Wednesday, January 16, 2019

"A Return To My Senior Family"

Got the sun behind the tree limb. Standing in my yard and the limb is on my heavenly tree. 1-16-2019 Perryton, TX

It's hard to believe that today is the middle of January, and the sun is so bright with tiny white clouds scattered about. I look to have an early spring, and a late freeze. That is what has happened the past two winters. The fruit trees bud out, then a freeze destroys the crop. If that happens this year I will have my trees all cut down. They are beginning to make my yard look like a jungle. The fruit these trees produce is very delicious, but if we can't have a decent winter then we need not care for the trees.

I was able to enjoy myself at the Center today. After four weeks of absence from that place I was almost feeling lost today. My Christmas vacation lasted two weeks, then when I returned home the virus that was going around hit me, and I missed another two weeks. I learned today that several of my friends caught that virus too. Another good friend had fallen, and broken her shoulder. Our Lord was with us all, and helped us to recover without too much permanent damage. Things are starting to look great again, and we have to give the glory to God. Sometimes it takes the storm clouds to make a rainbow. I love rainbows, but don't see them very often.

I'm trying to write this blog with my television blasting full blast behind me. I cannot miss a word of the exciting news. I am so sorry that my President, and some of his hero's can't hear me cheering for them. We are winning this battle against evil, and I have no mercy for those imp's who keep hindering the cause to protect our country. I'm afraid they are going to find out too late that they are just digging their grave deeper every day. The Master Demon has really got them fooled. It's hard to believe that our country has gotten this far into the war of no return until thousands upon thousands have fallen. I am so thankful I am serving the right Master, The one who has power over all creation. There is not enough money in this world to buy my assurance of that security. A time is coming when people will be trying to give their money away. They will finally learn that it takes more than money to buy peace, and happiness. God does prosper his faithful servants, but those who prospered because of greed, and desire of power, will beg to have their wealth disappear. It won't matter if they have given much to charity because usually that kind of giving is to benefit the need for more cash in the donor's hand. I truly believe God blesses His people with wealth, but only if they put Him first. I am so happy, and thankful, for what I have, because it is enough to make me satisfied. No luxury or money to spend without seriously thinking if it is really what I should do or not, but I have everything I need. God does provide for his children.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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