Monday, July 6, 2020

"Unbelievable But True"

Even alone this rose is alive, and spreading hope for more to come. 7-6-2020 Perryton, TX

This little yellow rose stands alone with the help of a Great Big God. I am comparing it to my church of recent return. I am so proud to say that God is definitely embracing this large, beautiful church building, with almost one rose still living, to fight the evil enemy that continues to try and close it down. I was quite surprised to hear yesterday that this First Assembly of God Church had more present than the largest member church in town. One day after the 4th of July this church had more present than since I've been going now for five weeks. A visiting minister gave a message that I thought had been buried with all other Pentecostal messages for years. He was here from Amarillo and was with Teen Challenge of the A/G Affilation. I was so impressed with his message I almost came up from my seat. I had a hard time keeping quite. Once again I almost missed a blessing. I thought since the 4th of July was still being celebrated that no one would be at church. I wasn't sure it would even be open. I saw several of my neighbors cars still home who usually go to other churches. But for some reason I got ready and went to see if it was open. When I arrived only five vehicles were there, and it was almost time for church to start. At the last minute, and even a minute past time people began to enter the sanctuary. How did people know God had a special message waiting for us? Yes, my faith just got greatly increased. God is still alive, and in control. I truly believe that people are still afraid to speak out about their faith in God, because it is certain that the enemy has it's arrows pointed at the Christians, But like the minister said Sunday, “I will not bow to any other God.” We have only one choice, refuse to bow or be killed unless we have a great infilling of the Holy Spirit. I truly believe it is that time of Bible prophesy to be fulfilled. I also believe the churches are near to being closed up because of fear the enemy has put on the people. No congregation, no money to support the church. No congregation, no strength to each other. Bible quote, “where two or three are gathered together there will I be in their midst.” With God in our midst how can we be afraid? Let me be part of that two or three, Dear God.

So as long as there is one rose there is life, and with proper care, and continued faith the one yellow rose will soon be surrounded with others. I believe this with all my heart even though God is still going to punish the ones who have let him down. I also believe repentance is still in order, but for how long we never know. Head back to those forgotten alters, and repent while there is still time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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