Monday, January 21, 2019

"Not The Perfect Intent"

                                 Blood moon turning partly red. 1-21-2019 Perryton, TX

Last night I was so excited about getting a picture of the blood red moon. I had searched the internet trying to find out what time it would turn red over Perryton, Texas. One place said it would turn at 10 o'clock. That was just two hours after I posted the first picture of the beautiful golden moon so close to earth. At 10 o'clock I went out to see the red moon, but it had totally disappeared except for a tiny trace. I couldn't even get a picture of it. I went on the internet again and it said the moon would turn red at 10:30 p. m. I kept going out every few minutes for hours before it finally began to show again. It was like a half moon. At 1 o'clock I posted a picture of the full moon that was slowly turning red, but I decided to go to bed. It was 1:45 before I was ready for bed so I went out one last time to check. It was making a pretty picture, but not much red was showing. I took a shot of it, and this time I didn't go back. I am posting that last shot of the blood moon taken at 1:45 a. m. I was so disappointed, but didn't feel like staying up all night. I am feeling the effects of that wearisome night today. I must give up some of my exciting ventures, and act my age.

Today seems like another Sunday since it's Martin Luther King's birthday. A lot of businesses are closed, and I believe news is being held up on television because of the national holiday. A lot is in the making with our country since the government is partly shut down, and no hope of a compromise yet. The Liberals are determined to cause a much bigger crisis than what we already have. It's hard to believe how evil they have become. I have great faith in our President, and am positive he will win this war against good and evil. Many things that have been covered up for so long are going to be uncovered shortly. The Word of God says “be sure your sins will find you out.” Some times it takes a long time, but it will happen. It appears to me like God is allowing a silence to sweep the entire world, for which will change all at once to be the most deadly, and agonizing time that our country has ever known. Too many people don't believe in God, and too many that do believe, think He is only a God of love. My bible says God will not be mocked, neither will He allow His son to be trampled on. Mighty powerful words coming straight from God Almighty. I will seek to do God's will as long as I live. “Not my will, but Thine be done, sayeth the Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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