Saturday, January 25, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Everyone Deserves A Laugh Occasionally"

Jean's Comment's: "Everyone Deserves A Laugh Occasionally":                       I might decide to sign it. Does anyone want it? 1-25-2020 Perryton, TX   Have you ever tried painting your fee...

"Everyone Deserves A Laugh Occasionally"

                      I might decide to sign it. Does anyone want it? 1-25-2020 Perryton, TX

Have you ever tried painting your feelings in five minutes? Really it's fun. After watching the two hour defense team poking holes in every bit of the house's case, I got this picture in my mind. I truly believe these two characters are doomed to hell. Not because God would not forgive them, but they don't have enough sense to admit their guilt. That's what I'm trying to say in this illustration. I just have a hard time believing anyone could be so evil, and down right stupid. Their actions tells me they do not believe God would ever punish them for anything they do. How wrong they are. I just finished reading the book of Revelations, and how powerful that last book in the bible is. It describes a lake of fire that never stops burning, and will be the eternal punishment for all who mocked God, and lied to the Holy Spirit. How thankful the Christians should be for knowing the truth about God's judgment as well as His love. That's not saying the Christians will never suffer, but not for the same reason the evil doer's will. The Christians are promised a glorious, heavenly eternity if they stay true to our God. That means not taking the mark of the beast that some of us may have to if we live long enough. Without the mark it will be almost impossible to continue living. There are people who try to interpret the bible differently than it reads, but never, never will I doubt that it means just what it says. That is why Satan is having such success today, because people would not believe God's Word.

As we move into the next phase of the impeachment trial next Monday, I'm on edge to see just how far Satan will be able to go. This may not be the last battle our President will have to fight. Like Adam Schaff said in the comic script, “I will never give up.” House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is warning him to watch his step, but so far she has already lost her influence as Speaker. It has finally been admitted by the Shifty Schiff, something most people knew all along. The democrats are trying to take away the peoples right to select their President. They want to tear up all the ballets that are already printed for the up-coming Presidential election, and let the democrats put their own choice in the White House. “God help us.” The Constitution will finally be done away with if the Democrats win this impeachment case. The framers provided us, this Constitution, and it has kept us safe, and maintained it's guiding power for over 245 years. America's greatest enemy is within it's own governing power. Our president has been able to work miracles since he's been our executive leader, and with the help of God, but the Satanic power seems to be gaining steam every day. I have news for Adam Schiff, the Christians have the power of God Almighty over them, and no one can ever win His battles. Stay true to the Almighty God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 24, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"

Jean's Comment's: "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be":          My assurance today that God is still on the Throne. 1-24-2020 Perryton, TX   I'm up early this morning putting my voic...

"How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"

         My assurance today that God is still on the Throne. 1-24-2020 Perryton, TX

I'm up early this morning putting my voice out there for the one thing I can do to help President Trump finish draining the swamp. First I took a picture of the early morning beautiful sky, ate my breakfast of waffles, and bacon, then decided to write my blog before the impeachment trial starts at 12:00 my time. I watch the full eight hours so there isn't any time to write my blog there in. I do anything I can to help our President stay strong, and focused on getting our country back.

  1. This morning I am asking everyone in the Texas 13th Congressional district to vote in the primaries for Ronnie Jackson. He is an ex-doctor of President Trump, and moved back to the Texas Panhandle to run for Congress in the 13th district. He came to the Senior Citizen's Center in Perryton, Texas last week to talk to the folks there. Can you believe a little place like Perryton could possibly be having an ex-Doctor of President Trump, and two other ex-president's as well, come in person and talk for close to an hour about his desire to be our next Texas Congressman. He became a winner within that time frame at our Senior Center where approximately 60 or 70 were present.

  2. I know there are at least 13 other candidates running for this office, but Ronny Jackson has first hand knowledge of what it's going to take to get our country back. As he spoke he was all fired up, and ready to fight the evil that has overtaken our Christian heritage, and made it into a nation of shame and disgrace in many ways. It will take a man of Ronny's character, and knowledge to do a good job for the people in the 13th district. I hope no one stays at home on this coming up important primary election. March 3.

  1. We the people no matter how old, or how young cannot afford to be unconcerned. It's a matter of heaven or hell. And believe me hell is getting more real every day. When I see where a goat was born just recently with a human-like face, I know hell is breaking out of the bottomless pit. There won't be enough fighters to contain it if we stay home and watch evil movies. We must wake up and join forces to at least vote, and maybe even throw a rock.

  2. Lastly let me say I am a strong believer of the Word of God. He has told me many times He will never leave nor forsake me. I feel safe and secure, but I want all of my fellow Americans to feel the same way. I said, “Americans.” Not those who are betraying America. We can all have peace somewhat, but not till after the great battle is over. It will take us all to win this one. Take action starting today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "I'm Saving The Pieces"

Jean's Comment's: "I'm Saving The Pieces": The old bible is 50 plus years. The newer one is just now getting read. Same story, different illustrations. 1-22-2020 Perryton, TX  ...

"I'm Saving The Pieces"

The old bible is 50 plus years. The newer one is just now getting read. Same story, different illustrations. 1-22-2020 Perryton, TX 

This week I have finished reading the King James Holy Bible for I don't remember how many times. As you can see by the picture I just took it is almost dilapidated. I start at the first page of the first book in the Old Testament, Genesis, and read every page in sequence through the last book of the New Testament, Revelations. I did not want to start reading the Holy Bible through again so I had another though to strike me. One of my several bibles is called “Good News Bible.” Today's English Version. I had used it some when I needed a little more understanding of certain scriptures in the King James Version. For those who don't know about this Good News Bible, it just makes the story a little more simple to understand. I would now read this other bible through, and not refer back to the King James. Well, well, at first I thought I was reading a child's bible, until I remembered I am a child. It is almost too easy to believe. Simple, but the same meaning is the only difference in the two bibles. It is like I'm reading things that I missed before. This adventure is going to be interesting. I believe as I read through this new bible I will gain knowledge that I didn't have before. Nothing of great importance, but more digestible as I often found some food in the King James Version was hard to swallow. I trust I am getting it right when I say I believe the Good News Bible is the same, but more simple. However, it's hard to change from a strict way of teaching to a more relaxed way. To balance the peace of mind is to trust God, and use common sense. He will never leave us in doubt if we trust Him.

The reason for me missing my blog yesterday, and today was because of the impeachment hearings, and today the starting of the trial against our President. I have more concern about our nation than anything else at this time. Everyone should be on their knees praying for our President. He is taking the strips so we may keep our freedom, and keep God in our lives. Many people does not have any idea what he is going through, but I pray they will wake up before it's too late. His life is at a constant risk. It is only by God's grace that he is still alive. There have been many attempts to kill him, and if they can't get him that way they are trying to turn enough people against him with lies so he will not be re-elected. We all have a duty to live, and give of our time and prayers to this wonderful President. Not because it's him, but because he is doing this for us. There will be consequences for those who do not do their part.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 20, 2020

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "The Journey Ended For My Husban...

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "The Journey Ended For My Husban...: Jean's Comment's: "The Journey Ended For My Husband" : My husband of 63 years, Charles Sharp, left this five 7 years ago t...

"Birds Are God's Messengers"

            Breakfast time saith the bird. I hear ye, I am hungry too. 1-20-2020 Perryton, TX

When the sun came up this morning and spread it's light all around I saw this big, ring-neck dove watching me in my kitchen window. Possible waiting for some breakfast. It is nice out today, and I am back from having lunch at the Center. I will be going grocery shopping shortly. I had a hard, week-end to bear having had continuous thoughts on my loving, deceased brother's birthday, and the 7th anniversary of my husband's death, but this morning I was free from sad memories, and started thinking positive. I think that big, free, bird helped me to forget yesterday. We have had a spell of cold weather, and I hadn't hardly seen a bird in awhile. When I see one with wings spread flying toward my big apple tree just a few yards from my kitchen window, I have to thank God for his miracles. Spiritually I can fly again too. I may not land in a tree in front of someone's window, but I can share my food with friends. We all have a cross to bear, and we can help each other carry that heavy cross. My daughter was so close to her father. She texted me yesterday and said I can't talk today for crying, but I will call you tomorrow. I hope a nice bird visited her this morning. So far she hasn't called. I can't stand it when she is sad. God knows how, and will make her happy. She knows that is exactly what her dad would want.

As we travel on with this life, I will try hard to stay positive. I do believe the battle will get harder to fight with every new day, Maybe that's not being positive, but I have to believe what the bible tells us. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 Beware when men say peace and safety, for there is no peace. Destruction will come every time. Every competitive team of any kind are claiming victory even before the game starts, but only one will be the winner. We, The United States have two competitive parties, with a third not strong enough to be counted as competitive. These two parties are fighting today for power to uphold our constitution, and keep America the Great Nation our forefathers successfully made it. While the Republican party claim that the Democratic party is trying to destroy the constitution, and lose our country to the control of evil nations, the Democrats are willing to go as deep in evil as possible to win. Just because I am a Republican is not the reason I see this scenario as correct. There can not be one doubt about it. With that being said, the only hope for America is for all Christians to remain Christians and not be brainwashed by evil. That will take a lot of faith, but it must be accepted. Again I say, “trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The Journey Ended For My Husband"

Jean's Comment's: "The Journey Ended For My Husband": My husband of 63 years, Charles Sharp, left this five 7 years ago today. This is a late picture of him. 1-19-2020 Perryton, TX oday,...

"The Journey Ended For My Husband"

My husband of 63 years, Charles Sharp, left this five 7 years ago today. This is a late picture of him. 1-19-2020 Perryton, TX

oday, 1-19-2020, is the seventh anniversary of my husbands death. I had a wonderful dream about him last night. I don't know If I feel better or worse this morning. I think a little of both. I will say very few nights go by that I don't dream about him. Also all through the day I think about him. I read a statement a few days ago that said a good memory is a person's worst enemy. I believe I have a good memory. Maybe I should pray more to forget some of those good memories, but what if I can't forget some of those bad memories. I believe it takes both good, and bad to help us through this weary life. I think I pray more for peace than anything else. Peace takes care of everything.

After a person reaches a certain age where their body won't allow then to do much physical work, or sometimes when people become disable while still young, that is a time when they think, and are tormented for lake of ability to work it off. Like everything else in this world our bodies wear with time, and soon or later can't be repaired. That is the time when we are replaced with a new body in a new world. Some of the last words my husband said to me were, “I've worked hard all my life, and I am tired.” He was so right about that. There never was a harder working man, and had been most all of his life. I truly believe he now has a new body in a new world. He lived to be 86, and never lost an ounce of his memory, or became totally dependent on someone else. His death time was less than an hour. He talked to me minutes before the nurse came to the door of the joining room where my husband was, and said,”I think he just went to heaven.” I almost jumped to the ceiling with shock. Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm guessing he had a little help to exit this life that had nearly worked him to death. His doctor had he, and me both to try and get through this awful time in our life. This doctor had been seeing Charles every since he was diagnosed with cancer. When the doctor asked Charles if he was ready to go just hours before he died, Charles replied, “I am ready, but I hate to leave her, pointing to me.” That's all the doctor needed to hear. I will always believe it was as hard on the doctor as it was on me. He kissed me on the cheek before he left the hospital leaving his nurse in charge. I never saw him again for a long time.

Yes, these memories are what keeps me going from day to day, for I know some day I will going through the same thing my husband went through. At least he lead the way. He always wanted to make things easy for me. Life is a journey, and it does come to an end. We must trust and obey for there is no other way.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Empty Churches Are Without Christ"

Jean's Comment's: "Empty Churches Are Without Christ": I endorse this little book, "Whispers of Wisdom," Spiritual food for every day of the year. 1-18-2020 Perryton, TX The devot...

"Empty Churches Are Without Christ"

I endorse this little book, "Whispers of Wisdom," Spiritual food for every day of the year. 1-18-2020 Perryton, TX

The devotional I'm reading this morning, 1-18-2020, from the book of “WISPERS OF WISDOM” is such that I needed to share it. I'm not sure the small print can be clearly read so I'm reprinting it in larger type. I feel like all churches could use this devotional today. In fact I believe it is a must if we are to ever bring Christ back into our churches. I cannot not find a particular author of this little devotional book, but it was first published in 1973. It is a very inspiring little book with 365 pages of spiritual exercise that is needed by everyone to keep their spiritual bodies in good shape. A workout for every day of the year. This little book was a Christmas gift to me from my daughter-in-law. I am so appreciative of it, and hope someone else can share some of the joy I will be expressing in my blogs from time to time. Today's devotional was, no doubt, a special message directed to a special request I have been asking God for. I'm not sure one person will read this blog today, that it was intended for, but I do believe God done not return His Word void. By faith I am sending it and hope somehow it will produce some good. It is those who are willing to go to battle who can claim victory when the battle is over for Christ. Here is the devotional in easy to read print.

                                             UNITED WITH CHRIST

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love,

                                        being one in spirit and purpose.


In the early days of the Communist revolution in Russia, a group of peasants met secretly for worship. During one of their meetings, the police suddenly broke into the room and took down all the names of all who were present. They finished with thirty names and were about to leave when one elderly peasant said, “One name is missing.” Impatiently the officer demanded, “Who is it? Tell me!” The man replied, “Jesus Christ.” “Oh, that's different,” the policeman said, and left.

If Jesus Christ is amongst us and controls our attitudes, we will not drive people away, but draw them near. When we have received the encouragement of Christ, His love and the fellowship of His Spirit, issues will not divide us. No, where Christ is present, unity and love will prevail.

Let us pray that the attitude and mind of Christ would fill our churches and lives, so that they would become places of healing and homes for those who are outside in the cold.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 17, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Grateful Servant Dines At Home"

Jean's Comment's: "A Grateful Servant Dines At Home":            God is still blessing us. Let us thank Him for our food. 1-17-2020 Perryton, TX   I'm having lunch at home today. The s...

"A Grateful Servant Dines At Home"

           God is still blessing us. Let us thank Him for our food. 1-17-2020 Perryton, TX
I'm having lunch at home today. The sleet, and snow gave me second thoughts about going out. I have been watching the preliminaries of the impeachment trial that is suppose to begin next Tuesday. I have my doubts about that. This evil endeavor to destroy our President, and our country as we have known it for years, will go on until the cows come home. I was raised in the country, and our cows never came home until we rode our horses out and rounded them up. Their bags were so full of milk til they could hardly walk. I think we are going to have to round up this herd of ignorant bulls, and cows, and place them in their stalls. Yes, and milk them.

I was so excited to hear the names of President Trump's legal team. All seven of them are the very ones I would have chosen if I had been the one to say. I may not go out of my house for a long time yet. The fight is now beginning to get bloody. I don't like the idea of such thing happening to our country, but I believe bible prophesy is being fulfilled. If we must, then we must fight for the sake of our good God. Who knows this may be the beginning of the last war on earth. People who don't believe in the Holy Word, are without hope. We are told in the book of Revelations that they will never repent, and will fight to the end of their lives.

This is not a shouting message, but I am fearful that we won't be hearing many more of those kind. I am not going into much more detail that I am now reading in Revelations, but it is a very hard pill to swallow. The mark of the beast we have heard about since we were children is nigh. It will separate the believers from the non believers. There will be no easy way to prove themselves a true believer. Even the faithful believers will be put to the test. I'm not saying this time is upon us now, but it looks mighty possible. I'm so thankful that my children, and grandchildren have been taught the Word of God, even though some may yet to accept it in it's fullest. At least they know what we, the Christians, believe. I am also thankful that God still gives peace to those who trust Him. He never fails to deliver on His promise of sweet peace, when we sincerely ask Him. When we have God's peace it shows on our faces. Yes, we will have times of sorrow because we love people who are ignoring God, but we can get peace over it if we ask God. We also have times of grief because we had to give up a loved one, but again peace is always there if we ask. I will praise God for every blessing He gives me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "I'm Fixed For The Snow.

Jean's Comment's: "I'm Fixed For The Snow.: Can't wait to bundle up. Gloves are almost invisible. A Christmas gift. 1-16-2020 Perryton, TX   The grass is yellow and the tree...

"I'm Fixed For The Snow.

Can't wait to bundle up. Gloves are almost invisible. A Christmas gift. 1-16-2020 Perryton, TX 

The grass is yellow and the trees are naked,

The birds are silent and the heat can't be waked.

The flowers are frozen in the ground,

and their carcasses look like clowns.

The neighbors stay inside and are as warm as a bat,

But my, how I miss their chat.

I wonder if all is well, I'm just waiting to find out.

I make my breakfast throwing one egg in the trash,

It didn't survive that awful bash.

Well that's o k, I hurry on to make my day.

I reach for my coat, I know a place to go

to cheer me up, I need it so.

Bad weather is promised, no garage where I go

Get out the scrapper and clean off the snow.

If I make it home without a crash,

I will thank God for protecting my cash.

I can if I wish stay home tomorrow,

but missing the luncheon makes me sorrow. Somewhat.

I may be the only one to go because of the snow,

If I stay home I'll never know.

I'm finishing this day with positive thoughts,

I'm starting now to tie the knots.

The trash is out, the dishes are clean,

This place isn't bad but not the best I've seen.

Good-day, Chuck, have pleasant dreams.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Part Of The White House Was Here"

Jean's Comment's: "Part Of The White House Was Here": I am sorry for the dim picture. Dr. Ronny Jackson was with us today to boost our moral. 1-15-2020 Perryton, TX   What a surprise we had...

"Part Of The White House Was Here"

I am sorry for the dim picture. Dr. Ronny Jackson was with us today to boost our moral. 1-15-2020 Perryton, TX
What a surprise we had today at the Senior Citizen's Center Luncheon. One of President Trump's personal ex-doctors is running for Texas Congressman in the 13 district. Mac Thornberry who is now serving as the 13th Texas Congressional Rep. Will not be running again. He is one of the few RINO's ( republicans in name only) who don't support President Trump. The Republican candidate who is running to replace Mac Thornberry for Texas State Rep. For the 13th district, and who spoke at the Center today is Dr. Ronny Jackson from Levelland, Texas. He has been a doctor for the last three Presidents. Last year President Trump nominated Dr. Jackson to head the Department of Veterans Affairs. As always the Democrats found a way to stop anyone who President Trump nominates to a position. They made some false accusations against Dr. Jackson, and since the time evolved would take too long to prove his innocence he withdrew his name for consideration. Dr. Ronny Jackson is a former Naval Rear Admiral. He spent 25 years in that branch of the Military.

I must say that everyone at the Center today seemed very impressed with his lengthy speech. There are 14 candidates running with him for the nomination for that Texas Congressional Representative office. I am asking everyone in the state of Texas or any other state who has friends or relatives in the 13th district to work hard to help this big Trump supporter to get elected. Our country desperately needs him to help drain the swamp. We do not need any more RINO' in Washington DC. I'm afraid that is what we will get if any of these other 14 get nominated. Or possible 13 others. I was not sure of the statement about exactly how many are in the race. Either 13 or 14. There is no time for anyone to slow down, We the American people are at the brink of total disaster. You don't have to live in the 13th district to help get Ronny Jackson elected. Anyone, anywhere can support, and get behind him in many different ways. Flood the internet with support for this man. Bring him up at the coffee breaks, and restaurant dinners. When church is dismissed mention his name before leaving the crowd. Just fight with everything you have to get this candidate elected. He will be a good enforcer of President Trump's policies. If possible form some groups to get his name out there. The election is happening in March. Not much time left to introduce this man to the world. Keep the ball rolling, and never let it stop. We must, absolutely must get this man in our 13th district to represent us in Washington DC. I will be praying for God to let everyone have night mares who don't do something to help with this important election.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Monday, January 13, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are Those Who Be Themselves"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Are Those Who Be Themselves":             Back ground doesn't help my hair do, but it is short. 1-13-2020 Perryton, TX   I'm sporting a new look this morn...

"Happy Are Those Who Be Themselves"

            Back ground doesn't help my hair do, but it is short. 1-13-2020 Perryton, TX

I'm sporting a new look this morning, and hopefully a new me. My hair had grown longer than it had been in years. Several had told me they liked it better long, but it had made me feel older, and less positive about myself. Yesterday I finally got the nerve to cut it shorter than it had ever been before. Today I am all smiles, and guess what, I got a lot of sweet comments at the Center's luncheon today. Maybe I can feel more positive, and have more faith to get my prayers answered. Am I saying God didn't like my hair long, well not exactly, but I believe He is glad I am more satisfied. I think the reason I like my hair short is because I only have to shampoo it, and let it dry. The setting comes naturally. When it was long, it had to be curled, and that took almost an hour, and it only stayed one day. I stayed home more because of the worry with my hair. Now I'm good to go with a quick brush, and a slight spray. I am my own favorite hair dresser, so this gal gets exactly what she wants. If I am pleased that's all that matters. Not so when I go to a professional hair dresser.

The menu today at the Center was Mexican pile on, and cookies. We had a lot to pile our plated up with. So much that I couldn't eat any cookies. The friendly atmosphere was great, and I left feeling like I would never miss another luncheon. However, that feeling will change if the dispute gets worse among our Congress. We are about to enter one of the most heated trials our Congress has ever had. Nothing, not even the Senior Luncheons can make me miss that. I'm afraid my new hair style won't even affect that. The three year battle the Democrats have caused for our President is the main reason my hair had grown out so long. I never left the television for long at a time. It gets pretty painful, but I am totally behind our President. His suffering has got to be much greater than mine, yet he never gives up. If you will notice his hair is pretty long too. I bet he is his own hair dresser also. All original, just like everything else about this President. Our First Lady is by far the most beautiful First Lady to ever occupy the White House. This marriage is to say the least, the most “one of a kind” marriage ever. I would not even attempt to explain it. Nor would I attempt to explain how much God has used this President to blow the heck out of evil. We are in this war of evil for the long haul, but we certainly are making a difference in the braveness of those who invited hell on earth. The battle is not ours, but Gods, and He will always be the victor.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Whispers Of Wisdom"

Jean's Comment's: "Whispers Of Wisdom": The banquet table has been set who will come and partake? Only those who are willing to put the Master first. He will have a full house if...

"Whispers Of Wisdom"

The banquet table has been set who will come and partake? Only those who are willing to put the Master first. He will have a full house if all means must be applied. 1-12-2020 Perryton, TX
Today is Sunday. I am posting a message by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All churches need to be preaching this sermon. It's not a popular sermon, but a demanding one from God. Some people are so set in their own belief that it would take more than one message like this one to ever resonate in their minds. This message is meant to fill up a church. It is a parable by Jesus when answering a servant's question. The meaning I get from this parable is don't think so highly of your self that you forget what Jesus commanded you to do. If your invited list on the feast party you are giving don't have time to attend, then go out unto the poor, and unfavorable and bring them in without an invitation, “so my house may be full,” sayeth Jesus. Literally haul them in. Then Jesus tells them that the invited gust who did not come will not eat at His table. Can the host to the banquet, or church dinner, be contend to keep having church without the interest of the people? They should not. Jesus says “go out to the poor, the crippled, and the blind and bring them in. The servant said, “your order has been carried out, sir, but there is still room.” Then the master said again, go out to even more remote places and bring in enough to fill my house.” How can an empty church respond to this parable? Is there a servant in your church carrying out God's order? Is your church full? It's not a matter of want to, it's a matter of have to if you yourself want to eat at the Master's Banquet in Heaven.

By faith I am doing the work my Lord is leading me to do. I don't know what will come next, but be assured there will be a next time. I am a servant of God by choice, and I will listen closely to his advise. If necessary a little bird will carry this message, because God always has a way to deliver his Word. For those who have put God on the back seat of the church, and are not aware of it, take head, you might find out too late. He may not be in your church at all. To those who don't know that your church is not yours but God's, let me inform you. That should make a big difference when you find this out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Reclaiming Our Place Of Worship"

Jean's Comment's: "Reclaiming Our Place Of Worship":                      Harvest Time Assembly of God Church. 1-11-2020 Perryton, TX   This is the church that houses my spirit, but not m...

"Reclaiming Our Place Of Worship"

                     Harvest Time Assembly of God Church. 1-11-2020 Perryton, TX
This is the church that houses my spirit, but not my body. I raised my four children in this church, and they all remember their early days of Christian teaching. Let me explain. This building is a new building erected after my children were grown, but the same faith, Assembly of God. Like most other churches this church has suffered many misfortunes, and the last one has left it almost dormant. This church is on life support, and without the help of God would have been donated to another religion. The many ex members of this faith are praying humbly to see the church restored. It was founded in the early fifties, and has been the means of many people today being used by God to fill positions like Doctors, lawyers. Nurses, school teachers, school board members, city managers of finances, and many more I cannot mention. I feel blessed to be the mother, and Sunday school teacher of some of these successful Christians. A lot of people are at a loss of what happened to this once thriving church. This large, beautiful building with amazing sanctuary, and classrooms, dinning area, etc, stands three stories tall. It was constructed on five acres of land with the intentions of more buildings going up later. Many hearts are still beating inside this building, but they have been removed from their bodies. Satan did a good job of separating the spirit from the body, but he could not take the heart.

It is my opinion that Satan still controls the handful of people who are still going there. In the past year I attended a few services hoping to help rebuild the congregation, after the last pastor left. I could not believe the arrogance of the two or three people who were appointed by the district to supervise the dozen or so people still trying to save it. They had no pastor, and after many months of waiting, the district finally found one who was willing to drive 45 miles a day to try and restore the church. It's been nearly a year now, and nothing is better. In fact some more of the members have left.

I know I will get ridiculed for putting this personal information on my blog, but I think the time has come for all Christians to take a stand for God. If we don't we will be condemned on judgment day. I have made this concern directly to God, and I truly believe He has led me to do this. If it does not affect the good for the church, I have done my part to try with God's help. To all past AG members who are misplaced in other places, including myself, I call for a spiritual awaking to clean up the mess Satan has caused. This is my duty, and I now must follow through after asking God last evening to move in a very quick, and definite way. I didn't want to be personally involved, but I feel like I am now. I can take no for an answer, but not without doing my part. I commit this request again unto God The Almighty. I expect more miracles to happen soon.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 10, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Looking For Sensible Answers"

Jean's Comment's: "Looking For Sensible Answers": Building bigger jails for poorer people. A small few rich go to jail if they are risk to the more powerful. What a sinful world we live in...

"Looking For Sensible Answers"

Building bigger jails for poorer people. A small few rich go to jail if they are risk to the more powerful. What a sinful world we live in. 1-10-2020 Perryton, TX

Our small city of less than 9,000 is building a new 15 plus million dollar jail facility. I'm searching for answers for which I cannot get satisfactory answers from city, and county leaders. Is law breakers, and crime rising that much in this small city? Is it because the state law requires more room for prisoners to enjoy their stay while locked up? Is the penalty for the crime too severe, and jail time exceeds the necessary confinement? And last is some of our law officers too aggressive because of a quota expected by city, and county financial experts to bring more money into the treasure?

I am one of the first to say that when I for some reason, other than force, walk inside a jail facility and see a mother bring her little children to visit their father for a few minutes, it breaks my heart. Yet I am also one to believe in punishment for law breakers. What bothers me the most is to see some who break the law to the fullest, and are able to pay off without any jail time, or exposure to the public. No one needs to tell me this does not happen because I see it happening every day even in our United States Government. I could, if I would, get a thousand answers to these questions, but none of which is worth listening to. We all know that many deaths have happened to people who were to be witnesses to an evil crime committed by high-up political leaders. Even now our US Attorney General is being threatened if he exposes the findings he has uncovered in the evil of powerful politicians.

How can a small town prosecutor send a father to jail for possession of a controlled drug he was using to deal with problems out of his control? Probably trying to feed his family, yet the trusted elite can rack up millions for giving money and power to terrorist countries while allowing the innocent to do without because of paying for their big cash deals. I know I will be a sinner on that Great Judgment Day, waiting to be judged, although I have been trying to live a clean life for over sixty years. I am probably sinning now by saying this, but I really would like to witness the sentence for some of the terrible, evil, and demotic people who were instrumental in turning this Great America into a hell hole. Who knows I may have a part in that devastating sentence, but as a human, I would like to see some of my company receiving the same pardon as I if that should be the case. In all reality I am not one to want revenge, but I do believe our God is just, and will be The Perfect Judge on that great, and notable day. Let us pray for our earthly judges that they will be understanding although they do have a pattern to follow. I know of one judge who took his life shortly after sentencing a young man to a felony charge because of pressure from a elite few who were saving the neck of their own. The young college bound man was forced to plead guilty to a charge, which was later reduced to a misdemeanor, but had no effect to the previous charge. This case was decided without one ounce of evidence, just the admittance of some fellow friends forced by their parents to do so. Is it any wonder why so many bad things happen to people who was suppose to be the perfect citizen, but something happened by the Almighty that they couldn't control? I can wait my Lord, for your true and just sentence, or pardon,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "How Much Simpler Can It Get"

Jean's Comment's: "How Much Simpler Can It Get": A white moon fixing to turn gold. I watched a miracle last evening. 1-9-2020 Perryton, TX   Last evening later in the afternoon I not...

"How Much Simpler Can It Get"

A white moon fixing to turn gold. I watched a miracle last evening. 1-9-2020 Perryton, TX

Last evening later in the afternoon I noticed this snow white, unlit moon seemingly looking down at me. I know very little about earth's make-up or why we have so many different wonders of the world, but I do know of all of them I like the moon, and the sun best of all. Rain is wonderful, snow is not one of my favorites, or freezing weather that makes for killing all the flowers, and trees unless you live in a certain climate space of the world. I don't like to hear about earth quakes, or tornadoes, devastating fires, and floods. I could go on with things in this world I don't like, but that would not make me a bit wiser. We are here to occupy till we are called to our eternal home. This month I will be 87 so I think I have been blessed to have survived that long. I consider myself still strong in body, and spirit so if God leaves me here another 87 years that will be alright with me.

Within two or three hours after I took the picture of this lovely white moon, it turned bright yellow, and my heart rejoiced with excitement. It was like someone turned the light on so we could see. It is the little things, or at least the heavenly things, that gives me courage when people all over the world are dying from evil acts, be it humanly or by nature. Not by natural causes. The past year has been a trying time for me. All hell broke out, and our country was being attacked like never before. I was made to think that God had had enough, and His wrath was being poured out. I thought about so many of my loved ones, and close friends who seemed to be denied the fear of God. They acted like there wasn't such a thing as an angry God, and they were here to stay forever. They, by themselves could conquer anything that tried to harm them. How can you rejoice when you know this is a fact? No one has ever done so much to hurt me that I can't love them.

Just like when the moon turned yellow last night I saw a bright yellow moon come on in my loved one's lives, and all who have ever been close to me. God will somehow make a way because He loves me, and has told me in His word that our faith (love) will cover a multitude of sins for our loved ones. If only we who were once close in the spirit could get this same message we could have a wonderful, thriving church in the one that has turned almost dormant now, and it stinks with self control. We who are still alive in body, but dead in the spirit should be aware that we will all be judged in the final day of rest, (free on bond.) I speak with love, and not with revenge. I speak with God's Word, and not by my own.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Nobody's Fault But My Own"

Jean's Comment's: "Nobody's Fault But My Own": Och! I knew better, but refused to take the safe way to do things. Don't take chances, Satan is watching. 1-8-2020 Perryton, TX   ...

"Nobody's Fault But My Own"

Och! I knew better, but refused to take the safe way to do things. Don't take chances, Satan is watching. 1-8-2020 Perryton, TX
This is what happens when I walk across the floor bare footed, which is hardly never except if I have thick socks on. The toe next to the little one has a blue spot on it this morning. It is very sore also. I don't believe in going bare footed except if I am relaxing in my recliner, and have thick socks on. When we go against our beliefs this is what happens. I was taught that as a child. Well everyone takes chances once, and awhile. I don't understand why I never hit that chair with my shoes on, or at least if I do I don't feel it. I live by myself so I couldn't blame someone else. This is one of the things I miss about my husband. He never got mad when I blamed him for something I did wrong. Husbands like that are rare. I haven't found another one yet that likes me that much.

I had planned to go to the luncheon today at the Center, but since President Trump was addressing the nation about the Iranian attack at 10:30 I had to miss the luncheon. I was glad to hear that the Iranian General had enough sense to know just how far to go. I had not been too concerned because I thought that that evil Iranian leadership had more sense than to try anything drastic on America. I believed they had gained enough knowledge about our President Trump for the past three years that they knew to take it easy with their threats. Our main goal now is to get the few Iranian sympathizers out of our Congress, and out of our country period. Starting with the last administration who gave them our tax payer's money to fight us with. Even now are making it clear that they are still on this terrorist countries side.

I have faith in our President, with the help of God that before long this swamp is going to be cleaned and smelling much better. Thank God for His Great Almighty Power. He knows the hearts of His people, and He will keep them safe. I do not believe the battle is over, because evil does not give up easy. Many will be self contained till they die. That's how far Satan has managed to take them in his deceiving way of promising to make them smarter than God. Many college professors are working with him to increase the number of fools they now have. Everything we are seeing today is bible prophesy, and is not news to those who read their bible regularly. God is not mocked, and what so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap. However, at any time a person quits sowing bad seed they will stop reaping bad harvest. The past will remain dormant until that Great Judgment Day. Don't worry about the past, but please worry about your future. Make haste to change your destiny if you are still believing that Satan is telling you the truth.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 6, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Only Trash Trash Will Be Going To The Dumpster"

Jean's Comment's: "Only Trash Trash Will Be Going To The Dumpster": I'm keeping this clutter at least another year. My heart is right in the middle of it. 1-6-2020 Perryton, TX   I am posting some m...

"Only Trash Trash Will Be Going To The Dumpster"

I'm keeping this clutter at least another year. My heart is right in the middle of it. 1-6-2020 Perryton, TX
I am posting some more of my earthly treasures today. Some of my angel collection embracing the memento's of my husband. It's been seven years, and I cannot trash these memories although they clutter my bookshelf, and make it hard to dust. I have a big angle collection, and I cannot let any of them go. The calendar collection may just be the only thing I take to the dumpster out of my cluttered house. Just one more year, I tell myself. I think I can live with it that much longer. I know my husband is not here anymore, but for some reason I can't feel completely all alone. We lived together in this house for 55 years, yes sleeping in the same bed, but with a change of mattresses now and then. My side of the bed is sinking a little more than his; but I won't change mattresses again. Angels keep me surrounded every night, and I don't think I could ever find the same peace they give me anywhere else I might move to. I know the bible tells us to lay our treasures up in heaven where neither moth nor rust can corrupt them, but I would like to keep a few with me till I get to heaven. In fact I don't know how to send these precious memento's to heaven, but one thing for sure I am not going to take them to the dumpster.

I did eagerly bath, and dress for the luncheon at the Center today. It was enjoyable, and I kept up the pace I started on the first day of this New Year. Get out more, and don't fall back in a deep rut that you can't get out of. Nor start a new habit that may not be good for you. I just trust God with every decision I make from now on. I don't expect to be bored much of the time. I may try something new, but I think I will know if it's right for me or not. The past few days have made me to believe I need to keep writing my blogs. The number of viewers have more than doubled. I had thought I might stop posting anything, but now I wonder if I was wrong in thinking that way. As long as people keep reading my chatter I will keep chatting. It's only by faith that I come up with something to say every day. I never have anything planned from one day to the next, although I do take my camera with me almost everywhere I go. Usually a story follows a picture I took of something, but did not know what the story would turn out to be. I trust God is using me for one of his messengers. If so that will be treasures I will have when I get to heaven.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A New Year Means Trips To The Dumpster"

Jean's Comment's: "A New Year Means Trips To The Dumpster": Five years of calendar's going to the dumpster. Tomorrow I will need to look at something that happened back in 1915. Oh well! 1-5-202...

"A New Year Means Trips To The Dumpster"

Five years of calendar's going to the dumpster. Tomorrow I will need to look at something that happened back in 1915. Oh well! 1-5-2020 Perryton, TX
I just removed five years of calendars from my wall, and replaced them with a 2020. Those calendars were part of my good memory. Each one had appointments, and other things to remember on the month and day they were appointed for. If someone asked me how many times I went to the doctor in 1915 I could look on that calendar and tell them. Every year I put a new calendar over the old one, until my nail got too full to hold anymore. Today I start with one calendar for 2020. Believe it or not the others are going to the dumpster. If I had of kept the last six years of calendars I would have a nice start of a calendar collection. My new calendar would make it twelve all together. Another interesting thought they all came from my same bank. Too bad I don't have a three story barn to store all of the things I would like to keep. God bless my children after I pass away. They are all too clutter-free to want to keep much of anything I have. Only a new home, and a new life in heaven can take the love of my stuff from me. I can write a story about every piece of the things I treasure. Some would bring laughter, some would bring tears. Only God knows how much I have enjoyed my life, and only He can make a better one for me. I truly believe He will. He can do all things.

Last evening was my first time to attend the Widow, and Widower's meeting in a very long time. I heard the meetings had almost become obsolete, but last evening we had a nice crowd. I hope I will do my part this new year to build it back up. Those in this group are best to none. They seem to meet each day with a positive look. Their laughter means a lot to me. My trouble with these meetings is they eat at 5 o'clock. I have a habit of snacking all through the day, and I am not hungry when 5 o'clock comes. I will have to change that habit on Saturdays. Last evening I ate a child's plate, and it looked like an over-sized adult's plate to me. The food is always good anywhere we meet. For the past three or four months I have been in this cooking mood, and that has got to stop. Everywhere I go out with friends includes a big meal. This is four or five times a week if I attend them all. Then when I go with just a good friend or some at church, it's more often than that. Tomorrow is a Senior Citizen's luncheon. I will have to eat a light breakfast, and eat it earlier than usual. At 11:30 we always have a huge, delicious meal. I just must stop cooking all this good stuff like roast beef with carrots, and potatoes, and gravy. Right now I have a German chocolate cake, and an apple pie in the frig, plus I have a peck canister full of good party mix. My son, Chuck, don't eat much so I have a lot to get rid of by myself. Not good for the health.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover"

Jean's Comment's: "Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover": Diamond back black widow takes second place on my wall. But only for a short time. 1-4-2020 Perryton, TX   I recently removed a painti...

"Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover"

Diamond back black widow takes second place on my wall. But only for a short time. 1-4-2020 Perryton, TX
I recently removed a painting from my wall that needed some more work done on it. The space left needed something to balance the rest of my portraits hanging on that wall. Well I solved the space problem by hanging a real, man-made, black widow spider by the tail. Now if you are going to try to identify me by my opinion of art, good luck. I have never been able to do it yet. This deadly, black widow spider is crawling down from the ceiling wall, and is as noticeable as the many, loving portraits I have painted, and hung across two walls. There is a portrait of my mother-in-law, and father-in law together. One of my mother, and father together, and our dear President Trump, and beautiful First Lady, Melania Trump, hanging side by side. A portrait of my sweet granddaughter in twirling outfit, a recent portrait of myself, and a landscape. Now the monsterest black widow. I do admire that sucker even though it is evil. I'm wondering where I will put it when I am ready to hang the missing portrait back up. It belongs in my collection adding a different skill to the artist I am. I do have some enhanced work in the spider. I made it look more deadly, and real. It now has diamond eyes, and a diamond on it's back. It's the real deal now. But don't ever expect to see a snake hanging on my wall. Spiders, yes, but snakes, no. Although I do have a snake with feet, and legs, and lipstick in the painting I did with Adam, and Eve in the garden of paradise, when the serpent tempted Eve to do the first sin. The serpent was beautiful then, and Eve believed it was perfect. She caused the world to be filled with sin by believing the beautiful serpent. That evil serpent was dammed by God and made to crawl on it's belly forever. I cannot stand the sight of a snake. Keep guessing about who I am. I am keeping on guessing the same thing.

Each one of us was made for a reason. I believe we struggle a life time trying to understand our purpose in life. I do believe God created us all equally, but because of the sin Eve created some are deprived of that perfect body, soul, and mind. That is all I have to say about a perfect God who is all love, even though it may not look like it to us. I will accept who God made me to be, and trust him to help me through life's troubling journey. I was told by my Heavenly Father in His Word that I was as good as anyone, but not any better. I believe that applies to all. Keep on the firing line. God answers prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 3, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Let The Party Begin"

Jean's Comment's: "Let The Party Begin":                     An awful lot of party mix. It turned out good. 1-3-2020 Perryton, TX   Having fun today. After coming home from ...

"Let The Party Begin"

                    An awful lot of party mix. It turned out good. 1-3-2020 Perryton, TX

Having fun today. After coming home from the Senior Luncheon I decided to make party mix. I always make it at Christmas, but since I was going to be gone this Christmas I waited till I got home. I couldn't find a big enough pan to make as much as I wanted, so I used the top of the cabinet placing wax paper down, and pouring the mix on it. It made a peck and one-half. That is a lot. For those who do not know how much a peck is, well it's ¼ of a bushel. So I have close to a half bushel of party mix. The total cost was $35.00 but I left nothing out. This will last a long time, and everyone seems to like it. I do have a plastic tub with a lid big enough to store it in.

I did have a great time at the Center today. The ladies who I always sit with ask me to introduce myself. I told them I had forgotten my name, since I had been involved for several weeks with the impeachment trial. I admitted I had lost it, but before long my old self came back, or at least most of it. Our time of visiting went way past the usual time. The seven ladies at our table were all ready to talk, but not about Christmas. We all are concerned about the turmoil of our country. Needless to say we are all praying about it. Our President needs our prayers. I had made up my mind to let the politics rest for awhile, and get back to leaving this house once and awhile. That was hard to do this morning when the Senate was opening up with an argument about the furtherance of the impeachment trial. I had heard from the media that they expected Senate Majority leader, Mitch McConnell, to announce that the impeachment was now canceled. I kept my word and left for the Center before the meeting was over, so now I'm trying to get the latest facts. People are getting sick and tired of letting this debacle go on, and on. I have managed to move forward today, and leave television alone. I think I can say I have been an over comer.

I am still cooking party mix so I must go finish that job. It takes two hours to get it all cooked since I have to make two large pans of it. I hope tomorrow will be as productive for me as today was. If I keep my word, it will be, but it really is hard to change a routine after years. As far now I am fired up,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Next Door Angels"

Jean's Comment's: "Next Door Angels": Angels next door put up a bigger sign. WOW! What does it mean? 1-2-2020 Perryton, TX   I must go next door and visit with my neighbo...

"Next Door Angels"

Angels next door put up a bigger sign. WOW! What does it mean? 1-2-2020 Perryton, TX

I must go next door and visit with my neighbors. I have always been welcome to come inside their home and visit with them, but after 10 years I have not ever gone in just to visit. We have always visited in the yard. Wonderful neighbors they are, but I am just not as neighborly as they. Now on the first day of the new year 2020, they have placed an over sized welcome sign on their porch. I am not that brave because I fear some unwelcome person might take advantage of it. After all we are living in different times now. The world is full of evil people. But my neighbor man is prepared for any kind of evil that knocks on his door. I can't help but feel blessed to be living as a widow next door to these good people. I owe them a lot. I will be trying harder this year to catch up on some of the good deeds that have been given me. I don't think I'm far in the red, but I could do more. I can never be perfect because I am human, and I am still subject to Satan's attacks, but I pray for more wisdom daily. “God is not the author of fear, but the giver of perfect peace.” He always brings me through hurt, and feelings of unwantedness. but I must first suffer. Jesus is my example. Let me be more like Him, I pray. After every battle I am greatly blessed.

I cannot wait to be at the Center tomorrow with friends, and feel the extra support they give me. I will be giving myself a beauty treatment after I finish this blog. I am looking pretty neglectful of keeping myself desirable. It shows every time I look in the mirror. I don't have an excuse, I just had a demon to demolish. Thank God he is gone now. I will show him tomorrow what a failure he was. There is always an angel at the Center who lifts me to high heaven. I would like to be one of those angels, and I trust I will. For some reason my soul is flooded with joy, peace, and happiness after going through a moment of dark despair. How great our God is. I cannot boast much further than tomorrow because the demon is still seeking anyone who he can win over, but I believe he will not come near me for quite awhile. That has always been the case since I was a young Christian. My faith has always been strong, and the demons know it. They don't waste too much time on me. When I came home from Christmas vacation I learned of several tragic deaths of people I have known for years. It did knock me for a loop, but I fought back, and now I am fully in control. My fears have vanished, and even though common sense tells me I am still a target of tragic happenings in my families lives, I know I will be able to endure, just like some of my dear friends endured their loses. I will keep on the sunny side.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp