Sunday, January 19, 2020

"The Journey Ended For My Husband"

My husband of 63 years, Charles Sharp, left this five 7 years ago today. This is a late picture of him. 1-19-2020 Perryton, TX

oday, 1-19-2020, is the seventh anniversary of my husbands death. I had a wonderful dream about him last night. I don't know If I feel better or worse this morning. I think a little of both. I will say very few nights go by that I don't dream about him. Also all through the day I think about him. I read a statement a few days ago that said a good memory is a person's worst enemy. I believe I have a good memory. Maybe I should pray more to forget some of those good memories, but what if I can't forget some of those bad memories. I believe it takes both good, and bad to help us through this weary life. I think I pray more for peace than anything else. Peace takes care of everything.

After a person reaches a certain age where their body won't allow then to do much physical work, or sometimes when people become disable while still young, that is a time when they think, and are tormented for lake of ability to work it off. Like everything else in this world our bodies wear with time, and soon or later can't be repaired. That is the time when we are replaced with a new body in a new world. Some of the last words my husband said to me were, “I've worked hard all my life, and I am tired.” He was so right about that. There never was a harder working man, and had been most all of his life. I truly believe he now has a new body in a new world. He lived to be 86, and never lost an ounce of his memory, or became totally dependent on someone else. His death time was less than an hour. He talked to me minutes before the nurse came to the door of the joining room where my husband was, and said,”I think he just went to heaven.” I almost jumped to the ceiling with shock. Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm guessing he had a little help to exit this life that had nearly worked him to death. His doctor had he, and me both to try and get through this awful time in our life. This doctor had been seeing Charles every since he was diagnosed with cancer. When the doctor asked Charles if he was ready to go just hours before he died, Charles replied, “I am ready, but I hate to leave her, pointing to me.” That's all the doctor needed to hear. I will always believe it was as hard on the doctor as it was on me. He kissed me on the cheek before he left the hospital leaving his nurse in charge. I never saw him again for a long time.

Yes, these memories are what keeps me going from day to day, for I know some day I will going through the same thing my husband went through. At least he lead the way. He always wanted to make things easy for me. Life is a journey, and it does come to an end. We must trust and obey for there is no other way.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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