Tuesday, July 7, 2020

"A Duck Could Be Stuck"

          A duck out of luck. Has become part of the heavenly tree. 7-7-2020 Perryton, TX
I was sitting under the apple tree this afternoon after I came home from work, just enjoying the cool breeze. I noticed something interesting in the top of the heavenly tree that I could see rising above the house top. It looked like a big duck was sticking it's head out of the tree. I viewed it for awhile then decided to take a picture. People who know me know I am always looking for something different to talk about. I have to wonder why some things by nature sometimes form a perfect image. I suppose my art teacher had something to do with that. He taught his students to always look for images in the clouds, in the trees, in the mountains, and all other things God created to make a beautiful world. It has turned into a hobby for me. I also find it interesting to look for any, and all sorts of objects that may have been lost, or thrown away by someone who no longer wanted them. I recently returned from a trip from Norman, Oklahoma where I had spent three days with two of my sisters. It is a 275 mile trip, and I began to feel sleepy before I reached home. I pulled off the highway at an old abandoned service station in Wheeler, Texas to close my eyes awhile. Just as I opened the door of the car to step out a minute I saw an old tarnished, silver quarter, lying on the ground. My first thought was is it a rare coin as everyone knows some coins are very valuable, and have become collectable. The quarter was so tarnished till I couldn't make out the date, but when I got home I was able to clean it enough to see it was a 1992 coin. I haven't checked my coin book to see if it is worth more than a quarter, but just the same for a short time I felt very lucky to find it. It could have been over a hundred years old. And not all valuable coins have to be old. There are other things that make them collectable. I don't especially look for things that are valuable, I just like to find things that may have a hidden story if only they could speak.

I am experimenting with another type of folly that I will tell about later on. How fun it is to experiment. One never knows what the finished project may turn out to look like. It's just fun to use your imagination to find out. I can't remember a time in my life that I didn't like to be creative. It could be called a talent, but I just call it a fun thing. A lot of my fun things turn into a lot of work, but that too I always enjoy as long as my olden, worn-out body will let me. My worst disappointment was when my mind told me not to climb ladders anymore. I've never fallen off one and hurt myself, but I was told it was time to stop before I did. Tomorrow I will be transplanting okra plants if I can beat the heat and get around early enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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