Thursday, July 30, 2020

"I Am Not A Rasists"

         Representative John Robert Lewis, funeral service today. 7-30-2020 Perryton, TX

I watched most of the funeral service for U.S. State Representative, John Lewis, today. I was pleased with everything that was spoken about him, and the singing was beautiful. I have to say the music notes had been changed from what I had known the songs by for many years, but I could make out the words enough to recognize the song. It took me a few moments to decide for sure that the song I dearly love was really what I thought. “If I Can But Help Someone Then My Living Would Not Have Been In Vain.” The singer put so much emotion into it till it was hard to catch all the words. Then another beautiful singer did about the same thing. The song, Take My Hand Precious Lord Lead Me On, again the song was sung with so much emotion I barley could follow her.

The camera gave us several pictures of the funeral attenders, and I was so surprised to see the seemingly small church, had so many empty pews. However, it was a long service, and I was impressed until time for the Eulogy. Ex- President Obama gave what was suppose to be the Eulogy, but turned out to be one of the most disgusting campaign speeches I had ever heard. I believe he spoke longer than the minister.

I had made my dislike for Representative Lewis when he voted to impeach President Trump. Among other things I could not say I had high respect for him. I know he was a Civil Rights Icon, and came into power the hard way, but many, many others have done the same thing, and I believe God is a just God, and everyone has a chance to make their lives what they want. Representative John Lewis will have to answer to God just like everyone else. I do not honor him as a hero, although I do appreciate his work in Congress. I'm sure he made many good choices, and I honor him for those things. He will be rewarded for his good deeds only by his creator, and not by man. As far as I am concerned, the ex-president, Obama, soured the entire funeral. I have been reading on face book where several others feel exactly like I do. We can not let funerals take our minds off the crisis that some of the liberal left have done to us. Sorry to say, but I believe Representative Lewis was a part of that group. No one has to tell me I already know my opinion is just that, but I do believe it's important that we all use our voices to fight for our God given country, and bring Jesus Christ back to our land. Fear will not save us, for God has told us in His Word we have a covenant with Him, and He expect us to keep it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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