Wednesday, July 15, 2020

"Where's My Saw"

   High wind took it down last night. Lots of sawing for me to do. 7-15-2020 Perryton, TX

  So this is what I found in my back yard this morning. I never knew that the wind storm happened last night until I saw this huge limb from the apple tree lying in the yard. At first I though the limb was probably partly rotten and just broke off. It was while I was having lunch at the Center today that I head about the terrible windstorm. I didn't go to bed till nearly mid-night, but I was on the computer and didn't know anything was happening outside. I wondered why the electricity was off when I woke up this morning. The good thing about it was we got I/2 inches of rain. The temperature is only 84 compared to being over 100 for the past several days. It is certainly a nice day today.

There was a nice crowd at the Center today, but sorry to say only myself and one other friend showed up at our table. At least six had said they would be there, but something caused them to change their plans. This was an unusual happening since our table is usually full compared to most tables. It seats eight people, and most of the time at least six or seven are there. I did enjoy the atmosphere though, and am keeping my fingers crossed that something else don't happen again to make us close the doors. We have not had one member out of nearly two hundred to come down with the covid-19. We all are mostly pretty healthy people. We give credit to our God for that. Another factor is we have very good cooks. The meals are always well balanced, and super good. The friendly smiles are enough to make you forget about our troubled world at least for awhile.

I am so happy today to say my candidate in the primary race for Texas Representative district 13 won yesterday by a good margin. Dr. Ronny Jackson will be running against his democrat opponent come November. Unless the election is highly rigged, Dr. Ronny Jackson will be the winner of that race. Ronny has been working side by side with President Trump for quite some time to help drain the swamp. God is still on the Throne. Texas needs several more just like him. This state is more swampy than most people thought. But we do have some great men, and women represeting us. We need to keep all of them, and vote a few more in to take the place of those who are against America. Our greatest fear is voter fraud. That is nothing new, but we must stop it completely. With God's help we can do it. We definitely can't do it by staying home from the voting polls. Every vote is important so please go and cast yours. It's either win or die at this point of time. Let us live till God is ready for us in His own time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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