Thursday, January 9, 2020

"How Much Simpler Can It Get"

A white moon fixing to turn gold. I watched a miracle last evening. 1-9-2020 Perryton, TX

Last evening later in the afternoon I noticed this snow white, unlit moon seemingly looking down at me. I know very little about earth's make-up or why we have so many different wonders of the world, but I do know of all of them I like the moon, and the sun best of all. Rain is wonderful, snow is not one of my favorites, or freezing weather that makes for killing all the flowers, and trees unless you live in a certain climate space of the world. I don't like to hear about earth quakes, or tornadoes, devastating fires, and floods. I could go on with things in this world I don't like, but that would not make me a bit wiser. We are here to occupy till we are called to our eternal home. This month I will be 87 so I think I have been blessed to have survived that long. I consider myself still strong in body, and spirit so if God leaves me here another 87 years that will be alright with me.

Within two or three hours after I took the picture of this lovely white moon, it turned bright yellow, and my heart rejoiced with excitement. It was like someone turned the light on so we could see. It is the little things, or at least the heavenly things, that gives me courage when people all over the world are dying from evil acts, be it humanly or by nature. Not by natural causes. The past year has been a trying time for me. All hell broke out, and our country was being attacked like never before. I was made to think that God had had enough, and His wrath was being poured out. I thought about so many of my loved ones, and close friends who seemed to be denied the fear of God. They acted like there wasn't such a thing as an angry God, and they were here to stay forever. They, by themselves could conquer anything that tried to harm them. How can you rejoice when you know this is a fact? No one has ever done so much to hurt me that I can't love them.

Just like when the moon turned yellow last night I saw a bright yellow moon come on in my loved one's lives, and all who have ever been close to me. God will somehow make a way because He loves me, and has told me in His word that our faith (love) will cover a multitude of sins for our loved ones. If only we who were once close in the spirit could get this same message we could have a wonderful, thriving church in the one that has turned almost dormant now, and it stinks with self control. We who are still alive in body, but dead in the spirit should be aware that we will all be judged in the final day of rest, (free on bond.) I speak with love, and not with revenge. I speak with God's Word, and not by my own.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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