Thursday, July 16, 2020

"A Sunflower Will Do"

Well look what popped open last night. I'm proud of it, and several more are ready to join it. 7-16-2020 Perryton, TX

The hotter the weather the prettier the sunflower. At least I have plenty of them, and if nothing else the sunflowers will do. We have had two nice rains the past couple of days, but I don't think it will help the contrary flowers or roses to change their minds. They are just through for this year. However, the grass is looking much better, and for the first time all summer the yards are looking good. They need to be mowed more often now. I am patiently waiting for cooler weather. The 100 plus degree weather for nearly two weeks has gotten the best of me. It's either no wind, or 120 mile an hour wind. Two bad wind storms have done a lot of damage here where I live. I would rather stay inside than to have such terrible wind storms. Several big fires have also been caused from dry, hot, weather, and wind here in our community. Today's news said 175 junk cars burned up at a wreckage yard here. The fire crossed the road and burned a wheat field that luckily had already been harvested. The stubble burned though. We are hoping since the two rains blessed us that no more grass fires will occure. We have had our share of those the past several years. It seems like there is always something to worry about.

After I finish writing this blog I will be resting the rest of the evening. I am somewhat tired from doing a little garden work at Chuck's house today. Again the hot weather, and high wind has kept me busy trying to keep the tomatoes, and okra alive. I completely removed the tent off the okra today for the first time since we set them out two weeks ago. The heat was too much for them, and the wind kept flopping the tarp around till it was hard to keep it from breaking off the plants. I believe the roots are deep enough now till the sun won't kill them. But the wind if it gets wicked again, can break the plants off to the ground. This little garden started out for fun, but it has ended up being a nightmare. Chuck is determined to beat the destroyer. I suppose you might call it a challenge. I did pick a few strawberries today also. The tomatoes are in full bloom, and we look for little green tomatoes every day. The pepper plants are looking good also. I won't be going back over to Chuck's for five days, so it's all up to him now.

I have a week-end planned, and will be going out a couple of days. I have some other things I plan to do that will require me working on a rag, corcheted rug that I started several years ago. I put it aside because I didn't have any use for it, but now I want it for a spare room at Chucks house. All at once I became exicited about tackling that bedroom that has only been used for storage. The rug I am making will be a 9 by 12 and I don't like too much having it that big. It is square, and has no pattern at all. Whatever I can find to rip up, and with a crochet needle work it into the square, is what I do. The thickness is probably, on an average of I and I/2 inches. I will have to find some way to load it, and take it to Chuck's house because it is very heavy, and bundlesome. It will work perfect on the hardwood floor.
God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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