I must go next door and
visit with my neighbors. I have always been welcome to come inside
their home and visit with them, but after 10 years I have not ever
gone in just to visit. We have always visited in the yard. Wonderful
neighbors they are, but I am just not as neighborly as they. Now on
the first day of the new year 2020, they have placed an over sized
welcome sign on their porch. I am not that brave because I fear some
unwelcome person might take advantage of it. After all we are living
in different times now. The world is full of evil people. But my
neighbor man is prepared for any kind of evil that knocks on his
door. I can't help but feel blessed to be living as a widow next door
to these good people. I owe them a lot. I will be trying harder this
year to catch up on some of the good deeds that have been given me. I
don't think I'm far in the red, but I could do more. I can never be
perfect because I am human, and I am still subject to Satan's
attacks, but I pray for more wisdom daily. “God is not the author
of fear, but the giver of perfect peace.” He always brings me
through hurt, and feelings of unwantedness. but I must first suffer.
Jesus is my example. Let me be more like Him, I pray. After every
battle I am greatly blessed.
I cannot wait to be at the Center tomorrow with friends, and feel the extra support they give me. I will be giving myself a beauty treatment after I finish this blog. I am looking pretty neglectful of keeping myself desirable. It shows every time I look in the mirror. I don't have an excuse, I just had a demon to demolish. Thank God he is gone now. I will show him tomorrow what a failure he was. There is always an angel at the Center who lifts me to high heaven. I would like to be one of those angels, and I trust I will. For some reason my soul is flooded with joy, peace, and happiness after going through a moment of dark despair. How great our God is. I cannot boast much further than tomorrow because the demon is still seeking anyone who he can win over, but I believe he will not come near me for quite awhile. That has always been the case since I was a young Christian. My faith has always been strong, and the demons know it. They don't waste too much time on me. When I came home from Christmas vacation I learned of several tragic deaths of people I have known for years. It did knock me for a loop, but I fought back, and now I am fully in control. My fears have vanished, and even though common sense tells me I am still a target of tragic happenings in my families lives, I know I will be able to endure, just like some of my dear friends endured their loses. I will keep on the sunny side.
God Bless
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