Saturday, January 19, 2019

"A Demand To Listen Up"

Waiting for the big announcement from the President about the border wall. and government shut down. 1-19-2019 Perryton, TX

I have been waiting all morning till 3 o'clock to hear the President's announcement about the government, and the border wall. That would be 2 o'clock my time, but now I am hearing it will be 4 o'clock before he speaks. I will have to wait another hour. Sometimes I feel like I am just a clock watcher. It's very hard for people to go on with a normal life when we know the country is in complete chaos. Almost every store I go in has to have an interpreter on hand. Almost every telephone call I make concerning business asks if I speak English press 1. I passed by one of our elementary schools a few days ago. It was having a recess. A long line of students were marching through the ground area. Possibly 50 or more. I was driving slow, and took careful notice of how many of the children were of the Hispanic race. I believe I would be safe to say less than 10 percent were white. I am opposed to this kind of change to our country. I am not a racist, but neither I am a person of allowing our country to be taken over by other races. I am for keeping, and obeying our laws only, and speaking only English if they want to live in America. I believe our constitution should remain as is, without any amendments proposed by Muslin's.

I just finished listening to the President giving his speech on opening the partially closed government. It was a very well balanced offer to the Democrats, and I firmly believe if accepted by them, our country will be on the road to recovery. I don't expect the Democrats to compromise at all since they are not for closing our borders. They are the reason we are in such crisis now. They are willing, and have allowed as recently as the last Congressional election, to let Muslin's be sworn in by using the Koran instead of the long traditional Holy Bible. It is totally up to the Democrats whether America will remain a sovereign country or become a battle ground till death for all. I am proud that we have a, never give-up, President who will fight for the American people till the end. He is totally willing to give every opportunity to the Democrats, but he will never tuck his tail and run. I will say that if this war we are engaged in now turns into a bloody battle ground, it will have been God's will. We definitely have God's man in the Oval Office. I also believe if this bill that Mitch McConnell will be presenting to the House next week does not pass, then that very possibly will be the last chance the Democrats have to save our country from the dreaded emergency crisis that the President will declare. If this happens, we will officially be in a Civil war. God is Lord of all. Amen.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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