Saturday, January 26, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Good Thought Trumps A Bad"

Jean's Comment's: "A Good Thought Trumps A Bad":         Tom Brady after the Super Bowl game last year,  2018.  1-25-2019 Perryton, TX   This painting of Tom Brady after the big wi...

"A Good Thought Trumps A Bad"

        Tom Brady after the Super Bowl game last year,  2018.  1-25-2019 Perryton, TX

This painting of Tom Brady after the big win for the New England Patriots Super Bowl game 2018, was the last painting I have done. One year later I am starting back to painting. I still have an unfinished portrait of Melania Trump so it gets my first attention. At least I am on the move again to paint. Several things have hindered me from continuing to paint. I lost my picture of Melania when I got a new computer. I could not find all of my old pictures, and I had just painted from the computer screen. The one picture I was painting has to be finished by the one I started from. I will start trying to find it again before I put the unfinished portrait back on the easel. I still haven't learned all the changes from my old computer to the new one. That has been my biggest hold up for a year. These changing times are not good for older people, but we have to live with them. My art instructor has long passed away, and I can't find anyone to replace him. I just need him to remind me of something he taught, but I forgot part of it. Another art teacher would say, paint over that part, and start another one. That is not the original way I was taught. A new teacher, a new style. No thanks. That is not to say I only like my instructors art. I see joy in all art, and am obsessed with most.

This entire Saturday morning nothing but the government shutdown has been news. Many of President Trumps supporters are fighting mad because he gave into the two biggest American haters, Schumer, and Pelosi, and opened up the government without a down payment on the wall. Ann Coulter is calling Trump a liar, and said he was dead in the water if he didn't build that wall. I would like to add my opinion. This opening up the government is only lasting three weeks if a deal isn't reached to build the wall. These two American haters, Schumer, and Pelosi, have both said they will never support a wall. They know they are already dead in their tracks if the illegals are stopped from coming to America and voting for them without legal citizenship. That is what it's all about with those two. They have fought for illegals for years to come to America and receive all the benefits that American citizens receive, including a right to vote. They have ignored the Constitution, and made their own rules as to what they would do. The time has come for America to either fight or die without fighting. I fear the fight will escalate in three weeks, and neither side will win. America will be turned into the biggest Muslim nation in the world. The Democrats are either too stupid to see this, or they are too stupid to care. I thank God my life is too near over to have to live with this hellish authority for long, but I am so concerned about my grandchildren, and all that will be living in this hellhole. I know I sound like a doomed American, but I just believe it's coming to that. I think I get this theory from the bible. The Jewish nation, which we all are part of, have disobeyed God forever. Time will tell.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 25, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "More About Art"

Jean's Comment's: "More About Art": My daughter-in-law thinks it's time for me to start painting again. She is trying to help me get over the hump by getting me this expe...

"More About Art"

My daughter-in-law thinks it's time for me to start painting again. She is trying to help me get over the hump by getting me this expensive Christmas art package. 12 canvases, paint, and brushes of every size and color. I'm ready, just not willing. but within a week I will have the fever again. 1-25-2019 Perryton, TX
I made a move today to start painting again. I took a picture of an expensive art package I got for Christmas. My plastic floor covering is on the floor, ready to be spread out. My easel just needs to be positioned. My palate is ready for some paint mixtures, and my turpentine is ready to be poured into the jar. Melania Trump is waiting for me to finish her beautiful face. I hope to have her finished sometime next week. I will post her when that happens. Also we have a new Hobby Lobby store that just opened in Pampa, about 65 miles from here, where I can buy nice frames. I'm also waiting for a photo from a special person who would like me to do a portrait of their choice. I am anxious to start that project. It's amazing how moods can control people when the right time comes. My Christmas this past year did miracles for me. “Thank you Lord.”

I also had an extra good day at the Center today. I met several acquaintances whom I hadn't seen for a long time. What was today all about? Nothing is too good to be true. I will admit that I remain in a lot of wonderment, but will be patient while the plan unfolds. I dare not try to unfold God's plan for my life. I am enthusiastic about tomorrow, but my ideas are not always God's idea. He knows my heart, and will give me the desire thereof if it is the best for me. I have trusted God for years, and will continue to do so. He may not let me jump over the moon, but will continue to let me keep trying. He always catches me when I jump too far, and start to fall. How great our God is.

The week-ends are always boring for me. The news is always just repeats, and I have no place to go where I can enjoy myself. I don't think jail could be any worse. However, I am not willing to find out. Tomorrow is Saturday, and I have no plans at all. Maybe that will be the day I get over the hump, and start painting. I will be trying hard to speed it up. But the longest I ever paint at one time is from 1 to 3 hours. The paint has to dry before I can make a correction especially the face. I've never been one to have two or three paintings going at one time. I think I have a one track mind. I like to talk to my subjects while I paint them, That's hard to do when you do not have a live subject to paint. When I'm doing a scenery I just guess at what the objects are thinking, I know they cannot respond to me, so I control them. I never want to do that with people. It's good to know your subjects.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For Light"

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For Light": Lit the oil lamps to make sure they would be available if the power went off tonight. 1-24-2019 Perryton, TX The weather has changed he...

"Thank God For Light"

Lit the oil lamps to make sure they would be available if the power went off tonight. 1-24-2019 Perryton, TX
The weather has changed here within the last hour till it's unbelievable. When I got home from work I noticed a spot or two of snow around my porch, Just before I left work the sun was shinning, and it was only chilly outside. I live about 1 mile from my work. I hadn't lit my oil lamps in awhile so I checked to see if they were ready if I needed them. They both worked properly. I can remember when my parents had only oil lamps for all their light. We lived in the country, and electricity hadn't been wired to our place yet. We had several lamps so it wasn't really that much of a problem to see. Before I was grown electricity had been installed at our place, and we even got an electric fridge. Television was several years away yet, so radio was our only means of news outside our home. Only a few people had telephones, and those who did were blessed only a little more than those whom didn't. I say all of this, but yet I loved my childhood days. We were never without food or heat for our house Wood was plentiful since we lived on an acreage joining the creek. My dad went into town once a week to buy groceries, and oil for our lamps. We were blessed with fresh milk and butter from our cows. The chickens laid us fresh eggs every day. My dad butchered our own meat, and my mom canned from her garden, and orchard. Our storm shelter was also a place to store canned goods, and potatoes. We children rode the bus to school. What a wonderful childhood.

I am saying all of this to compare then with now. I am watching news while it is being said our country is in dire danger of becoming a hell hole. Our own people are disagreeing with each other, and putting us in a place of an all out war between ourselves. We can't just say forget all the jet-age stuff, and go back to old times. That is not even possible. What do we do? Just what our old time Christian parents taught us to do. When trouble comes upon us let us pray, and trust God to keep us safe. I am exercising that teaching every day, and I am one happy, contented person. I can endure whatever comes my way. Of course it takes a lot of faith in God, but thank God my parents taught me right. I hope I have encouraged someone today, because that is my only desire for living.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing Sweetheart Thoughts"

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing Sweetheart Thoughts":              A cozy sweetheart seating arrangement at the Center. 1-23-2019 Perryton, TX   I am so looking forward to the Valentine S...

"Sharing Sweetheart Thoughts"

             A cozy sweetheart seating arrangement at the Center. 1-23-2019 Perryton, TX

I am so looking forward to the Valentine Sweetheart party at the Center. I am still young at heart, and I have a sweetheart. It is a secret, but love that part of life. The dinning area at the center is decorated with Valentine reminders, and each table has a Valentine arrangement. I have always enjoyed Valentine banquets, and am positive we will have a great one again this year. All the years I was married I don't believe my husband ever missed a Valentine day without giving me a box of candy. That's partly why I enjoy Sweetheart Day so much.

Lunch today at the Center was good. As cold as it was several people still showed up. I took the picture I have posted because it is such a relaxing, and cozy place for sharing sweet talk. The valentine symbols hanging on the wall are suggestions of sweet talk only. Thank you ladies for decorating the dinning room so lovely. You light up my life so much,

As much as I love to talk about sweet things, I cannot be distracted long from the terrible condition of our great country. It's real, it's dangerous, and it's about to explode into a huge fire ball. I can't even write my blogs without listening to my television right behind me. At this time I'm hearing the President discuss the disgraceful denial from Speaker Polisi to allow The President to give the State Of The Union Address. It is being announced that this is the first time in the history of America that a President has been denied the right to give the State Of The Union Address. We wait from minute to minute to hear the next reckless threat from the liberal left. This is no longer exciting, It is scary. I pray that God will use His power to wipe out all this evil danger. I know God is long suffering, but I don't want to see any more blood shed because of ungodly people. This President has plenty of arms holding him up before the Throne of God, and we the American people will win this evil war, but why does it take so long? My faith is greater today than it was yesterday. We will not be denied. If I have to give my own life, I will trust God to make it easy on me. I believe in Him that much. We have some very wise, and God believing people on our side, and I will agree to let the evil left show their wisdom, and power. I know this is like going to the front lines with fire arms, but if it takes that, let it be so. It's time to end this threat against the Godly people who many have given their lives over the years to keep America A Christian Nation. Fight, fight, with all your might, and never give up.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Will There Be Tears Tonight"

Jean's Comment's: "Will There Be Tears Tonight":         The temperature in Perryton has finally reached 26 degrees today. 1-22-2019 Perryton, TX   We are having some cold weather in ...

"Will There Be Tears Tonight"

        The temperature in Perryton has finally reached 26 degrees today. 1-22-2019 Perryton, TX
We are having some cold weather in North West Texas. The thermometer on my porch shows 26 degrees. It has been 24 or below most of the day. The wind factor makes it seem 15 degree, according to the weather forecaster. I was glad to get home from work, and settle in for the rest of the day. Weather like this makes me more thankful for a warm, cozy home. No more complaining from me the rest of the day. At least we don't have snow or ice on the ground. I plan to relax with something to drink this evening, and watch all the latest news that I missed while at work.

My day has been blessed so far with two special prayer request having been answered. I was asked today by a friend to help her pray for a desire she has, and I am excited to do just that. I already know God is going to answer her prayer. Isn't it amazing how things can come to you that you never expected? I like the scripture that says, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7. Day by day I walk by faith. It's wonderful to know that God is always by my side, although I can't see Him. Sometimes He surprises me, and I think oh my, what does this mean. Then I hear a voice saying to me, do you remember quite some time ago, asking Me to make a path for you to re-enter your place of joy, and worship? Oh yes, I forgot, but now I don't know if that is still my wish or not. All at once I am confused. I guess I was too epistemic for this request. Rather I'm trying to make it that way. I hope to expand on this subject in the near future. As for now I will stand on this scripture, “Fear not for I am with you.”

I'm looking forward to a day of fun, and good food, tomorrow. It's my day to leave all my home work, and worries behind and go enjoy my friends. It is days like these that keep my smile showing. When life is full of humor, and seriousness always shows up, the smile will always be there. Sweet and low makes a good substitute for sugar. We keep plenty of it around. What is funny is when someone makes you laugh that hasn't spoken a word. What do you call that? Lack of brains? Oh! How sweet to be full of love for everyone. However, I can disagree while still loving them. That is the command our Heavenly Father gave us all. We were not all made from the same cloth, therefore we cannot all be silk or satin.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 21, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Not The Perfect Intent"

Jean's Comment's: "Not The Perfect Intent":                                  Blood moon turning partly red. 1-21-2019 Perryton, TX Last night I was so excited about getting a pic...

"Not The Perfect Intent"

                                 Blood moon turning partly red. 1-21-2019 Perryton, TX

Last night I was so excited about getting a picture of the blood red moon. I had searched the internet trying to find out what time it would turn red over Perryton, Texas. One place said it would turn at 10 o'clock. That was just two hours after I posted the first picture of the beautiful golden moon so close to earth. At 10 o'clock I went out to see the red moon, but it had totally disappeared except for a tiny trace. I couldn't even get a picture of it. I went on the internet again and it said the moon would turn red at 10:30 p. m. I kept going out every few minutes for hours before it finally began to show again. It was like a half moon. At 1 o'clock I posted a picture of the full moon that was slowly turning red, but I decided to go to bed. It was 1:45 before I was ready for bed so I went out one last time to check. It was making a pretty picture, but not much red was showing. I took a shot of it, and this time I didn't go back. I am posting that last shot of the blood moon taken at 1:45 a. m. I was so disappointed, but didn't feel like staying up all night. I am feeling the effects of that wearisome night today. I must give up some of my exciting ventures, and act my age.

Today seems like another Sunday since it's Martin Luther King's birthday. A lot of businesses are closed, and I believe news is being held up on television because of the national holiday. A lot is in the making with our country since the government is partly shut down, and no hope of a compromise yet. The Liberals are determined to cause a much bigger crisis than what we already have. It's hard to believe how evil they have become. I have great faith in our President, and am positive he will win this war against good and evil. Many things that have been covered up for so long are going to be uncovered shortly. The Word of God says “be sure your sins will find you out.” Some times it takes a long time, but it will happen. It appears to me like God is allowing a silence to sweep the entire world, for which will change all at once to be the most deadly, and agonizing time that our country has ever known. Too many people don't believe in God, and too many that do believe, think He is only a God of love. My bible says God will not be mocked, neither will He allow His son to be trampled on. Mighty powerful words coming straight from God Almighty. I will seek to do God's will as long as I live. “Not my will, but Thine be done, sayeth the Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Prized Possession"

Jean's Comment's: "A Prized Possession": Don't delay, renew today, your 2019 Republican National Committee  membership card. 1-20-2019 Perryton, TX I am proud to say I have...

"A Prized Possession"

Don't delay, renew today, your 2019 Republican National Committee  membership card. 1-20-2019 Perryton, TX
I am proud to say I have renewed my 2019 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE membership card. The membership fee is just what you can afford, and unlike Nancy Pelosi, I can afford more than $1.00. Our membership cards are needed now more than they were needed on this day last year. For those who honestly can only afford $1.00, it is needed by our President just as badly as those who contribute much more. The money is not as important as the extra number you put on the President's committee list when you sign the membership card. The stronger the membership for our President, the harder he can fight for our country. We are winning, because of so many supporters the President has. But that doesn't mean we can let up. There are still much more ground to cover, and possible many more lives to lose. I never want it said of me that I did nothing to help our President restore integrity, and respect for our country. I want to be remembered as an active supporter of President Donald J. Trump. If anyone ever wants to know my status in the Trump, Presidential committee just open my wallet, and see my signed membership card, and if asked I can provide much more. This President recognizes many of his supporters personally, from the least to the greatest. “Bless him Lord Jesus for he is real.”

My week-end so far has been inside coziness with lots of good news to sharpen my imagination. I love the game of guessing what's next. It's a long game, and many will get bored before it ends, but I have news for them. This game will never end, because Satan has been playing in this game every since he got cast out of Heaven, millions of years ago. I'm glad to be one of God's guards that helps to keep that evil guy in place. I was warned of his evil tactics as a young child, and I have always recognized him even when he strapped angel wings to his back. Remember he doesn't always appear with horns, and tattoos. He is the smartest of all demons when it comes to fooling the people.

The Psalmist David, plead with God, Psalms 35;1, Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Verse 7. For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. God heard David's plea and answered him.

Psalms 37: 1-4
Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity, 2, For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. 3, Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed, 4. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

I believe this is the same message God is giving President Trump today. Satan has tried everything possible to stop President, but once again he will be defeated

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Demand To Listen Up"

Jean's Comment's: "A Demand To Listen Up": Waiting for the big announcement from the President about the border wall. and government shut down. 1-19-2019 Perryton, TX   I have b...

"A Demand To Listen Up"

Waiting for the big announcement from the President about the border wall. and government shut down. 1-19-2019 Perryton, TX

I have been waiting all morning till 3 o'clock to hear the President's announcement about the government, and the border wall. That would be 2 o'clock my time, but now I am hearing it will be 4 o'clock before he speaks. I will have to wait another hour. Sometimes I feel like I am just a clock watcher. It's very hard for people to go on with a normal life when we know the country is in complete chaos. Almost every store I go in has to have an interpreter on hand. Almost every telephone call I make concerning business asks if I speak English press 1. I passed by one of our elementary schools a few days ago. It was having a recess. A long line of students were marching through the ground area. Possibly 50 or more. I was driving slow, and took careful notice of how many of the children were of the Hispanic race. I believe I would be safe to say less than 10 percent were white. I am opposed to this kind of change to our country. I am not a racist, but neither I am a person of allowing our country to be taken over by other races. I am for keeping, and obeying our laws only, and speaking only English if they want to live in America. I believe our constitution should remain as is, without any amendments proposed by Muslin's.

I just finished listening to the President giving his speech on opening the partially closed government. It was a very well balanced offer to the Democrats, and I firmly believe if accepted by them, our country will be on the road to recovery. I don't expect the Democrats to compromise at all since they are not for closing our borders. They are the reason we are in such crisis now. They are willing, and have allowed as recently as the last Congressional election, to let Muslin's be sworn in by using the Koran instead of the long traditional Holy Bible. It is totally up to the Democrats whether America will remain a sovereign country or become a battle ground till death for all. I am proud that we have a, never give-up, President who will fight for the American people till the end. He is totally willing to give every opportunity to the Democrats, but he will never tuck his tail and run. I will say that if this war we are engaged in now turns into a bloody battle ground, it will have been God's will. We definitely have God's man in the Oval Office. I also believe if this bill that Mitch McConnell will be presenting to the House next week does not pass, then that very possibly will be the last chance the Democrats have to save our country from the dreaded emergency crisis that the President will declare. If this happens, we will officially be in a Civil war. God is Lord of all. Amen.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 18, 2019

Jean's Comment's: 0"Claiming My Victory"

Jean's Comment's: 0"Claiming My Victory": This is my bedroom today. The center picture is Charles and I shortly after our wedding. Both side pictures are of our baby when he was tw...

0"Claiming My Victory"

This is my bedroom today. The center picture is Charles and I shortly after our wedding. Both side pictures are of our baby when he was two, and when he graduated from high school. He is now 50. I posted the certificate standing in front of the pillows, on my blog yesterday. It is a gift from our, then State House Representative, Warren Chisum, for our 50th wedding anniversary. 1-18-2019 Perryton, TX
Is it a good thing to sleep with precious memories? For me it is. I sleep on this bed that I have posted every night, and feel so blessed to have had such a good life. The picture of my husband, and I, is when we were first married. I was 18. and Charles was 23, there about. Our son, Kent. was our last child, and he was an extra bonus after we though we would not have another child.

As I stated yesterday, my husband has been gone six years tomorrow. My son is still special, and blesses me every day. I'm so thankful that God sent him a special wife, and the two could not be happier. This son also gave me two very special grandchildren, and I am still wondering why God would be so good to me. Let me be clear, my three other children, and grandchildren, are special too, but it was no surprise when God gave them to us. So many people ask me why I don't like to travel and be away from home more. This picture should tell you that I would rather stay at home with my wonderful memories, and sleep on my own bed while two darlings watch over me. I am one proud, and thankful mom. I am not possessed with memories, but I do like to have them close by. I do enjoy getting away occasionally, but not for long periods at a time. I have really enjoyed my independence since it was given me. I do not have to answer to anyone, but God. I'm so glad He is my Sheppard, and not my boss.

The weather forecast says we will have snow tonight with a low of 23 degrees. I never am ready for that kind of weather, but I will not complain because I have a comfortable home with a pantry, and freezer full of food. The $100 I spent at the grocery store two days ago have made we ready for the haul. Today the wind is blowing so hard if I didn't have fence my yard furniture would all blow away. I hope it will lay before the snow starts.

I was again blessed to have lunch today at the Center. I never fail to come away from there with both a full tummy, and a happy attitude. It's always good to see friends who have struggled with sickness, and broken bones etc, back at their places at the Center. What an uplifting you get to see the answer to your prayers right before your eyes. God is so good, and He will always be there with us. Three times a week we get to be together at the Center to enjoy the good food and fellowship. I have heard it said by some that they have sold their kitchens. I will never sell mine, because I love to cook too well. Although, I do love the convenience of eating with friends.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "One Of The Better Times In My Life"

Jean's Comment's: "One Of The Better Times In My Life": Another special document I am proud of. Our Texas House Representative, Warren Chisum, gave my husband, and I, a Texas flag that had been ...

"One Of The Better Times In My Life"

Another special document I am proud of. Our Texas House Representative, Warren Chisum, gave my husband, and I, a Texas flag that had been flown at the Capital of the Sovereign State of Texas. The flag was delivered to the church where our children were honoring us on our 50th wedding anniversary. This framed Certificate was part of the gift. My husband, Charles Sharp, was a personal friend of State Representative, Warren Chisum. At one time they worked together. I would like to write the wording on this Certificate as I know it is not very clear to read from the picture.

                                       The State of Texas House of Representatives

                         This Certifies that the Texas Flag herewith presented to

Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Sharp
       Honoring Your
50th Wedding Anniversary

          Representative Warren Chisum

was flown at the Capital of the Sovereign State of Texas.

In witness thereof and pursuant tp the authority vested in me.
I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas.

this 29th ….day of January. ………………….A.D. XX 2000

signed Texas Representative Warren Chisum


I was reminded today that if my husband was still living we would have been married 69 years on February 2. He passed away six years ago day after tomorrow, January 19, 2013. Adding on my loving brother's birthday. This special brother helped me so much to endure my loss until six months later when I lost him on July 4th, 2013. I felt like I had a double whammy, but I still had my Lord, and He has helped me so much. My husband's death, my birthday, and our wedding anniversary are all within a two week period. I'm always glad to see January end. Not a day goes by that I don't shed tears, and think about my many deceased loved ones, and friends, but like a little child I usually let it go, and focus on something more encouraging. I have so many physical memories to review from time to time, but somehow it just adds to the pain. I am putting these four dates to rest after I finish this blog. My brother's birthday is the fourth one.

Tomorrow will be another day for me to relax and enjoy. I really need those kind of days, and I thank God for the privilege of having them often. I will again be sharing lunch with friends at the Center. What a blessing they are to me. They make me forget my troubles, and I'm sure they all have as many as I. I hope I can help them to forget theirs, even though none of us talk about our loses, and loneliness. We have learned to hide unpleasant things in our life. I will be waiting all week-end for good news on television since it can't possible get any worse. Surely there is an end to all this evil destruction with God's favorite people. How bad will it have to get before we see some Godly discipline? I hope sooner than later. As for now I am headed to the recliner for some encouraging news.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Return To My Senior Family"

Jean's Comment's: "A Return To My Senior Family": Got the sun behind the tree limb. Standing in my yard and the limb is on my heavenly tree. 1-16-2019 Perryton, TX It's hard to be...

"A Return To My Senior Family"

Got the sun behind the tree limb. Standing in my yard and the limb is on my heavenly tree. 1-16-2019 Perryton, TX

It's hard to believe that today is the middle of January, and the sun is so bright with tiny white clouds scattered about. I look to have an early spring, and a late freeze. That is what has happened the past two winters. The fruit trees bud out, then a freeze destroys the crop. If that happens this year I will have my trees all cut down. They are beginning to make my yard look like a jungle. The fruit these trees produce is very delicious, but if we can't have a decent winter then we need not care for the trees.

I was able to enjoy myself at the Center today. After four weeks of absence from that place I was almost feeling lost today. My Christmas vacation lasted two weeks, then when I returned home the virus that was going around hit me, and I missed another two weeks. I learned today that several of my friends caught that virus too. Another good friend had fallen, and broken her shoulder. Our Lord was with us all, and helped us to recover without too much permanent damage. Things are starting to look great again, and we have to give the glory to God. Sometimes it takes the storm clouds to make a rainbow. I love rainbows, but don't see them very often.

I'm trying to write this blog with my television blasting full blast behind me. I cannot miss a word of the exciting news. I am so sorry that my President, and some of his hero's can't hear me cheering for them. We are winning this battle against evil, and I have no mercy for those imp's who keep hindering the cause to protect our country. I'm afraid they are going to find out too late that they are just digging their grave deeper every day. The Master Demon has really got them fooled. It's hard to believe that our country has gotten this far into the war of no return until thousands upon thousands have fallen. I am so thankful I am serving the right Master, The one who has power over all creation. There is not enough money in this world to buy my assurance of that security. A time is coming when people will be trying to give their money away. They will finally learn that it takes more than money to buy peace, and happiness. God does prosper his faithful servants, but those who prospered because of greed, and desire of power, will beg to have their wealth disappear. It won't matter if they have given much to charity because usually that kind of giving is to benefit the need for more cash in the donor's hand. I truly believe God blesses His people with wealth, but only if they put Him first. I am so happy, and thankful, for what I have, because it is enough to make me satisfied. No luxury or money to spend without seriously thinking if it is really what I should do or not, but I have everything I need. God does provide for his children.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Summer Day A Configuration In The Sky"

Jean's Comment's: "A Summer Day A Configuration In The Sky":                An ice cream cone I see in the sky. 1=15=2019 Perryton, TX The sky was mysterious looking today. The entire globe wa...

"A Summer Day A Configuration In The Sky"

               An ice cream cone I see in the sky. 1=15=2019 Perryton, TX

The sky was mysterious looking today. The entire globe was covered with white circles, stairways, rub board dirt removers, and ice cream cones. It made for an interesting movie as the clouds twirled, and new shapes were forming all around the sky. It was a very unusual full globe of white shapes of all kinds. The temperature was in the high sixties, with almost no wind. I didn't need a coat as I stood out for several minutes, just watching the clouds change their location like they were playing hop scotch.

I left Chuck's house for the beauty shop where I was made to look almost as unusual as the clouds. I think I like the change, but not sure. I think it would look prettier on someone else. Never the less it was a thrilling thirty minutes, and I left feeling a little more important. My flawed eye brow job that I did was the most unpleasant thing about my new hair do. Maybe I will post it later. I was in a hurry, and didn't expect to be taking any pictures of myself. Well, my eye brows are not the only flawed thing about me. I have far worse than that, but it just don't show as bad. Considering I have been sick for three weeks with a virus, I think I passed the death look.

I'm sorry to say I missed most of the confirmation hearing today on the nomination of Attorney General, William Barr. I was at work, but I did watch some while on my break, and I was impressed. I see God at work daily helping our country to bring back Christ into our society. I have no doubt but what the Christians will prevail. Tonight I will watch all the comments from those who are called upon for an opinion of the hearing. I already know what most of them are going to say. I feel like this confirmation will be over quickly, and William Barr will be the next Attorney General. He is 68 years old, and that makes him ripe with age to be perfect for this great countries next Attorney General. Things are becoming more favorable for the conservative party every day. I thank God for that.

I can't wait to be back at my favorite spot in Perryton tomorrow. It has been four weeks since I attended a luncheon at the Center. I hope people haven't forgotten me. Christmas vacation, then the virus have kept me away too long. So happy to be back to normal. The time has already started getting away from me. Everything is popping around here like pop corn. I have to keep the cover on my pot or there will be brains flying every where. I guess that's what viruses will do to you. My brains are not keeping up with my actions, and my actions are not agreeing with my brains. Funny things are good for the soul I hear.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 14, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Great White Bird Is Looking For Peace"

Jean's Comment's: "The Great White Bird Is Looking For Peace": A beautiful bird with open wings was in my camera lens but it was faster than my camera. I waited, but it wouldn't come back. 1-14-201...

"The Great White Bird Is Looking For Peace"

A beautiful bird with open wings was in my camera lens but it was faster than my camera. I waited, but it wouldn't come back. 1-14-2019 Perryton, TX 

What a pretty picture I almost got. While standing on my porch a large white bird flew into the pine tree, but another one came up behind it, so they both flew before my camera snapped. The first bird had a wide wing span almost like a jet. One of these days I am going to get a great picture of one of the many birds that dart in and out of my front yard trees. When I do I am going to paint it, and hang it on my wall. The pine tree would make a lovely back grown for such a painting if I could catch the bird in my camera lens before it landed on a limb. I nearly made it happen today. I will never give up, and just keep trying.

My day has been a productive one, finally. I am feeling so much better since taking the virus that keep me down for two weeks. I have done five loads of laundry, paid several bills including my property taxes, and bought almost a hundred dollars worth of groceries. I also shopped at two other stores for replacement of other home necessities. I made an appointment for my hair tomorrow. I'm just feeling so happy to be well again. When I finish this blog I will be making a meatloaf, and fixing supper for Chuck, and I. Later it will be a hot bubble bath, pampering my body with some of the wonderful creams, and lotions my daughter-in-law bought me for Christmas. Then a beautifying of my nails. The rest of the week I am going to step out, and enjoy the heck out of myself. The weather is nice, and hopefully it will stay that way for awhile.

Of course I could not leave off my time for taking in the news. I keep waiting for that burst of earthquake that will almost bring people up from their graves. The kind that happened when Jesus was resurrected. It's time for God to show His mighty anger, and release the good people who have been crucified, Mark my word, that time is very near. The Christians are definitely on the battlefield for our Lord. We are the great conquers, and that could happen any minute now. I must hurry and get things done so I will not miss any exciting happening. I have already been shocked as lately as yesterday, to hear some news that will not be heard on the media. It will eventually get out, but let me tell you, it is big. I do not go for everything I hear on the less important news casts. But I can almost bet this I am referring to is all true. Millions of dollars are going to try to keep this a secret, but this time I believe the evil will not be so easy to pay for. The spies are finally getting their information out, and all hell is breaking out. Hang tight, and continue to fight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Later Is Better Than Never"

Jean's Comment's: "Later Is Better Than Never": Today is the 15th  day since I came home from the Christmas Holiday's, and my luggage remains unpacked. 1-13-2019 Perryton, TX   As...

"Later Is Better Than Never"

Today is the 15th  day since I came home from the Christmas Holiday's, and my luggage remains unpacked. 1-13-2019 Perryton, TX
As I posted yesterday I have been sick with a bad cold every since I came home from the Christmas Holiday's. I am getting better, but still don't feel strong enough to do much work. I posted a picture of my luggage that is still unpacked, and say to myself I will do it tomorrow. I have taken all my antibiotics. I am so much better, but just not 100 percent yet. After washing a sink full of dishes today, and making chicken, and dressing for dinner, I was so proud of myself. It just takes a lot of faith, and patience to kick this thing in the bud. My food is tasting better, and I am at about 50 percent of average servings. All the younger persons who had this crud went to the doctor immediately, and didn't hardly realize they were sick. Contrary to belief age is not always wisdom. Stubbornness sometimes trumps wisdom. But I'll never change because I am too old now. I feel well enough to send you all my love, and encourage you to keep looking to unpack the luggage tomorrow.

I definitely feel well enough to tell Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer what dirty rats I think they are. If they think they are smart, I've got news for them. I can't wait for President Trump to set a trap for them. What a fun day that will be. I believe that day is very near. The President has been more than patient with this pair, but he is not anybody's fool. He knows exactly what he is doing. I feel completely confident with the way the President is handling this situation. Saving America is his number one priority. Unifying America is his second priority. These two high priorities are the hardest to drag out of the swamp. The swamp has had these two Godly, fighter teams buried for many years. We can now see their heads rising above the sewer that claimed their worth far too long. The President has already accomplished a lot on getting the swamp cleaned. I have to give God praise, and glory every day for putting the right people in the oval office that He could depend on to throw all that trash into the pit. I believe it is a bottomless pit, and the President has plenty of space to finish the job. I am so proud to be a fighter in this clean-up job, and I do believe in a thorough finish. My few dollars, and many hours of morally supporting this President, will bring me great dividends in the end. I hope my readers will all join me in supporting this great President, and finish cleaning the swamp out of our government.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Return Of The Healed"

Jean's Comment's: "The Return Of The Healed":                The view outside my kitchen window this morning. 1-12-2019 Perryton, TX   Hello to all my friends and viewers this mor...

"The Return Of The Healed"

               The view outside my kitchen window this morning. 1-12-2019 Perryton, TX

Hello to all my friends and viewers this morning. I hope you have missed me as I have certainly missed you. I can see where many of you checked on me daily, and I do appreciate that. I was coming down with some kind of bug when I got home from the Christmas Holiday. It wasn't time for my once-a-year visit to the doctor so I used my own treatment. After a week I wasn't getting better so I gave in and went to the doctor. I was given a prescription for an antibiotic, and some cough medicine. For the next week I spent my time mostly in bed with no appetite. The doctor told me I was healthy after I told her I though I was losing my mind. “I don't ever get sick,” I told her. I also told her a few crazy things that had happened to me lately, like losing 10 pounds one day, and gaining it back the next day. She had a reason for every crazy thing I told her. “You are healthy,” she smilingly told me. She was right. After I finished the antibiotic I am now feeling much better.

I woke up this morning to find this snow scene when I looked out my kitchen window. Beautiful, but I won't be going out today. I am thankful that I felt good enough to start my blog back up. My computer, and my television are my two main life supporters. I know more about what's going on in the world than what is going on with my next-door neighbors. I didn't get too sick to turn off the television. My computer mostly remained idol, but my TV never got turned off.

Day before yesterday we had a good rain. Now last night we had snow. I can already see my roses, and flowers raring to get warmed up, and start blessing me again. I know this is going to be a beautiful year in spite of all the evil that surrounds us. God is still looking down, and is in full control of everything. Day, by day, and little, by little, He is leading our President through very difficult times, and I am so thankful to Him for that. I'm waiting for the anger to descend from our Almighty God, and call the names of every evil person out there to appear before Him. That is going to happen as sure as there is a God Almighty. Until that time, He is keeping our President, strong, and protected while leading him with wisdom, and authority to follow God's desire. This should be enough to make every Christian well from anything that tackles them. We, who have warned, and we, who have believed God's word will be rewarded in the highest. He, who hath not warned, nor he, who hath not believed will be judged with the evil, according to God's Word. Ezekiel, chapter 33. Watch, and pray staying always close to God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "What Do You Think"

Jean's Comment's: "What Do You Think":                                           A mystery worth solving. 1-5-3029 Perryton, TX Since I have had this cold I have been taking...

"What Do You Think"

                                          A mystery worth solving. 1-5-3029 Perryton, TX

Since I have had this cold I have been taking two Tylenol pills each day, This morning I noticed the bottle was nearly empty, and looked inside to find a big surprise. I emptied the bottle into the palm of my hand, and sure enough what I thought I saw was real. A shiny, un-circulated, 2015-D penny. The bottle holds 250 pills, and I'm sure the penny was put in the bottle at the time of processing. I am the only one that takes these pills since I live alone, and I feel sure they were processed in 2015. The label only says expiration date is 2/17. I have continued to take them since I am not that dependent on them.

A few years ago I used to deal some in coin collection, but not seriously. I did learn that some coins are valuable even when one might think impossible. Several different mistakes made by the mint can put high value on a coin, but only a serious coin collector knows these secrets, Those coins are highly sought after since only a few were minted before the mistake was discovered, Certain coins can become valuable after a few years if they are un-circulated, Meaning never been used for trading. Serious coin dealers can tell these kinds of coins by reason of handling marks, and brightness. This is just some of the reasons I am interested in finding out more about my new found penny. I could probably live another 100 years, and never know any more about the mystery than I know now, but I will always believe there is more to it than nothing.

I have enjoyed this nice day the fifth day of January. It's the first nice day we've had in a month. My daughter-in-law gave me some expensive body creams, and lotions for Christmas. I had to treat myself to a full tub of bubble bath, and soak till I almost fell asleep in the tub. After drying off I generously rubbed myself down with nice smelling, soft feeling creams, and lotion. I came back to finish my blob, and I can hardly stay awake, I even feel like my cold is better. I love my sweet children who give me so many things that I wouldn't spend the money on for myself. They make me feel like a queen sometimes. I don't mind that at all. When I am through posting this blog I am having myself a waffle with jelly, a piece of ham, a glass of orange juice, and a glass of water instead of a cup of coffee. It's too late in the day for coffee. I know that is a breakfast meal, but with this cold I have only wanted to eat light meals. I need to gain back some strength, but that will come slowly. I am just thankful to have a loving Father who has helped me manage the two weeks of sickness I've had. God is good all the time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 4, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Small Child Shall Lead Them"

Jean's Comment's: "A Small Child Shall Lead Them":                                       My Humpty Dumpty Hero. 1-4-2019 Perryton, TX Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall ...

"A Small Child Shall Lead Them"

                                      My Humpty Dumpty Hero. 1-4-2019 Perryton, TX

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the kings men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
together again.

But he kept the pieces
and made increases
in his strengthes
came back together after all.

Never, never give up on your falls. Wisdom, and strength comes from perseverance. Humpty Dumpty learned a great lesson from his fall. Don't ever sit on a wall again. Do your job, and be thankful for a new beginning. If you climb back on that wall you will just fall off again. Be wise, and keep the pieces, and work to increase the strength you once had. No one looks good sitting on a wall, and they surly are not useful in any way. Too bad some people have to sleep on the ground while they are increasing their strengthes. They need to seek something stronger than “The King's horses or the King's men to help put them back together again. A hero is one who fights like hell to stay off that fence when it seems like there is no other way to be happy. I am so proud of some of my hero's who have been put back together, and are being elevated to a new level every day. They did it on their own because they trusted God. God provided encouragement for them, and they accepted it. There is a solution to every problem, but it requires faith, and perseverance. Never just one's own expertise in sitting someone straight.

I cannot change the meaning of this subject, although it may sound like it should end. My blogs are only complete when I have written 500 words or more. Here comes the other 214 words. The old saying is a picture is worth more than a thousand words. I believe that, and that's why I always post a picture with my blog. I also trust God to help me with the assignments. Today I couldn't find a picture of anything that matched my thoughts so I told God I was about to give up. At that time I noticed I had forgotten to take the Humpty Dumpty Santa figure down when I put the decorations away. Instantly it struck me to use that small, child-like, popular story to illustrate my thoughts. Everyone has heard the fate of Humpty Dumpty as far back as I can remember. It never gets lost in the shuffle. Surely there must be a reason for that. By faith I have made this little fairy-like story sound important, and I hope someone gets something from it. I feel the old time teaching of Godly Ministers ringing in my ears more and more every day. I long to hear some of them again, but I believe it's never going to happen. America has buried herself too deeply into the pit to be dug out, I fear. I have lived a long life of teaching God's Word, and I am ready to pass it on to others.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 3, 2019

"Coming Home Can Be Depressing"

 The most dreaded part of coming home from vacation is unpacking 1-3-2019 Perryton, TX
I fussed, and fumed when I thought about packing two large suitcases, and several bags to get ready for a 10 day Christmas vacation. It seemed like I had a million things to remember to put in. After getting back home I find it is taking me a lot longer to unpack. After being home seven days I still haven't unpacked all my stuff. For some reason it seems like I always bring back more than I took. Since it was Christmas that is explainable. Plus I always take lots more than I need because I never know what kind of mood I will be in when I get ready to go somewhere. I truly plan to start unpacking tomorrow. I often realize when I'm finished unpacking I have left something in the motel room, or where ever I stayed. I have lost several sweaters, and shoes, because I never knew where I left them. Sometimes it's weeks before I miss them. Anyway I am always ready to go again when I get the chance.

It looks like we are going to have bad weather again, and I probably will be home all week end. I hope my content mood clicks in. It doesn't work for me as well as it used to. I am still very young at heart. So much of the time I'm just sitting in front of the television hoping someone will call, and invite me to go some where. Weekends in my small city can be very dull. However, I am contended if something good is on television. I consider myself a very blessed person. I do not have to please anyone or do any extra work to fix a meal. For many years I did not have it this easy. Widowed persons have some lonely times, but they also have some leisure times. Not only can I take as much time as I want to unpack my luggage, but I can also take the same measure to wash my dishes. I can cook me a good meal, or I can snack.

The Democrats took control of the House today. The fight has just begun. I believe God is going to have mercy on America, and restore our Christian values which have been demonized terribly. Women call themselves men, and men call themselves women. Poor little children have to be whatever their parents want them to be, and live a wounded life till they die. Can God ever forgive a country which has allowed this kind of ignorance to become laws in our land? America Is asking God for a lot, but I still have faith in his great love. America will be more like a jungle instead of the Paradise it used to be. He still will know the good from the bad, and will judge accordingly. Keep praying for our President, as he is fighting the largest giant ever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 3, 2019

"Coming Home Can Be Depressing"


I fussed, and fumed when I thought about packing two large suitcases, and several bags to get ready for a 10 day Christmas vacation. It seemed like I had a million things to remember to put in. After getting back home I find it is taking me a lot longer to unpack. After being home seven days I still haven't unpacked all my stuff. For some reason it seems like I always bring back more than I took. Since it was Christmas that is explainable. Plus I always take lots more than I need because I never know what kind of mood I will be in when I get ready to go somewhere. I truly plan to start unpacking tomorrow. I often realize when I'm finished unpacking I have left something in the motel room, or where ever I stayed. I have lost several sweaters, and shoes, because I never knew where I left them. Sometimes it's weeks before I miss them. Anyway I am always ready to go again when I get the chance.

It looks like we are going to have bad weather again, and I probably will be home all week end. I hope my content mood clicks in. It doesn't work for me as well as it used to. I am still very young at heart. So much of the time I'm just sitting in front of the television hoping someone will call, and invite me to go some where. Weekends in my small city can be very dull. However, I am contended if something good is on television. I consider myself a very blessed person. I do not have to please anyone or do any extra work to fix a meal. For many years I did not have it this easy. Widowed persons have some lonely times, but they also have some leisure times. Not only can I take as much time as I want to unpack my luggage, but I can also take the same measure to wash my dishes. I can cook me a good meal, or I can snack.

The Democrats took control of the House today. The fight has just begun. I believe God is going to have mercy on America, and restore our Christian values which have been demonized terribly. Women call themselves men, and men call themselves women. Poor little children have to be whatever their parents want them to be, and live a wounded life till they die. Can God ever forgive a country which has allowed this kind of ignorance to become laws in our land? America Is asking God for a lot, but I still have faith in his great love. America will be more like a jungle instead of the Paradise it used to be. He still will know the good from the bad, and will judge accordingly. Keep praying for our President, as he is fighting the largest giant ever.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

The most dreaded thing about coming home from vacation is unpacking. 1-3-2019 Perryton, TX


I fussed, and fumed when I thought about packing two large suitcases, and several bags to get ready for a 10 day Christmas vacation. It seemed like I had a million things to remember to put in. After getting back home I find it is taking me a lot longer to unpack. After being home seven days I still haven't unpacked all my stuff. For some reason it seems like I always bring back more than I took. Since it was Christmas that is explainable. Plus I always take lots more than I need because I never know what kind of mood I will be in when I get ready to go somewhere. I truly plan to start unpacking tomorrow. I often realize when I'm finished unpacking I have left something in the motel room, or where ever I stayed. I have lost several sweaters, and shoes, because I never knew where I left them. Sometimes it's weeks before I miss them. Anyway I am always ready to go again when I get the chance.

It looks like we are going to have bad weather again, and I probably will be home all week end. I hope my content mood clicks in. It doesn't work for me as well as it used to. I am still very young at heart. So much of the time I'm just sitting in front of the television hoping someone will call, and invite me to go some where. Weekends in my small city can be very dull. However, I am contended if something good is on television. I consider myself a very blessed person. I do not have to please anyone or do any extra work to fix a meal. For many years I did not have it this easy. Widowed persons have some lonely times, but they also have some leisure times. Not only can I take as much time as I want to unpack my luggage, but I can also take the same measure to wash my dishes. I can cook me a good meal, or I can snack.

The Democrats took control of the House today. The fight has just begun. I believe God is going to have mercy on America, and restore our Christian values which have been demonized terribly. Women call themselves men, and men call themselves women. Poor little children have to be whatever their parents want them to be, and live a wounded life till they die. Can God ever forgive a country which has allowed this kind of ignorance to become laws in our land? America Is asking God for a lot, but I still have faith in his great love. America will be more like a jungle instead of the Paradise it used to be. He still will know the good from the bad, and will judge accordingly. Keep praying for our President, as he is fighting the largest giant ever.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

The most dreaded thing about coming home from vacation is unpacking. 1-3-2019 Perryton, TX