Friday, January 3, 2020

"Let The Party Begin"

                    An awful lot of party mix. It turned out good. 1-3-2020 Perryton, TX

Having fun today. After coming home from the Senior Luncheon I decided to make party mix. I always make it at Christmas, but since I was going to be gone this Christmas I waited till I got home. I couldn't find a big enough pan to make as much as I wanted, so I used the top of the cabinet placing wax paper down, and pouring the mix on it. It made a peck and one-half. That is a lot. For those who do not know how much a peck is, well it's ¼ of a bushel. So I have close to a half bushel of party mix. The total cost was $35.00 but I left nothing out. This will last a long time, and everyone seems to like it. I do have a plastic tub with a lid big enough to store it in.

I did have a great time at the Center today. The ladies who I always sit with ask me to introduce myself. I told them I had forgotten my name, since I had been involved for several weeks with the impeachment trial. I admitted I had lost it, but before long my old self came back, or at least most of it. Our time of visiting went way past the usual time. The seven ladies at our table were all ready to talk, but not about Christmas. We all are concerned about the turmoil of our country. Needless to say we are all praying about it. Our President needs our prayers. I had made up my mind to let the politics rest for awhile, and get back to leaving this house once and awhile. That was hard to do this morning when the Senate was opening up with an argument about the furtherance of the impeachment trial. I had heard from the media that they expected Senate Majority leader, Mitch McConnell, to announce that the impeachment was now canceled. I kept my word and left for the Center before the meeting was over, so now I'm trying to get the latest facts. People are getting sick and tired of letting this debacle go on, and on. I have managed to move forward today, and leave television alone. I think I can say I have been an over comer.

I am still cooking party mix so I must go finish that job. It takes two hours to get it all cooked since I have to make two large pans of it. I hope tomorrow will be as productive for me as today was. If I keep my word, it will be, but it really is hard to change a routine after years. As far now I am fired up,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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