Thursday, January 17, 2019

"One Of The Better Times In My Life"

Another special document I am proud of. Our Texas House Representative, Warren Chisum, gave my husband, and I, a Texas flag that had been flown at the Capital of the Sovereign State of Texas. The flag was delivered to the church where our children were honoring us on our 50th wedding anniversary. This framed Certificate was part of the gift. My husband, Charles Sharp, was a personal friend of State Representative, Warren Chisum. At one time they worked together. I would like to write the wording on this Certificate as I know it is not very clear to read from the picture.

                                       The State of Texas House of Representatives

                         This Certifies that the Texas Flag herewith presented to

Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Sharp
       Honoring Your
50th Wedding Anniversary

          Representative Warren Chisum

was flown at the Capital of the Sovereign State of Texas.

In witness thereof and pursuant tp the authority vested in me.
I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas.

this 29th ….day of January. ………………….A.D. XX 2000

signed Texas Representative Warren Chisum


I was reminded today that if my husband was still living we would have been married 69 years on February 2. He passed away six years ago day after tomorrow, January 19, 2013. Adding on my loving brother's birthday. This special brother helped me so much to endure my loss until six months later when I lost him on July 4th, 2013. I felt like I had a double whammy, but I still had my Lord, and He has helped me so much. My husband's death, my birthday, and our wedding anniversary are all within a two week period. I'm always glad to see January end. Not a day goes by that I don't shed tears, and think about my many deceased loved ones, and friends, but like a little child I usually let it go, and focus on something more encouraging. I have so many physical memories to review from time to time, but somehow it just adds to the pain. I am putting these four dates to rest after I finish this blog. My brother's birthday is the fourth one.

Tomorrow will be another day for me to relax and enjoy. I really need those kind of days, and I thank God for the privilege of having them often. I will again be sharing lunch with friends at the Center. What a blessing they are to me. They make me forget my troubles, and I'm sure they all have as many as I. I hope I can help them to forget theirs, even though none of us talk about our loses, and loneliness. We have learned to hide unpleasant things in our life. I will be waiting all week-end for good news on television since it can't possible get any worse. Surely there is an end to all this evil destruction with God's favorite people. How bad will it have to get before we see some Godly discipline? I hope sooner than later. As for now I am headed to the recliner for some encouraging news.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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