This week I have finished
reading the King James Holy Bible for I don't remember how many
times. As you can see by the picture I just took it is almost
dilapidated. I start at the first page of the first book in the Old
Testament, Genesis, and read every page in sequence through the last
book of the New Testament, Revelations. I did not want to start
reading the Holy Bible through again so I had another though to
strike me. One of my several bibles is called “Good News Bible.”
Today's English Version. I had used it some when I needed a little
more understanding of certain scriptures in the King James Version.
For those who don't know about this Good News Bible, it just makes
the story a little more simple to understand. I would now read this
other bible through, and not refer back to the King James. Well, well,
at first I thought I was reading a child's bible, until I remembered
I am a child. It is almost too easy to believe. Simple, but the same
meaning is the only difference in the two bibles. It is like I'm
reading things that I missed before. This adventure is going to be
interesting. I believe as I read through this new bible I will gain
knowledge that I didn't have before. Nothing of great importance, but
more digestible as I often found some food in the King James Version
was hard to swallow. I trust I am getting it right when I say I
believe the Good News Bible is the same, but more simple. However,
it's hard to change from a strict way of teaching to a more relaxed
way. To balance the peace of mind is to trust God, and use common
sense. He will never leave us in doubt if we trust Him.
The reason for me missing my blog yesterday, and today was because of the impeachment hearings, and today the starting of the trial against our President. I have more concern about our nation than anything else at this time. Everyone should be on their knees praying for our President. He is taking the strips so we may keep our freedom, and keep God in our lives. Many people does not have any idea what he is going through, but I pray they will wake up before it's too late. His life is at a constant risk. It is only by God's grace that he is still alive. There have been many attempts to kill him, and if they can't get him that way they are trying to turn enough people against him with lies so he will not be re-elected. We all have a duty to live, and give of our time and prayers to this wonderful President. Not because it's him, but because he is doing this for us. There will be consequences for those who do not do their part.
God Bless
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