Tuesday, January 15, 2019

"A Summer Day A Configuration In The Sky"

               An ice cream cone I see in the sky. 1=15=2019 Perryton, TX

The sky was mysterious looking today. The entire globe was covered with white circles, stairways, rub board dirt removers, and ice cream cones. It made for an interesting movie as the clouds twirled, and new shapes were forming all around the sky. It was a very unusual full globe of white shapes of all kinds. The temperature was in the high sixties, with almost no wind. I didn't need a coat as I stood out for several minutes, just watching the clouds change their location like they were playing hop scotch.

I left Chuck's house for the beauty shop where I was made to look almost as unusual as the clouds. I think I like the change, but not sure. I think it would look prettier on someone else. Never the less it was a thrilling thirty minutes, and I left feeling a little more important. My flawed eye brow job that I did was the most unpleasant thing about my new hair do. Maybe I will post it later. I was in a hurry, and didn't expect to be taking any pictures of myself. Well, my eye brows are not the only flawed thing about me. I have far worse than that, but it just don't show as bad. Considering I have been sick for three weeks with a virus, I think I passed the death look.

I'm sorry to say I missed most of the confirmation hearing today on the nomination of Attorney General, William Barr. I was at work, but I did watch some while on my break, and I was impressed. I see God at work daily helping our country to bring back Christ into our society. I have no doubt but what the Christians will prevail. Tonight I will watch all the comments from those who are called upon for an opinion of the hearing. I already know what most of them are going to say. I feel like this confirmation will be over quickly, and William Barr will be the next Attorney General. He is 68 years old, and that makes him ripe with age to be perfect for this great countries next Attorney General. Things are becoming more favorable for the conservative party every day. I thank God for that.

I can't wait to be back at my favorite spot in Perryton tomorrow. It has been four weeks since I attended a luncheon at the Center. I hope people haven't forgotten me. Christmas vacation, then the virus have kept me away too long. So happy to be back to normal. The time has already started getting away from me. Everything is popping around here like pop corn. I have to keep the cover on my pot or there will be brains flying every where. I guess that's what viruses will do to you. My brains are not keeping up with my actions, and my actions are not agreeing with my brains. Funny things are good for the soul I hear.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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