Sunday, January 13, 2019

"Later Is Better Than Never"

Today is the 15th  day since I came home from the Christmas Holiday's, and my luggage remains unpacked. 1-13-2019 Perryton, TX
As I posted yesterday I have been sick with a bad cold every since I came home from the Christmas Holiday's. I am getting better, but still don't feel strong enough to do much work. I posted a picture of my luggage that is still unpacked, and say to myself I will do it tomorrow. I have taken all my antibiotics. I am so much better, but just not 100 percent yet. After washing a sink full of dishes today, and making chicken, and dressing for dinner, I was so proud of myself. It just takes a lot of faith, and patience to kick this thing in the bud. My food is tasting better, and I am at about 50 percent of average servings. All the younger persons who had this crud went to the doctor immediately, and didn't hardly realize they were sick. Contrary to belief age is not always wisdom. Stubbornness sometimes trumps wisdom. But I'll never change because I am too old now. I feel well enough to send you all my love, and encourage you to keep looking to unpack the luggage tomorrow.

I definitely feel well enough to tell Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer what dirty rats I think they are. If they think they are smart, I've got news for them. I can't wait for President Trump to set a trap for them. What a fun day that will be. I believe that day is very near. The President has been more than patient with this pair, but he is not anybody's fool. He knows exactly what he is doing. I feel completely confident with the way the President is handling this situation. Saving America is his number one priority. Unifying America is his second priority. These two high priorities are the hardest to drag out of the swamp. The swamp has had these two Godly, fighter teams buried for many years. We can now see their heads rising above the sewer that claimed their worth far too long. The President has already accomplished a lot on getting the swamp cleaned. I have to give God praise, and glory every day for putting the right people in the oval office that He could depend on to throw all that trash into the pit. I believe it is a bottomless pit, and the President has plenty of space to finish the job. I am so proud to be a fighter in this clean-up job, and I do believe in a thorough finish. My few dollars, and many hours of morally supporting this President, will bring me great dividends in the end. I hope my readers will all join me in supporting this great President, and finish cleaning the swamp out of our government.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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