Monday, January 13, 2020

"Happy Are Those Who Be Themselves"

            Back ground doesn't help my hair do, but it is short. 1-13-2020 Perryton, TX

I'm sporting a new look this morning, and hopefully a new me. My hair had grown longer than it had been in years. Several had told me they liked it better long, but it had made me feel older, and less positive about myself. Yesterday I finally got the nerve to cut it shorter than it had ever been before. Today I am all smiles, and guess what, I got a lot of sweet comments at the Center's luncheon today. Maybe I can feel more positive, and have more faith to get my prayers answered. Am I saying God didn't like my hair long, well not exactly, but I believe He is glad I am more satisfied. I think the reason I like my hair short is because I only have to shampoo it, and let it dry. The setting comes naturally. When it was long, it had to be curled, and that took almost an hour, and it only stayed one day. I stayed home more because of the worry with my hair. Now I'm good to go with a quick brush, and a slight spray. I am my own favorite hair dresser, so this gal gets exactly what she wants. If I am pleased that's all that matters. Not so when I go to a professional hair dresser.

The menu today at the Center was Mexican pile on, and cookies. We had a lot to pile our plated up with. So much that I couldn't eat any cookies. The friendly atmosphere was great, and I left feeling like I would never miss another luncheon. However, that feeling will change if the dispute gets worse among our Congress. We are about to enter one of the most heated trials our Congress has ever had. Nothing, not even the Senior Luncheons can make me miss that. I'm afraid my new hair style won't even affect that. The three year battle the Democrats have caused for our President is the main reason my hair had grown out so long. I never left the television for long at a time. It gets pretty painful, but I am totally behind our President. His suffering has got to be much greater than mine, yet he never gives up. If you will notice his hair is pretty long too. I bet he is his own hair dresser also. All original, just like everything else about this President. Our First Lady is by far the most beautiful First Lady to ever occupy the White House. This marriage is to say the least, the most “one of a kind” marriage ever. I would not even attempt to explain it. Nor would I attempt to explain how much God has used this President to blow the heck out of evil. We are in this war of evil for the long haul, but we certainly are making a difference in the braveness of those who invited hell on earth. The battle is not ours, but Gods, and He will always be the victor.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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