Monday, July 13, 2020

"The Perryton Senior Citizen's Center is Unmovable"

Good try coronavirus-19, but you wasn't quite that smart. We old tough chicks are here till the last demon is destroyed. 7-13-2020 Perryton. TX

Hallelujah! I finally made it back to the Center today. It almost seemed normal. Just one or two wore face masks, and the attendance was about normal for a Monday luncheon. My table was just two short of full capacity. It was so nice to be with everyone again, and even nicer to see the same old seating arrangement except for the tables being a little farther apart. I just hope things don't change for the worse. There is no guarantee of that. At least I have had my hopes lifted for now. We were served a Mexican pile on today, which everyone really loves. I was asked by my table friends if I was coming back. I said yes, if you all come back, but I'm not coming if you all don't. Of course I was the only one there who had not been coming since the place opened back up. I am pretty stubborn when something, or someone upsets me. It takes me longer than others to trust again. I guess you might say I would rather be sure than sorry. However, I am ready to fight this stupidity again if it comes back to our city. I still have lots of faith in the Almighty God who is above all other power. We are His children, and He cares for us. I am so thankful for the leaders at our Center who hung in through thick and thin. They deserve a big shout out.

I feel like I have come through the worst of some trying times for me. I will say It was hard, and I almost gave up, but don't know what for. If we give up then it's all over for us. We dare do that after God has said the battle is His, and we would be trying to make it ours if we gave up. I'm sure My Heavenly Father would not let me get by with trying to over rule Him. In some ways I'm sticking my tongue out to agree with our President, but I will not forsake him because I believe I have a duty to help him win this evil battle that God has promised to defeat. I'm good for a lot of tougue lashing as long as I know God is on my side. After all God puts a shield around us, and we cannot be killed for His sake. I've answered His call, and I will stay the course. I understand the more I speak out the more I will be licked, but it is all in the good of our God, and our country. Why keep living if we are no longer of service to our God? In fact I think I would be taken if I became useless for my Lord. The Lord told me years ago that when He was through with me He would take me home. I believed Him then, and I believe Him now. He also assured me that I would have many more battles to fight. He was 100 percent right about that. Oh how I love Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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