Friday, January 10, 2020

"Looking For Sensible Answers"

Building bigger jails for poorer people. A small few rich go to jail if they are risk to the more powerful. What a sinful world we live in. 1-10-2020 Perryton, TX

Our small city of less than 9,000 is building a new 15 plus million dollar jail facility. I'm searching for answers for which I cannot get satisfactory answers from city, and county leaders. Is law breakers, and crime rising that much in this small city? Is it because the state law requires more room for prisoners to enjoy their stay while locked up? Is the penalty for the crime too severe, and jail time exceeds the necessary confinement? And last is some of our law officers too aggressive because of a quota expected by city, and county financial experts to bring more money into the treasure?

I am one of the first to say that when I for some reason, other than force, walk inside a jail facility and see a mother bring her little children to visit their father for a few minutes, it breaks my heart. Yet I am also one to believe in punishment for law breakers. What bothers me the most is to see some who break the law to the fullest, and are able to pay off without any jail time, or exposure to the public. No one needs to tell me this does not happen because I see it happening every day even in our United States Government. I could, if I would, get a thousand answers to these questions, but none of which is worth listening to. We all know that many deaths have happened to people who were to be witnesses to an evil crime committed by high-up political leaders. Even now our US Attorney General is being threatened if he exposes the findings he has uncovered in the evil of powerful politicians.

How can a small town prosecutor send a father to jail for possession of a controlled drug he was using to deal with problems out of his control? Probably trying to feed his family, yet the trusted elite can rack up millions for giving money and power to terrorist countries while allowing the innocent to do without because of paying for their big cash deals. I know I will be a sinner on that Great Judgment Day, waiting to be judged, although I have been trying to live a clean life for over sixty years. I am probably sinning now by saying this, but I really would like to witness the sentence for some of the terrible, evil, and demotic people who were instrumental in turning this Great America into a hell hole. Who knows I may have a part in that devastating sentence, but as a human, I would like to see some of my company receiving the same pardon as I if that should be the case. In all reality I am not one to want revenge, but I do believe our God is just, and will be The Perfect Judge on that great, and notable day. Let us pray for our earthly judges that they will be understanding although they do have a pattern to follow. I know of one judge who took his life shortly after sentencing a young man to a felony charge because of pressure from a elite few who were saving the neck of their own. The young college bound man was forced to plead guilty to a charge, which was later reduced to a misdemeanor, but had no effect to the previous charge. This case was decided without one ounce of evidence, just the admittance of some fellow friends forced by their parents to do so. Is it any wonder why so many bad things happen to people who was suppose to be the perfect citizen, but something happened by the Almighty that they couldn't control? I can wait my Lord, for your true and just sentence, or pardon,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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