Monday, January 20, 2020

"Birds Are God's Messengers"

            Breakfast time saith the bird. I hear ye, I am hungry too. 1-20-2020 Perryton, TX

When the sun came up this morning and spread it's light all around I saw this big, ring-neck dove watching me in my kitchen window. Possible waiting for some breakfast. It is nice out today, and I am back from having lunch at the Center. I will be going grocery shopping shortly. I had a hard, week-end to bear having had continuous thoughts on my loving, deceased brother's birthday, and the 7th anniversary of my husband's death, but this morning I was free from sad memories, and started thinking positive. I think that big, free, bird helped me to forget yesterday. We have had a spell of cold weather, and I hadn't hardly seen a bird in awhile. When I see one with wings spread flying toward my big apple tree just a few yards from my kitchen window, I have to thank God for his miracles. Spiritually I can fly again too. I may not land in a tree in front of someone's window, but I can share my food with friends. We all have a cross to bear, and we can help each other carry that heavy cross. My daughter was so close to her father. She texted me yesterday and said I can't talk today for crying, but I will call you tomorrow. I hope a nice bird visited her this morning. So far she hasn't called. I can't stand it when she is sad. God knows how, and will make her happy. She knows that is exactly what her dad would want.

As we travel on with this life, I will try hard to stay positive. I do believe the battle will get harder to fight with every new day, Maybe that's not being positive, but I have to believe what the bible tells us. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 Beware when men say peace and safety, for there is no peace. Destruction will come every time. Every competitive team of any kind are claiming victory even before the game starts, but only one will be the winner. We, The United States have two competitive parties, with a third not strong enough to be counted as competitive. These two parties are fighting today for power to uphold our constitution, and keep America the Great Nation our forefathers successfully made it. While the Republican party claim that the Democratic party is trying to destroy the constitution, and lose our country to the control of evil nations, the Democrats are willing to go as deep in evil as possible to win. Just because I am a Republican is not the reason I see this scenario as correct. There can not be one doubt about it. With that being said, the only hope for America is for all Christians to remain Christians and not be brainwashed by evil. That will take a lot of faith, but it must be accepted. Again I say, “trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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