Saturday, January 4, 2020

"Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover"

Diamond back black widow takes second place on my wall. But only for a short time. 1-4-2020 Perryton, TX
I recently removed a painting from my wall that needed some more work done on it. The space left needed something to balance the rest of my portraits hanging on that wall. Well I solved the space problem by hanging a real, man-made, black widow spider by the tail. Now if you are going to try to identify me by my opinion of art, good luck. I have never been able to do it yet. This deadly, black widow spider is crawling down from the ceiling wall, and is as noticeable as the many, loving portraits I have painted, and hung across two walls. There is a portrait of my mother-in-law, and father-in law together. One of my mother, and father together, and our dear President Trump, and beautiful First Lady, Melania Trump, hanging side by side. A portrait of my sweet granddaughter in twirling outfit, a recent portrait of myself, and a landscape. Now the monsterest black widow. I do admire that sucker even though it is evil. I'm wondering where I will put it when I am ready to hang the missing portrait back up. It belongs in my collection adding a different skill to the artist I am. I do have some enhanced work in the spider. I made it look more deadly, and real. It now has diamond eyes, and a diamond on it's back. It's the real deal now. But don't ever expect to see a snake hanging on my wall. Spiders, yes, but snakes, no. Although I do have a snake with feet, and legs, and lipstick in the painting I did with Adam, and Eve in the garden of paradise, when the serpent tempted Eve to do the first sin. The serpent was beautiful then, and Eve believed it was perfect. She caused the world to be filled with sin by believing the beautiful serpent. That evil serpent was dammed by God and made to crawl on it's belly forever. I cannot stand the sight of a snake. Keep guessing about who I am. I am keeping on guessing the same thing.

Each one of us was made for a reason. I believe we struggle a life time trying to understand our purpose in life. I do believe God created us all equally, but because of the sin Eve created some are deprived of that perfect body, soul, and mind. That is all I have to say about a perfect God who is all love, even though it may not look like it to us. I will accept who God made me to be, and trust him to help me through life's troubling journey. I was told by my Heavenly Father in His Word that I was as good as anyone, but not any better. I believe that applies to all. Keep on the firing line. God answers prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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