Friday, January 24, 2020

"How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"

         My assurance today that God is still on the Throne. 1-24-2020 Perryton, TX

I'm up early this morning putting my voice out there for the one thing I can do to help President Trump finish draining the swamp. First I took a picture of the early morning beautiful sky, ate my breakfast of waffles, and bacon, then decided to write my blog before the impeachment trial starts at 12:00 my time. I watch the full eight hours so there isn't any time to write my blog there in. I do anything I can to help our President stay strong, and focused on getting our country back.

  1. This morning I am asking everyone in the Texas 13th Congressional district to vote in the primaries for Ronnie Jackson. He is an ex-doctor of President Trump, and moved back to the Texas Panhandle to run for Congress in the 13th district. He came to the Senior Citizen's Center in Perryton, Texas last week to talk to the folks there. Can you believe a little place like Perryton could possibly be having an ex-Doctor of President Trump, and two other ex-president's as well, come in person and talk for close to an hour about his desire to be our next Texas Congressman. He became a winner within that time frame at our Senior Center where approximately 60 or 70 were present.

  2. I know there are at least 13 other candidates running for this office, but Ronny Jackson has first hand knowledge of what it's going to take to get our country back. As he spoke he was all fired up, and ready to fight the evil that has overtaken our Christian heritage, and made it into a nation of shame and disgrace in many ways. It will take a man of Ronny's character, and knowledge to do a good job for the people in the 13th district. I hope no one stays at home on this coming up important primary election. March 3.

  1. We the people no matter how old, or how young cannot afford to be unconcerned. It's a matter of heaven or hell. And believe me hell is getting more real every day. When I see where a goat was born just recently with a human-like face, I know hell is breaking out of the bottomless pit. There won't be enough fighters to contain it if we stay home and watch evil movies. We must wake up and join forces to at least vote, and maybe even throw a rock.

  2. Lastly let me say I am a strong believer of the Word of God. He has told me many times He will never leave nor forsake me. I feel safe and secure, but I want all of my fellow Americans to feel the same way. I said, “Americans.” Not those who are betraying America. We can all have peace somewhat, but not till after the great battle is over. It will take us all to win this one. Take action starting today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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