Friday, July 31, 2020

"The Sun Never Sleeps Amen"

What you are looking at is the sun leaving us for the day. Welcome back tomorrow. 7-31-2020 Perryton, TX 

The sun is turning out the lights. I'm never ready to go to bed, but my body won't let me stay up 24 hours a day. No matter how early I go to bed I never go to sleep till after 1 a.m. My built-in alarm goes off a little after 6 a.m. My average sleep time is 4 to 5 hours. I fall to sleep wishing it would hurry up and be time to get up. I will not take any kind of drugs except my blood pressure, and cholesterol. I do take one aspirin a day, and a B-50. As the doctor ordered. I would rather stay awake than go to sleep from a drug. I have energy plus, but mostly like to recline, and watch Fox News. I can't believe I'm saying all of this on my blog, but probable because I have been busy today, and didn't have anything else to write. When I glanced outside and saw this bright sun about to leave for the day, I just had to take a picture, and write something. I have been crocheting on a rag rug almost all day, and I am very tired, but not ready for bed. If it were possible I would crochet all night. I am anxious to finish it.

While I work on the rug I can watch Fox News, and crochet at the same time. I was extremely interested in several heated Congressional Hearings today, or at least one, and all the comments that followed. My mind works 19 hours a day (given I sleep 5 hours,) just trying to figure out if all this mess we are in as a country, is going to continue to get worse. My faith says victory is ahead, but I believer it is quite away out yet. The worse is yet to come. What we are facing will have a domino effect. I do believe God wants the Christians to prove their trust in him. The only way that can happen for us is to spend a lot of time on our knees every day, not just some days. We must leave no space for Satan to move in our minds, and srart telling us lies. He won't bother us if we keep our minds locked against him. Prayer is the key that locks our minds against evil thoughts. It's not evil to listen to what is happening to God's people. It is evil when we join that wicked group, and try to do our own thing. I listen to a lot of voices, and can name a lot of them by memory. I feel so sure that I can name most of the evil ones who are powerful in our government. I'm thankful that God promised to give us a spirit of decernment if we dedicate our lives to Him. We need to know these evil politician's so we will never vote for them, even though some of them may be of our own political choice. Beware.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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