Thursday, January 16, 2020

"I'm Fixed For The Snow.

Can't wait to bundle up. Gloves are almost invisible. A Christmas gift. 1-16-2020 Perryton, TX 

The grass is yellow and the trees are naked,

The birds are silent and the heat can't be waked.

The flowers are frozen in the ground,

and their carcasses look like clowns.

The neighbors stay inside and are as warm as a bat,

But my, how I miss their chat.

I wonder if all is well, I'm just waiting to find out.

I make my breakfast throwing one egg in the trash,

It didn't survive that awful bash.

Well that's o k, I hurry on to make my day.

I reach for my coat, I know a place to go

to cheer me up, I need it so.

Bad weather is promised, no garage where I go

Get out the scrapper and clean off the snow.

If I make it home without a crash,

I will thank God for protecting my cash.

I can if I wish stay home tomorrow,

but missing the luncheon makes me sorrow. Somewhat.

I may be the only one to go because of the snow,

If I stay home I'll never know.

I'm finishing this day with positive thoughts,

I'm starting now to tie the knots.

The trash is out, the dishes are clean,

This place isn't bad but not the best I've seen.

Good-day, Chuck, have pleasant dreams.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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