Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"I Am Better Today Than Yesterday"

Today is the first day I've seen the sun since I have been home from Christmas, 5 days ago. 1-1-2019 Perryton, TX

Perryton, Texas has had some very cold weather since Christmas. A lot of people have been sick, including me. I can't remember for sure when I've been sick from cold weather, but I know it's been years. I have been sick for a week, and still am not well. Today was the first day I've been out of the house since I came home. It is also the first time I've seen the sun. I was thrilled to see it, and snapped a picture before it went away. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the temperature is still just 22 degrees. The wind makes it seem colder. I could not wait any longer to go buy groceries, so I rushed by people without speaking. I bought two cans of germ spray, and gave my house a thorough spraying. I don't want anyone to come over and catch this awful cold. I expect another week before I will be completely over it. My system is full of juices, and cold medicine.

I failed to eat black eyed peas today. I didn't have any on hand, and I don't care about eating them alone anyway. I think it's just a fun thing to do instead of absolute. However, this is my first time to miss in many years. If I hadn't been sick I would have gone out with friends and ate black eyed peas. It's too late now because the first day of the New Year is almost over.

Although my body is sick, and I don't feel my best, I'm still happy, and have great plans for the future. I'm just anxious for spring to arrive. By the way, my cold is helping me lose some of the pounds I've gained over the holidays. I am happy about that. I am not excited about taking down Christmas decorations. My cold has caused me to put that off, and the longer I put it off the worse I dread doing it. Also I have missed over two weeks of attending the luncheons at Senior Citizens Center. I was gone 10 days, and have been shut inside my home since I've been back. It will be several more days before I can start back. I miss those luncheons a lot.

I am staying close to the television these days. Part of our government is shut down, and all of the jealous democrats, and some republicans, are willing to see the people suffer instead of seeing the President be successful. I cannot turn the other cheek to this one. I am asking God to use His whip on all who are too stupid to know that there is a God. They will soon be finding out who is bigger than they. I am more than ready for this battle to grow into a huge plague that will affect all selfish power seekers, and put Christ into our country again. We are still serving the same God that led the Israelite's out of Egypt's bondage. “Dear Lord please lead America out of bondage from evil Satanic followers, and let them drown in the flooded waters, whatever they may be.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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