Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"Sharing Sweetheart Thoughts"

             A cozy sweetheart seating arrangement at the Center. 1-23-2019 Perryton, TX

I am so looking forward to the Valentine Sweetheart party at the Center. I am still young at heart, and I have a sweetheart. It is a secret, but love that part of life. The dinning area at the center is decorated with Valentine reminders, and each table has a Valentine arrangement. I have always enjoyed Valentine banquets, and am positive we will have a great one again this year. All the years I was married I don't believe my husband ever missed a Valentine day without giving me a box of candy. That's partly why I enjoy Sweetheart Day so much.

Lunch today at the Center was good. As cold as it was several people still showed up. I took the picture I have posted because it is such a relaxing, and cozy place for sharing sweet talk. The valentine symbols hanging on the wall are suggestions of sweet talk only. Thank you ladies for decorating the dinning room so lovely. You light up my life so much,

As much as I love to talk about sweet things, I cannot be distracted long from the terrible condition of our great country. It's real, it's dangerous, and it's about to explode into a huge fire ball. I can't even write my blogs without listening to my television right behind me. At this time I'm hearing the President discuss the disgraceful denial from Speaker Polisi to allow The President to give the State Of The Union Address. It is being announced that this is the first time in the history of America that a President has been denied the right to give the State Of The Union Address. We wait from minute to minute to hear the next reckless threat from the liberal left. This is no longer exciting, It is scary. I pray that God will use His power to wipe out all this evil danger. I know God is long suffering, but I don't want to see any more blood shed because of ungodly people. This President has plenty of arms holding him up before the Throne of God, and we the American people will win this evil war, but why does it take so long? My faith is greater today than it was yesterday. We will not be denied. If I have to give my own life, I will trust God to make it easy on me. I believe in Him that much. We have some very wise, and God believing people on our side, and I will agree to let the evil left show their wisdom, and power. I know this is like going to the front lines with fire arms, but if it takes that, let it be so. It's time to end this threat against the Godly people who many have given their lives over the years to keep America A Christian Nation. Fight, fight, with all your might, and never give up.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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