Thursday, January 24, 2019

"Thank God For Light"

Lit the oil lamps to make sure they would be available if the power went off tonight. 1-24-2019 Perryton, TX
The weather has changed here within the last hour till it's unbelievable. When I got home from work I noticed a spot or two of snow around my porch, Just before I left work the sun was shinning, and it was only chilly outside. I live about 1 mile from my work. I hadn't lit my oil lamps in awhile so I checked to see if they were ready if I needed them. They both worked properly. I can remember when my parents had only oil lamps for all their light. We lived in the country, and electricity hadn't been wired to our place yet. We had several lamps so it wasn't really that much of a problem to see. Before I was grown electricity had been installed at our place, and we even got an electric fridge. Television was several years away yet, so radio was our only means of news outside our home. Only a few people had telephones, and those who did were blessed only a little more than those whom didn't. I say all of this, but yet I loved my childhood days. We were never without food or heat for our house Wood was plentiful since we lived on an acreage joining the creek. My dad went into town once a week to buy groceries, and oil for our lamps. We were blessed with fresh milk and butter from our cows. The chickens laid us fresh eggs every day. My dad butchered our own meat, and my mom canned from her garden, and orchard. Our storm shelter was also a place to store canned goods, and potatoes. We children rode the bus to school. What a wonderful childhood.

I am saying all of this to compare then with now. I am watching news while it is being said our country is in dire danger of becoming a hell hole. Our own people are disagreeing with each other, and putting us in a place of an all out war between ourselves. We can't just say forget all the jet-age stuff, and go back to old times. That is not even possible. What do we do? Just what our old time Christian parents taught us to do. When trouble comes upon us let us pray, and trust God to keep us safe. I am exercising that teaching every day, and I am one happy, contented person. I can endure whatever comes my way. Of course it takes a lot of faith in God, but thank God my parents taught me right. I hope I have encouraged someone today, because that is my only desire for living.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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