Saturday, July 11, 2020

"A Welcome Sign Makes Me Happy"

This door displays a lovely welcome sign, and the occupants really show it. 7-11-2020 Perryton. TX

I have another friend who has a nice welcome sign hanging on her door. This picture I'm posting didn't show it up too well because the door was shaded, but it is so lovely and makes you feel so welcome. I think everyone should start showing more interest in other people by hanging welcoming signs on their door. I for one, am going to make that a priority. We just got to start sticking together more, and lift each other up in prayer. The world is becoming more evil every day. The bible tells us to bear one another's burdens. We should not let our Christian testimony lay dormant, and rust. God gave us that experience for a reason. Let's keep it moving, and if it needs new batteries, they are free for the asking of our Heavenly Father. Soon or later if we don't start using our God-given talent, whatever it may be, and everyone has a talent, it will be cut down like the fig tree that didn't bear fruit. Jesus said, “cut it down.” So many of us put too much emphases on impressing others, rather than blessing others. That is not what Jesus taught us to do. I often wonder how many people I might could have kept from taking their life if I had been more alert. I also believe I am not the only one who should feel that way. I am afraid all of us will find out on that Great Judgement day.

John 14;12.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me the works that I do shall he do also, and greater [works] than these shall he do.

You, and I, are being spoken to by John. Did we hear him? Have we done that? Why do we think God is leaving us here, to please our own desires, or to help Him proclaim His Gospel? I am certain that God spoke to me personally when I first met Him and said, “I am not through with you. I have work for you to do.” This was after I thought He was taking my life, and I was ready to go. I have been trying to be a good servant every since, and although I know I have failed many times, I believe I still have that first love Jesus gave me. I can love my enemies, but at the same time I am not suppose to let them destroy the New Creature God made of me. I am not my own, because I gave my life to God. I belong to Him. If I sound strange sometimes, think nothing of it because God is strange to most all of us. He said, “it is not meant for you to know the mysteries of God. “ Let us not even try lest we become a fool, and not a trusting child.

I have done my normal duty today, and put my natural needs to rest. Yes, I went to Liberal, Kansas to get the things we needed to keep us thriving with happiness. I am ready for church tomorrow, and who knows what to expect there. Hopefully I will receive a blessing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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