to boast about than I, I still prefer to be with my own tribe. That is not to say I do not appreciate well educated, and people with high positions. I can feel right in their circle for awhile, then I want to go home to my own circle to rest. I can make all the mistakes I want, and not be embarrassed. It's because we all are equally created, and we choose to be the laid-back type. The one thing I have always loved about myself is my gifted desire to be original with my dress. Although I have made many of my dress outfits by a pattern, I most likely have changed something about it. Sometimes I take two or three patterns to create my own outfit. But the finished dress style is not complete until I have found the right pair of shoes, and purse. I used to always ware a hat to church back in earlier days, and I still like to ware a hat from time to time. When I was in school as a young girl I made some of my clothes by my own pattern, on my mothers treadle sewing machine. In high school I took home make and learned to cut out material with a pattern. I have always been a thrifty shopper. That is my second favorite thing to do. I like to brag about my bargain, shopping finds. If it cost a lot of money I wouldn't have it, even if someone gave it to me. I do have to make one exception. I was with a friend one day doing some shopping. She never bought anything cheap, so I was just following her in the dress shop. I could not pass up this purse without pricing it. I fell in love with it, but when I looked at the tag it read $340.00. I didn't notice that my friend was watching me. We went all through the store. She picked up a few things and started back to the cashier in the front of the store. The purse was at the very front, so she walked over and picked it up. I thought she likes it too. When she paid the bill she handed me the purse and said, Happy Birthday. I almost lost it. That purse was a real python skin, and a large bag type. I still love that purse, but I don't like snakes. That happened about five years ago, and I only carry that bag when I really have some place special to go. It sits on the top shelf of my closet, and it still looks new. I left the price tag in it so I could prove it's worth. I have several other purses that I like almost as well that I paid less than twenty dollars for. I need lots of purses, and shoes to match my dress attire, but I never have much money tied up in clothing. It's just my natural gift from God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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