Wednesday, January 2, 2019

"I Treasure Every Gift I Got On Jesus Birthday"

Part of my Christmas gifts this year. The small boxes in front contained cash. So thankful for all of them. 1-2-2019 Perryton, TX
What a great Christmas I had this year. I am so thankful to all who helped make it such a wonderful event. Every gift on the table was given in honor of Jesus, the Christ. Thank you Jesus for all those lovely gifts. Today is the first day since I've been home that I felt like putting Christmas stuff away. I have been sick with a bad cold, but am finally feeling mush better. Even a cold can't sap my victory. I feel so blessed, and am seeing my prayers answered every day. I hear some people say, well God don't answer my prayers. I say to them, put on your spiritual glasses, and you can see, lest you are unwilling to accept what God gives you. You must first be thankful for the little things before you can receive big, and better things. If we put on our spiritual glasses, the little things suddenly become much larger. I am thankful that I wake up every morning in my comfortable bed, instead of a hospital. I'm thankful that I can still proclaim the Gospel of Christ without being killed. I'm thankful that I know God forgives me of my sins every day. I'm thankful for His promise that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. The answer to these prayers are for everyone if they are true to God, and don't try to make a fool of Him. We have to remember we are only alive today because of the mercy of God. If anyone refuses to believe that, then it's possible they won't recognize God's blessing to them. The biggest mistake people make when asking God to help them is they lie thinking that will help. Sorry, but it don't work. Your sins will find you out no matter how smart you think you are. We must start at the bottom of our sinful life, and confess everything to God. He will them led us through His Word to victory over every problem. Yes, I'm saying every true believer will read Gods Word. Eat. drink, and be merry, then take advantage of God's pleasures. No person is without sin, therefore remember to ask God to forgive you for the sin you have committed each day that you may not be aware of. We cannot be perfect, but God tells us to strive to be perfect.

I have delivered my message today, and hopefully someone will be helped in some way by it. Again I'm thankful that God gave me these words to write. I ask Him to not let these words return to Him void. I hope everyone will have a Happy, and blessed New Year. As for me I will positively be such a one, because I will not let Satan rob me of my faith. May I hear an amen? I did hear you, and I will ask God to increase your faith.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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