Saturday, January 11, 2020

"Reclaiming Our Place Of Worship"

                     Harvest Time Assembly of God Church. 1-11-2020 Perryton, TX
This is the church that houses my spirit, but not my body. I raised my four children in this church, and they all remember their early days of Christian teaching. Let me explain. This building is a new building erected after my children were grown, but the same faith, Assembly of God. Like most other churches this church has suffered many misfortunes, and the last one has left it almost dormant. This church is on life support, and without the help of God would have been donated to another religion. The many ex members of this faith are praying humbly to see the church restored. It was founded in the early fifties, and has been the means of many people today being used by God to fill positions like Doctors, lawyers. Nurses, school teachers, school board members, city managers of finances, and many more I cannot mention. I feel blessed to be the mother, and Sunday school teacher of some of these successful Christians. A lot of people are at a loss of what happened to this once thriving church. This large, beautiful building with amazing sanctuary, and classrooms, dinning area, etc, stands three stories tall. It was constructed on five acres of land with the intentions of more buildings going up later. Many hearts are still beating inside this building, but they have been removed from their bodies. Satan did a good job of separating the spirit from the body, but he could not take the heart.

It is my opinion that Satan still controls the handful of people who are still going there. In the past year I attended a few services hoping to help rebuild the congregation, after the last pastor left. I could not believe the arrogance of the two or three people who were appointed by the district to supervise the dozen or so people still trying to save it. They had no pastor, and after many months of waiting, the district finally found one who was willing to drive 45 miles a day to try and restore the church. It's been nearly a year now, and nothing is better. In fact some more of the members have left.

I know I will get ridiculed for putting this personal information on my blog, but I think the time has come for all Christians to take a stand for God. If we don't we will be condemned on judgment day. I have made this concern directly to God, and I truly believe He has led me to do this. If it does not affect the good for the church, I have done my part to try with God's help. To all past AG members who are misplaced in other places, including myself, I call for a spiritual awaking to clean up the mess Satan has caused. This is my duty, and I now must follow through after asking God last evening to move in a very quick, and definite way. I didn't want to be personally involved, but I feel like I am now. I can take no for an answer, but not without doing my part. I commit this request again unto God The Almighty. I expect more miracles to happen soon.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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