The banquet table has been set who will come and partake? Only those who are willing to put the Master first. He will have a full house if all means must be applied. 1-12-2020 Perryton, TX
is Sunday. I am posting a message by our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. All churches need to be preaching this sermon. It's not a
popular sermon, but a demanding one from God. Some people are so set
in their own belief that it would take more than one message like
this one to ever resonate in their minds. This message is meant to
fill up a church. It is a parable by Jesus when answering a servant's
question. The meaning I get from this parable is don't think so
highly of your self that you forget what Jesus commanded you to do.
If your invited list on the feast party you are giving don't have
time to attend, then go out unto the poor, and unfavorable and bring
them in without an invitation, “so my house may be full,” sayeth
Jesus. Literally haul them in. Then Jesus tells them that the invited
gust who did not come will not eat at His table. Can the host to the
banquet, or church dinner, be contend to keep having church without
the interest of the people? They should not. Jesus says “go out to
the poor, the crippled, and the blind and bring them in. The servant
said, “your order has been carried out, sir, but there is still
room.” Then the master said again, go out to even more remote
places and bring in enough to fill my house.” How can an empty
church respond to this parable? Is there a servant in your church
carrying out God's order? Is your church full? It's not a matter of
want to, it's a matter of have to if you yourself want to eat at the
Master's Banquet in Heaven.
faith I am doing the work my Lord is leading me to do. I don't know
what will come next, but be assured there will be a next time. I am a
servant of God by choice, and I will listen closely to his advise. If
necessary a little bird will carry this message, because God always
has a way to deliver his Word. For those who have put God on the back
seat of the church, and are not aware of it, take head, you might
find out too late. He may not be in your church at all. To those who
don't know that your church is not yours but God's, let me inform
you. That should make a big difference when you find this out.
Jean Sharp
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